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A History

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 589
Velikost: 11,44 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-61168-353-0
Cena: 23.09 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 15:05


Written by one of Israel's most notable scholars, this volume provides a breathtaking history of Israel from the origins of the Zionist movement in the late nineteenth century to the present day. 

Organized chronologically, the volume explores the emergence of Zionism in Europe against the backdrop of relations among Jews, Arabs, and Turks, and the earliest pioneer settlements in Palestine under Ottoman rule. Weaving together political, social, and cultural developments in Palestine under the British mandate, Shapira creates a tapestry through which to understand the challenges of Israeli nation building, including mass immigration, shifting cultural norms, the politics of war and world diplomacy, and the creation of democratic institutions and a civil society. References to contemporary diaries, memoirs, and literature bring a human dimension to this narrative history of Israel from its declaration of independence in 1948 through successive decades of waging war, negotiating peace, and building a modern state with a vibrant society and culture. 

Based on archival sources and the most up-to-date scholarly research, this authoritative history is a must-read for anyone with a passionate interest in Israel. Israel: A History will be the gold standard in the field for years to come.

Slavné případy Interpolu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 261
Velikost: 414 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 15:02


Plodný mistr literatury faktu dovršil svou čtyřdílnou exkurzi do světa nejslavnějších policejních případů výběrem příběhů z kartoték Interpolu. A tak se čtenářům, po úspěšných sbírkách Scotland Yard zasahuje, Velké případy FBI a Pařížská SXuXreté pátrá, dostalo do rukou i devatenáct nejsledovanějších vyšetřování mezinárodní policie odhalující zločiny po celém světě. Čtenáře čeká, kromě napínavého vyprávění, i zajímavé prostředí z pěti kontinentů, na nichž se popisované zločiny udály.

Vraždy hollywoodských hvězd

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 232
Velikost: 369 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 14:58


Osm autentických příběhů zavádí čtenáře mezi americké filmové hvězdy, jejich aféry, skandály i smrt.
Kriminální případy hvězd amerického filmu od dob němého filmu až po současnost vypráví o vraždách i podivných úmrtích. Dozvíme se, jak skončil směšný tlouštík Fatty, komik němých filmů, z jakých peněz vzniklo americké město Las Vegas, podrobnosti o kruté smrti Sharon Tateové,manželky režiséra Polanského, stejně jako o osudu Marylin Monroe,a záhadné smrti Natalie Woodové. Autor ovládá dramatickou zápletku, kterou doplňuje detailem i atmosférou věhlasného místa děje.

Ukradli bohům smrt

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 164
Velikost: 260 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 14:56


Další Borovičkova knížka, která vychází ve známé ediční řadě Zločiny, které vešly do dějin. Spisovatel se na jejích stránkách pohybuje ve svém hájemství monologů soudců ale hlavně policistů, odhalujících přísně pravdivé výpovědi. Autorovo vyprávění je velice barvité a dramatické, protože je napsal sám život.

Smrt má v ruce skalpel

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 203
Velikost: 375 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 14:51


Kriminální případy, jež se skutečně staly. Hlavní roli v nich sehráli lékaři, neboť právě oni mají zdánlivě možnost spáchat příslovečnou dokonalou vraždu.

Pistolníci divokého Západu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 228
Velikost: 365 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 13:24


Skutečné životní příběhy revolverových hrdinů, kteří se zapsali do historie Divokého západu. Jací skutečně byli hrdinové jedné z kapitol americké historie? Jak žili a jak umírali?

Waffen-SS Panzers
Western Front

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 164
Velikost: 3,63 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 9.34 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 13:23


In June 1944, the Panzer divisions of the Waffen-SS were among the finest units in Hitler's army. With contemporary photographs and colour maps, this book tells the story of the battles they fought from Caen and Villers Bocage to Arnhem and the Ardennes.

The US Navy's Elite Fighting Force

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 255
Velikost: 10,91 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978 1 78096 077 7
Cena: 10.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 13:21


Since the US Navy SEALs came into existence in 1983, they have become famous for their daring missions, advanced and unconventional tactics, hard training and hard-fought successes. SEALs have taken part in numerous conflicts ranging from Grenada in 1983, the invasion of Panama and operations in Somalia, Bosnia, Haiti, and Liberia. Most recently, SEAL units have participated in the ongoing missions of Operation Enduring Freedom in the war in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom in the war in Iraq.

Now in paperback, this bestselling book from respected authors Mir Bahmanyar and Chris Osman offers readers a focus on modern combat operations between 1983 and 2006, examining various combat operations, the Navy SEAL training regimes, and the development of tactics and weapons. It includes first-hand accounts from SEALs on the ground, including revealing accounts from those currently involved in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is an eye-opening insight into the shadowy and mysterious world of the US Navy SEALs, guaranteed to appeal to anyone with an interest in modern military operations, current events, and even those interested in becoming a Navy SEAL.

Brave Newe World Revisited

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 100
Velikost: 335 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780795311697
Cena: 12.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 13:19


When the novel Brave New World first appeared in 1932, its shocking analysis of a scientific dictatorship seemed a projection into the remote future. Here, in one of the most important and fascinating books of his career, Aldous Huxley uses his tremendous knowledge of human relations to compare the modern-day world with his prophetic fantasy. He scrutinizes threats to humanity, such as overpopulation, propaganda, and chemical persuasion, and explains why we have found it virtually impossible to avoid them. Brave New World Revisited is a trenchant plea that humankind should educate itself for freedom before it is too late.

'Abe' Lincoln's Anecdotes and Stories

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 72
Velikost: 206 kB
Knižní žánr: ostatní
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 10:45


It was once said of Shakespeare that the great mind that conceived the tragedies of "Hamlet," "Macbeth," etc., would have lost its reason if it had not found vent in the sparkling humor of such comedies as "The Merry Wives of Windsor" and "The Comedy of Errors." The great strain on the min of Abraham Lincoln produced by four years of civil war might likewise have overcome his reason had it not found vent in the yarns and stories he constantly told. No more fun-loving or humor-loving man than Abraham Lincoln ever lived. He enjoyed a joke even when it was on himself, and probably, while he got his greatest enjoyment from telling stories, he had a keen appreciation of the humor in those that were told him.

The Travels of Sir John Mandeville

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 154
Velikost: 154 kB
Knižní žánr: cestopisy
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 31.12.2014, 10:40


The seventeenth-century writer Sir Thomas Browne declared that Sir John Mandeville was "the greatest liar of all time." The travel book attributed to Mandeville, which first appeared around 1371, was certainly one of the most popular books of the late Middle Ages (hundreds of medieval manuscript copies of it have survived to the present day), and it was definitely filled with bizarre fabrications. But Browne's assessment of Mandeville's character is undermined by the fact that Mandeville probably never existed.

The Travels of Sir John Mandeville described the travels of an English knight who left England around 1322 and journeyed throughout Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Persia, and Turkey. The stories that Mandeville returned with were fantastic, by any measure. He told of islands whose inhabitants had the bodies of humans but the heads of dogs, of a tribe whose only source of nourishment was the smell of apples, of a people the size of pygmies whose mouths were so small that they had to suck all their food through reeds, and of a race of one-eyed giants who ate only raw fish and raw meat. All of this fantasy was interwoven with other geographical descriptions that were perfectly accurate.

The authorship of Mandeville's Travels remains unknown. Historians cannot decide whether the author was French or English, though they agree that the book was originally composed in French. The character of Mandeville, as already indicated, was almost certainly fictitious. The name might have been adapted from an earlier French romance titled Mandevie that also involved a hero who embarked on an imaginary journey.

It is not clear how seriously medieval readers took Mandeville's stories. It is tempting to think that they must have recognized them as works of fiction, but it can be a mistake to project too much modern skepticism onto the medieval world. Medieval culture made sense of the world by viewing it through the lens of religious imagery and fantastic legends. So in this respect the book did offer a truth, of a kind, though not one that modern readers are likely to grasp.

The Case of Wagner, Nietzsche contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 76
Velikost: 144 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 25.09.2024, 13:29


The Case of Wagner is a book written by Friedrich Nietzsche that was first published in 1888. It has been dubbed "A Musician's Dilemma" and is also known as The Wagner Case in English. Friedrich Nietzsche's "Nietzsche contra Wagner" is a critical essay made of repeated portions from his previous works. It was composed during his final year of lucidity (1888-1889), although it was not published until 1895, six years following his mental breakdown. In this little piece, Nietzsche explains why he broke company with his former idol and friend, Richard Wagner. Wagner's opinions are attacked by Nietzsche, who expresses disillusionment and unhappiness with Wagner's life choices (such as his conversion to Christianity, perceived as a sign of weakness). Nietzsche assesses Wagner's tonal, musical, and aesthetic theory.

The New Orthodoxy

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 209
Velikost: 6,53 MB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4725-7112-0
Cena: 34.22 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:38


Scientism: The New Orthodoxy is a comprehensive philosophical overview of the question of scientism, discussing the role and place of science in the humanities, religion, and the social sciences.

Clarifying and defining the key terms in play in discussions of scientism, this collection identifies the dimensions that differentiate science from scientism. Leading scholars appraise the means available to science, covering the impact of the neurosciences and the new challenges it presents for the law and the self. Illustrating the effect of scientism on the social sciences, and the humanities, Scientism: the New Orthodoxy addresses what science is and what it is not. This provocative collection is an important contribution to the social sciences and the humanities in the 21st century.

Contributors include: Peter Hacker, Bastiaan van Fraassen, Daniel N. Robinson, Kenneth Schaffner, Roger Scruton, James K.A. Smith, Richard Swinburne, Lawrence Principe and Richard N. Williams.

Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 657
Velikost: 20,4 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-8160-4562-3
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:33


Known for its extraordinarily rich cultural legacy, the Roman Empire is one of the most studied periods of all history. Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire, Revised Edition provides comprehensive and interdisciplinary coverage of the people, place,s events, and ideas of this remarkable period. Spanning almost 500 years of turmoil and triumph, each of the nearly 2,000 entries has been reviewed and updated to fully reflect the most recent advances in archaeology, historical and literary criticism, and social analysis. New entries have been added on daily life, engineering, science, law, and the role of women in Roman society, among others. Complementing these historical essays are new photographs, maps, tables, and sidebars; new reading lists for major entries; a thoroughly updated bibliography; and a revised index.

Ian Baxter
Nazi Concentration Camp Commandants 1933-1945
Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 218
Velikost: 13,18 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781473846784
Cena: 15.39 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:27


Using many rare and unpublished images this book identifies and delves into the characters of the notorious men who were instrumental in one of the greatest crimes against humanity in World history.

Through words and pictures the chilling truth emerges. In many respects these monsters were all too normal. Rudolf Hess, the Commandant of Auschwitz, was a family man and hospitable host and yet while there is no record of his committing acts of violence personally he presided over a regime that accounted for over a million deaths. Others such as Amon Goeth and Josef Kramer personally promoted violence and terror and took pleasure from ever more brutal practices. They were competitive in obtaining ‘results’. While following orders from above they did not hesitate to use their own initiative in pursuit of their barbaric objectives.

Every occupied country in Europe was touched by the ‘Final Solution’ and despite the capture, trials and punishment of these leading perpetrators the stain of man’s inhumanity to man, woman and child remains ineradicable.

Justice came too late for millions but the lessons learnt must never be forgotten and this book throws new light on the managers of the murderous Holocaust process.

Doubt in Islamic Law
A History of Legal Maxims, Interpretation and Islam Criminal Law

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 596
Velikost: 1,83 MB
Knižní žánr: právo
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-107-08099-7
Cena: 31.34 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:13


This book considers an important and largely neglected area of Islamic law by exploring how medieval Muslim jurists resolved criminal cases that could not be proven beyond a doubt. Intisar A. Rabb calls into question a controversial popular notion about Islamic law today, which is that Islamic law is a divine legal tradition that has little room for discretion or doubt, particularly in Islamic criminal law. Despite its contemporary popularity, that notion turns out to have been far outside the mainstream of Islamic law for most of its history. Instead of rejecting doubt, medieval Muslim scholars largely embraced it. In fact, they used doubt to enlarge their own power and to construct Islamic criminal law itself. Through a close examination of legal, historical, and theological sources, and a range of illustrative case studies, this book shows that Muslim jurists developed a highly sophisticated and regulated system for dealing with Islam's unique concept of doubt, which evolved from the seventh to the sixteenth century.

The Battle for Japan, 1944-45

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 718
Velikost: 6,68 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-307-26864-8
Cena: 15.04 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:11


By the summer of 1944 it was clear that Japan's defeat was inevitable, but how the drive to victory would be achieved remained unclear. The ensuing drama—that ended in Japan's utter devastation—was acted out across the vast theater of Asia in massive clashes between army, air, and naval forces.

In recounting these extraordinary events, Max Hastings draws incisive portraits of MacArthur, Mao, Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, and other key figures of the war in the East. But he is equally adept in his portrayals of the ordinary soldiers and sailors caught in the bloodiest of campaigns.

With its piercing and convincing analysis, Retribution is a brilliant telling of an epic conflict from a master military historian at the height of his powers.

Memories of a Nation

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 480
Velikost: 16,78 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 11.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:09


For the past 140 years, Germany has been the central power in continental Europe. Twenty-five years ago a new German state came into being. How much do we really understand this new Germany, and how do its people now understand themselves?

Neil MacGregor argues that uniquely for any European country, no coherent, over-arching narrative of Germany's history can be constructed, for in Germany both geography and history have always been unstable. Its frontiers have constantly floated. Königsberg, home to the greatest German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, is now Kaliningrad, Russia; Strasbourg, in whose cathedral Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Germany's greatest writer, discovered the distinctiveness of his country's art and history, now lies within the borders of France. For most of the five hundred years covered by this book Germany has been composed of many separate political units, each with a distinct history. And any comfortable national story Germans might have told themselves before 1914 was destroyed by the events of the following thirty years.

German history may be inherently fragmented, but it contains a large number of widely shared memories, awarenesses and experiences; examining some of these is the purpose of this book. Beginning with the fifteenth-century invention of modern printing by Gutenberg, MacGregor chooses objects and ideas, people and places which still resonate in the new Germany - porcelain from Dresden and rubble from its ruins, Bauhaus design and the German sausage, the crown of Charlemagne and the gates of Buchenwald - to show us something of its collective imagination. There has never been a book about Germany quite like it.

Neil MacGregor has been Director of the British Museum since August 2002. He was Director of the National Gallery in London from 1987 to 2002. His previous books include A History of the World in 100 Objects and Shakespeare's Restless World, now between them translated into more than a dozen languages.

John Grehan, Martin Mace
Capital Ships at War 1939-1945

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 217
Velikost: 908 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781473837577
Cena: 21.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:04


Dispatches in this volume include those relating to the sinking of the German battleship Graf Spee in the Battle of the River Plate in 1939, the loss of the battleships HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse in the Far East, the sinking of the German battle cruiser Scharnhorst in 1943, the attack on Tirpitz by midget submarines, the contribution by British Pacific Fleet to the assault on Okinawa in 1945 (which included four Royal Navy battleships), and the sinking of Bismarck in 1941.

This unique collection of original documents will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in what was one of the most significant periods in British military history.

History of the Great War

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 465
Velikost: 581 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 0.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 18:02


"Self-interest was the dominant note of the years immediately preceding the outbreak of the Great War. In economics and in politics, among individuals, social classes, and nations, flourished a self-interest that tended more and more to degenerate into mere cynical selfishness... There was no international organization. There was no general authority for the determination of disputes and for the regulation of world interests. There were at the opening of the twentieth century some fifty states, in theory absolutely independent, sovereign, and equal. In fact, the fifty were very unequal and even the strongest among them was not strong enough to maintain its independence should the others unite against it. Yet each proceeded to act on the assumption in most cases that it was self-sufficient and that its own self-interest was its supreme guide." - Carlton J. H. Hayes

The German Generals Talk
Startling Revelations from Hitler's High Command

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 188
Velikost: 1,19 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 19.12.2014, 16:37


The German Generals who survived Hitler's Reich talk over World War II with Capt. Liddell Hart, noted British miltary strategist and writer. They speak as professional soldiers to a man they know and respect. For the first time, answers are revealed to many questions raised during the war. Was Hitler the genius of strategy he seemed to be at first? Why did his Generals never overthrow him? Why did Hitler allow the Dunkirk evacuation?

Current interest, of course, focuses on the German Generals' opinion of the Red Army as a fighting force. What did the Russians look like from the German side? How did we look? And what are the advantages and disadvantages under which dictator-controlled armies fight?

In vivid, non-technical language, Capt. Liddell Hart reports these interviews and evaluates the vital military lessons of World War II.

The Afghan War
Operation Enduring Freedom 2001-2014

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 81
Velikost: 6,44 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978 178303 020 0
Cena: 19.79 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 11.12.2014, 00:05


Drugs, war and terrorism were the unholy trinity that brought the US-led air campaign crashing down on the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in October 2001 in Operation Enduring Freedom, and this photographic history is a graphic introduction to it. 

The immediate aim was to eject the Taliban from power, and to capture or kill the al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his supporters whom the Taliban were sheltering. The decade-long war that followed, first against the Taliban regime, then against Taliban insurgents, is one of the most controversial conflicts of recent times. 

It has also seen the deployment of thousands of coalition troops and a huge range of modern military equipment, and these are the main focus of Anthony Tucker-Jones’s account. He covers the entire course of the conflict, from the initial air war, the battle for the White Mountains and Tora Bora, the defeat of the Taliban, the escape of bin Laden and the grim protracted security campaign that followed – an asymmetrical war of guerrilla tactics and improvised explosive devices that is going on today.

Christa Steinby
Rome Versus Carthage
The War at Sea

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 233
Velikost: 759 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978 1 84415 919 2
Cena: 21.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 11.12.2014, 00:02


The epic struggle between Carthage and Rome, two of the superpowers of the ancient world, is most famous for land battles in Italy, on the Iberian peninsula and in North Africa. But warfare at sea, which played a vital role in the First and Second Punic Wars, rarely receives the attention it deserves. And it is the monumental clashes of the Carthaginian and Roman fleets in the Mediterranean that are the focus of Christa Steinby's absorbing study. She exploits new evidence, including the latest archaeological discoveries, and she looks afresh at the ancient sources and quotes extensively from them. In particular she shows how the Romans' seafaring tradition and their skill, determination and resourcefulness eventually gave them a decisive advantage. In doing so, she overturns the myths and misunderstandings that have tend to distort our understanding of Roman naval warfare.

Human Capitalism
How Economic Growth Has Made Us Smarter - and More Unequal

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 109
Velikost: 258 kB
Knižní žánr: ekonomie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-691-15732-0
Cena: 15.62 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 10.12.2014, 23:59


What explains the growing class divide between the well educated and everybody else? Noted author Brink Lindsey, a senior scholar at the Kauffman Foundation, argues that it's because economic expansion is creating an increasingly complex world in which only a minority with the right knowledge and skills--the right "human capital"--reap the majority of the economic rewards. The complexity of today's economy is not only making these lucky elites richer--it is also making them smarter. As the economy makes ever-greater demands on their minds, the successful are making ever-greater investments in education and other ways of increasing their human capital, expanding their cognitive skills and leading them to still higher levels of success. But unfortunately, even as the rich are securely riding this virtuous cycle, the poor are trapped in a vicious one, as a lack of human capital leads to family breakdown, unemployment, dysfunction, and further erosion of knowledge and skills. In this brief, clear, and forthright eBook original, Lindsey shows how economic growth is creating unprecedented levels of human capital--and suggests how the huge benefits of this development can be spread beyond those who are already enjoying its rewards.

Marcus Aurelius
A Biography

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 337
Velikost: 5,02 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-203-13759-0
Cena: 38.19 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 10.12.2014, 23:55


Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher-emperor who ruled the Roman Empire between AD 161 and 180, is one of the best recorded individuals from antiquity. Even his face became more than usually familiar: the imperial coinage displayed his portrait for over 40 years, from the clean-shaven young heir of Antonius to the war-weary, heavily bearded ruler who died at his post in his late fifties.
His correspondence with his tutor Fronto, and even more the private notebook he kept for his last ten years, the Meditations, provides a unique series of vivid and revealing glimpses into the character and peoccupations of this emporer who spent many years in terrible wars against northern tribes.

In this accessible and scholarly study, Professor Birley paints a portrait of an emporer who was human and just - an embodiment of the pagan virtues of Rome.

Catherine Elliott, Frances Quinn
Criminal Law

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 493
Velikost: 7,25 MB
Knižní žánr: právo
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-292-01553-8
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 10.12.2014, 23:53


Criminal Law clearly sets out the key topics your students will need to understand, unpicking the relevant case and statute law, whilst discussing the issues and academic debates that inevitably arise from this contentious area of law. The authors also provide criticism of the current law as well as discussion around reform.

SS Himmler's Black Order 1923-45

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 158
Velikost: 28,66 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0 7509 4050 6
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 10.12.2014, 23:50


The book covers in detail the origins, development and organization of both Waffen-SS and the Allgemeine-SS, as well as the little known story of the Germanic-SS, staffed by foreigners in Western Europe.

Mary Stuart

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 372
Velikost: 496 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978 1 906548 74 2
Cena: 10.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 10.12.2014, 23:35


Mary Stuart Queen of Scots, Queen of France and a claimant to the throne of England, was condemned for treason and executed at the age of forty-four. A potential threat to the stability of the English Crown, she was held captive for twenty years by her cousin Elizabeth I, Queen of England. From the moment of her birth until her execution, her life was spent embroiled in the power struggles that shook the foundations of Renaissance Europe.

It has taken the free spirit and the immense talent of Stefan Zweig to justly reconstruct events in the life of a woman who was so cruelly united with destiny. With all the rigor of a scientist and the passion of an artist, Zweig has skillfully reconstituted the character of Mary Stuart and the turmoil that was her fate.

A History of War in 100 Battles

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 371
Velikost: 6,78 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-19-939071-7
Cena: 14.39 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 10.12.2014, 23:32


A history of warfare distilled into 100 momentous battles – epic moments that have shaped our world.

From the earliest recorded skirmishes of the ancient world to the computerized conflicts of today, renowned military historian Richard Overy dramatically brings to life the sights and sounds of the most significant battles in world history: the flash of steel, the thunder of guns, the shrieks of the dying, and the strange, eerie calm that descends on the bloodstained battlefield when the fighting is done.

Each of the 100 battles featured in the book – from the Fall of Troy to Operation Desert Storm – shows how the nature of armed combat has changed as technology, strategy and tactics have evolved over time.

Yet, equally strikingly, the outcome of almost all the battles across the ages have been decided by the same mix of leadership, courage, deception, innovation and, time and again, a moment of good fortune. Rather than arranged chronologically, the battles are organized under these different themes to reveal surprising connections across centuries and cultures.

In Richard Overy’s own words, ‘Battle is not a game to plug into a computer but a piece of living history: messy, bloody and real.’ Whatever else has changed over the last few millennia, that much remains the same.

Husitská epopej I
1400-1415 Za časů krále Václava IV.

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 641
Velikost: 1,13 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 299.00 CZK
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 10.12.2014, 00:54


Několikadílná sága vypráví o událostech slavné i pohnuté doby 15. století v Českém království. Historicky věrně popisované události tvoří kulisu čtivého a napínavého příběhu rozvětvené rodiny Prokopů, jejíž příslušníky postaví neúprosný osud proti sobě. První díl se odehrává v letech 1400 až 1415. V té době se rodina Prokopů rozdělí, část se usazuje v Praze, zbytek zůstává v rodných jižních Čechách. Kniha popisuje život na dvoře krále Václava, prostředí pražské univerzity, mládí Jana Žižky, bitvu u Grunwaldu a také počátky reformačního hnutí a upálení Mistra Jana Husa.

Zobrazeno: 1551-1580 z celkem 3515 záznamů     

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