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Tim Ripley (GBR)

(2025 let)

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Tim Ripley is a prolific author of books on military and defence subjects. Recent titles have covered modern conflicts, historical subjects and military technology.

He has examined the wars in the former Yugoslavia in Air War Bosnia (Airlife 1996), Operation Deliberate Force (CDISS 1999)and Conflict in the Balkans 1991-2000 (Osprey 2001). Other confict studies include Security Forces in Northern Ireland 1969-92 (Osprey 1993) and Desert Storm Special: Land Power (Osprey 1991)

Military technology was profiled in Bombs Gone! Aircraft Ordnance in Action (1994), Modern Strike Aircraft (Salamander 1992), Modern US Army weapons and Equipment (1992), Jane's Modern Military Helicopters (Harper Collins 1997).

The grim details of frontline combat were the subject of Bayonet Battle (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1999), The Whites of their Eyes(Sidgwick & Jackson 1998) and Mercenaries: Soldiers of Fortune(1997).

World War Two German military history has become a specialty of Tim Ripley. His Steel Storm: Waffen-SS Panzer Battles on the Eastern Front 1943-45, (Sutton, 2000) and Steel Rain: Waffen-SS Panzer Battles on the Western Front 1944-45 (Brown 2001) received critical acclaim. Wehrmacht (Fitzroy), is due to published in the spring 2002 and Elite Units of the Third Reich was published later in 2002. Patton Unleashed (Brown Reference Group) which chronicles the relentless advance across France by the US Third Army led by the famous General George Patton was published in 2003. Tim's newest book Air War Iraq (Pen & Sword) profiles the role of air power in the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.


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