
Životopis autora


Matthew Bunson (USA)

* 00.00.1966 (59 let)

Matthew Bunson (b. 1966) is an American author of more than fifty books, a historian, professor, editor, Catholic theologian, and Senior Correspondent for Our Sunday Visitor, the largest Catholic publisher in the United States.

He is the author of the books Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire and Pope Francis, the first English-language biography of Pope Francis in 2013.

Bunson has a B.A. in history, two masters degrees with specializations in theology and Church history, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation.

He earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation, and also holds a B.A. in History, an M.A. in Theology, and a Master of Divinity degree. He is presently working toward a Ph.D. in Church History from the Graduate Theological Foundation.

He is on the faculty of the Catholic Distance University where he teaches Church History, including Catholic-Islamic relations and Medieval and American Catholic History.

He is the Senior Fellow of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.

Bunson is active in Catholic radio and hosts his own radio program, "Faithworks," for the Redeemer Radio network in Indiana. Bunson is a frequent guest on National Catholic radio programs, including Al Kresta, the Son Rise Morning Show, Drew Mariani, andTeresa Tomeo, and has appeared on the television networks Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, NBC News, CBS Radio, the BBC, and Channel 24 in Europe.

He has served as the general editor of Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Almanac since 1997 and The Catholic Answer since 2010.

He has served as a consultant for USA Today on Catholic matters. 

He lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana.


He is an author of more than 50 books, including:

Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire
The Encyclopedia of Catholic History
The Encyclopedia of Saints
All Shall Be Well
Papal Wisdom
The Pope Encyclopedia



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