
Životopis autora


Anthony Richard Birley (GBR)

* 08.10.1937 (87 let)

Anthony Richard Birley (born 8 October 1937) was the Professor of Ancient History at University of Manchester (1974–1990) and at University of Düsseldorf (1990–2002). He is the son of the archaeologist Eric Birley, who bought the house next to Vindolanda where Anthony and his brother Robin began to excavate the site. They have both taken part in many of the excavations there, and Robin now runs them. He was educated at Clifton College, 1950–1955; Magdalen College, Oxford, 1956–1963 (Classics, Litt. Humaniores): BA,1st cl. Hons., 1960.


Garrison Life at Vindolanda: A Band of Brothers, Stroud: Tempus, (2002)
Marcus Aurelius: A Biography, London: Routledge, (1993)
Hadrian: The Restless Emperor, London: Routledge, (2004)
Septimius Severus: The African Emperor, London: Routledge, (2004)
The Roman Government of Britain (2005)
The People of Roman Britain (1992)
Life in Roman Britain (1976)
The Fasti of Roman Britain (1981)
Imperial Rome with drawings by the artist Alan Sorrell London: Lutterworth Press (1970)



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