


Zobrazeno: 1191-1220 z celkem 3508 záznamů     

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Brian Duignan
Medieval Philosophy
From 500 to 1500 CE

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 143
Velikost: 20,6 MB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-61530-244-4
Cena: 33.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 23.12.2015, 02:08


The burgeoning of Christianity throughout Europe saw an attendant transformation in the field of philosophy. The philosophers of the Middle Ages endeavored to reconcile two seemingly incompatible concepts: religion and reason. While both ultimately involve belief in something, their approaches differ radically. By drawing extensively from the work of their predecessors, like Plato and Aristotle, medieval philosophers were able to find logical bases for their theological beliefs, thus using rationality to better comprehend their faith. This fascinating volume looks at the individuals who pioneered these new schools of thought and their lasting effects on our understanding of the nature of reality.

Charles Darwin
Destroyer of Myths

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 385
Velikost: 1,75 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-62873-725-7
Cena: 2.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 20:28


In this dense volume, biographer Norman (Adolf Hitler: The Final Analysis) outlines Darwin’s life in accordance with the scientific observations, academic inquiries, and philosophical debates that defined his revolutionary intellect. Emphasis is placed on the organization of information rather than Norman’s own interpretation, with short chapters focusing on specific, self-contained topics, which cover issues from the “marital equation” and “freedom of thought” to Darwin’s lifelong “mysterious illness.” The principal players tell their own story, and Darwin’s traits as a “meticulous observer” and holder of a “hyperactive mind” emerge largely through block quotations derived from primary sources, narrated and contextualized by Norman’s guiding asides and comments. Norman employs multiple approaches to organization within each chapter, sometimes presenting numbered points or question/answer segments, laced with short biographical sketches of affiliated figures including John Locke and Galileo Galilei, among others. The book sometimes reads like a collection of lecture notes, but its form also enables clear presentation of the material, making it. an extremely handy reference for preliminary research on Darwin’s life, career, and key relationships. With contextual inquiries into religious perspectives, scientific developments, and the posthumous misrepresentation of Darwinian ideas, this rich perspective is an excellent introduction to the breadth of Darwin’s achievements.

Warsaw 1944
Hitler, Himmler, and the Warsaw Uprising

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 643
Velikost: 2,4 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781466848474
Cena: 11.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 20:27


In 1943, the Nazis liquidated Warsaw's Jewish ghetto. A year later, they threatened to complete the city's destruction by deporting its remaining residents. A sophisticated and cosmopolitan community a thousand years old was facing its final days―and then opportunity struck. As Soviet soldiers turned back the Nazi invasion of Russia and began pressing west, the underground Polish Home Army decided to act. Taking advantage of German disarray and seeking to forestall the absorption of their country into the Soviet empire, they chose to liberate the city of Warsaw for themselves. 
Warsaw 1944 tells the story of this brave, and errant, calculation. For more than sixty days, the Polish fighters took over large parts of the city and held off the SS's most brutal forces. But in the end, their efforts were doomed. Scorned by Stalin and unable to win significant support from the Western Allies, the Polish Home Army was left to face the full fury of Hitler, Himmler, and the SS. The crackdown that followed was among the most brutal episodes of history's most brutal war, and the celebrated historian Alexandra Richie depicts this tragedy in riveting detail. Using a rich trove of primary sources, Richie relates the terrible experiences of individuals who fought in the uprising and perished in it. Her clear-eyed narrative reveals the fraught choices and complex legacy of some of World War II's most unsung heroes.

Leningrad 1943
Inside a City Under Siege

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 211
Velikost: 747 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780857735027
Cena: 18.76 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 20:24


Unique eyewitness account of one of the most crucial battles of World War II from the only British correspondent in Leningrad at the time.

The 900-day German siege of Leningrad is the most powerful testimony to the immeasurable cruelty and horror of World War II. As the sole British correspondent to have been in the city during the blockade, Alexander Werth presents a harrowing firsthand account of the savagery and destruction wrought by the Nazis against the civilian population of the city. His writing evokes compelling images of terror—the bombing of children’s hospitals, mass starvation and cannibalism—with rich and well-informed firsthand accounts and commentary on the internal politics of Soviet party chiefs, soldiers and civilian resistance fighters. Both an authoritative historical document and a journalistic narrative of the overwhelming sadness, grief and futility of 20th century warfare, this is an invaluable look at one of the greatest losses of human life in recorded history.

'Alexander Werth was one of the greatest war correspondents of the Second World War and his descriptions of Leningrad under siege are as powerful today as when they were first published.'
Antony Beevor

Alexander Werth (1901-1969) was a Russian-born British writer and war journalist. He was the BBC’s correspondent in the Soviet Union from 1941-1945, and the Moscow correspondent for the Guardian from 1946-1949. He was one of the first outsiders to be allowed into Stalingrad after the battle, and wrote several books describing his experiences.

The End of History and the Last Man

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 446
Velikost: 6,16 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-02-910975-2
Cena: 20.60 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 17:59


With the fall of Berlin Wall in 1989 the threat of the Cold War which had dominated the second half of the twentieth century vanished. And with it the West looked to the future with optimism but renewed uncertainty.

The End of History and the Last Man was the first book to offer a picture of what the new century would look like. Boldly outlining the challenges and problems to face modern liberal democracies, Frances Fukuyama examined what had just happened and then speculated what was going to come next.

Tackling religious fundamentalism, politics, scientific progress, ethical codes and war, The End of History and the Last Man remains a compelling work to this day, provoking argument and debate among its readers.

'Awesome . . . a landmark . . . profoundly realistic and important . . . supremely timely and cogent . . . the first book to fully fathom the depth and range of the changes now sweeping through the world' George Gilder, The Washington Post

Francis Fukuyama was born in Chicago in 1952. His work includes America at the Crossroads:Democracy, Power, and the Neoconservative Legacy and After the Neo Cons: Where the Right went Wrong. He now lives in Washington D.C. with his wife and children, where he also works as a part time photographer.

A Cultural History of Physics

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 65
Velikost: 3,42 MB
Knižní žánr: fyzika
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-56881-329-5
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 17:58


While the physical sciences are a continuously evolving source of technology and of understanding about our world, they have become so specialized and rely on so much prerequisite knowledge that for many people today the divide between the sciences and the humanities seems even greater than it was when C. P. Snow delivered his famous 1959 lecture, "The Two Cultures."

In A Cultural History of Physics, Hungarian scientist and educator Károly Simonyi succeeds in bridging this chasm by describing the experimental methods and theoretical interpretations that created scientific knowledge, from ancient times to the present day, within the cultural environment in which it was formed. Unlike any other work of its kind, Simonyi’s seminal opus explores the interplay of science and the humanities to convey the wonder and excitement of scientific development throughout the ages.

These pages contain an abundance of excerpts from original resources, a wide array of clear and straightforward explanations, and an astonishing wealth of insight, revealing the historical progress of science and inviting readers into a dialogue with the great scientific minds that shaped our current understanding of physics.

Beautifully illustrated, accurate in its scientific content and broad in its historical and cultural perspective, this book will be a valuable reference for scholars and an inspiration to aspiring scientists and humanists who believe that science is an integral part of our culture.

Katherine Reece
The Persians
Warriors of the Ancient World

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 49
Velikost: 9,42 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 1-59515-238-5
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 17:57


Explores the Persian's importance, place in history, and major contributions to society.

Hamdi A. Hassan
The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait
Religion, Identity and Otherness in the Analysis of War and Conflict

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 285
Velikost: 6,59 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-7453-1416-3
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 17:55


Focusing on the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, Hamdi Hassan offers a balanced examination of the motivation of the Iraqi polity and the conditions which accelerated and facilitated the decision to invade. Critical of the traditional approach of most Middle East studies, The Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait offers a counterpoint to Western interpretations of this key event in the contemporary history of the Middle East.

Hassan examines how Saddam Hussein assessed and responded to American and Israeli intentions after the invasion, the reaction of other Arab states, and the unprecedented grassroots support for the Iraqi leadership. In this context, the author examines the social structure of Iraqi society – families, clans and regional alliances – and the importance of Ba’athism. Hassan also examines the political structure of the country, relating the identity of Arabism – the religion and language which is associated closely with the Pan Arabist ideals – to Iraqi foreign policy.


    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 166
Velikost: 11,52 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978 1 84884 069 0
Cena: 2.19 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 12:46


Alcibiades is one of the most famous (or infamous) characters of Classical Greece. A young Athenian aristocrat, he came to prominence during the Peloponnesian War (429-404 BC) between Sparta and Athens. Flamboyant, charismatic (and wealthy), this close associate of Socrates persuaded the Athenians to attempt to stand up to the Spartans on land as part of an alliance he was instrumental in bringing together. Although this led to defeat at the Battle of Mantinea in 418 BC, his prestige remained high. He was also a prime mover in Athens' next big strategic gambit, the Sicilian Expedition of 415 BC, for which he was elected as one of the leaders. Shortly after arrival in Sicily, however, he was recalled to face charges of sacrilege allegedly committed during his pre-expedition reveling. Jumping ship on the return journey, he defected to the Spartans. Alcibiades soon ingratiated himself with the Spartans, encouraging them to aid the Sicilians (ultimately resulting in the utter destruction of the Athenian expedition) and to keep year-round pressure on the Athenians. He then seems to have overstepped the bounds of hospitality by sleeping with the Spartan queen and was soon on the run again. He then played a devious and dangerous game of shifting loyalties between Sparta, Athens and Persia. He had a hand in engineering the overthrow of democracy at Athens in favor of an oligarchy, which allowed him to return from exile, though he then opposed the increasingly-extreme excesses of that regime. For a time he looked to have restored Athens' fortunes in the war, but went into exile again after being held responsible for the defeat of one of his subordinates in a naval battle. This time he took refuge with the Persians, but as they were now allied to the Spartans, the cuckolded King Agis of Sparta was able to arrange his assassination by Persian agents. There has been no full length biography of this colorful and important character for twenty years. Professor Rhodes brings the authority of an internationally recognized expert in the field, ensuring that this will be a truly significant addition to the literature on Classical Greece.

Filip Slaveski
The Soviet Occupation of Germany
Hunger, Mass Violence, and the Struggle for Peace, 1945-1947

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 185
Velikost: 1,2 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-107-04381-7
Cena: 47.29 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 12:44


This is a major new account of the Soviet occupation of postwar Germany and the beginning of the Cold War. Dr Filip Slaveski shows how in the immediate aftermath of war the Red Army command struggled to contain the violence of soldiers against German civilians and, at the same time, feed and rebuild the country. This task was then assumed by the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SVAG) which was established to impose order on this chaos. Its attempt, however, intensified the battle for resources and power among competing occupation organs, especially SVAG and the army, which spilled over from threats and sabotage into fighting and shootouts in the streets. At times, such conflicts threatened to paralyse occupation governance, leaving armed troops, liberated POWs and slave labourers free to roam. SVAG's successes in reducing the violence and reconstructing eastern Germany were a remarkable achievement in the chaotic aftermath of war.

Offers a fresh take on the Soviet occupation of postwar Germany and the beginning of the Cold War
Challenges traditional accounts of the occupation period
Based on research from newly declassified archival documents

Edward E. Cohen
Athenian Prostitution
The Business of Sex

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 265
Velikost: 4,8 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978–0–19–027592–1
Cena: 49.49 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 12:35


Athenian Prostitution is a pioneering study that examines the sale of sex in classical Athens from a commercial, rather than from a cultural or moral, perspective.

Brian L. Cutler
Encyclopedia of Psychology & Law

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 947
Velikost: 7,2 MB
Knižní žánr: atlasy, slovníky a encyklopedie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4129-5189-0
Cena: 418.00 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 12:34


The interdisciplinary field of psychology and law appeals to students, psychological scientists, psychologist practitioners, and members of the legal and public policy professions, such as lawyers, judges, lawmakers, and other administrators of justice. This young field of research and practice is noted for its intellectual diversity, as it draws on all of the traditional sub-disciplines of psychology and on various domains of law, legal practice, and public policy. Although this diversity is in many respects a very desirable feature, it creates many challenges as well. In particular, the breadth of research and practice contributes to a dearth of comprehensive reference sources and makes it difficult for individual students, scientists, and practitioners to keep current with the growing knowledge base outside of their individual areas of expertise.

The Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law addresses research and practice at the interface of psychology and law. It surveys the traditional subdisciplines of psychology: cognitive; developmental; social; clinical; biological; and industrial-organizational psychology.

Published as two volumes and consisting of approximately 350 to 400 entries (1,000 printed pages), theEncyclopedia provides an authoritative and comprehensive A-to-Z list of topics in psychology and law of interest to students, scientists and practitioners. Entries vary in length from 1,000 to 3,000 words, are written in clear and concise language, and are designed to inform without overwhelming the reader.

Entries are organized with the use of a reader's guide, which will contain such categories as criminal behavior and Treatment, juvenile offenders, eyewitness memory, forensic assessment and diagnosis, and trial processes.

A History of Rome under the Emperors

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 660
Velikost: 3,01 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-203-97908-7
Cena: 39.96 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 12:32


An authoritative survey of four centuries of Roman history, and a window on the German tradition of the 1800s. Theodor Mommsen (d. 1903) was one of the great Roman historians of the 19th century, and the only one ever to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. His fame rests on his History of Rome as well as his work on Roman law and on the Roman provinces. But the work that would have concluded his history of Rome - which ran to the reign of Augustus - was never completed. This book represents that lost work. In 1980 Alexander Demandt discovered in an antiquarian bookshop a full and detailed handwritten transcript of the lectures on the Roman Empire, which Mommsen gave for many years from 1863 to 1886, made by two of his students. This transcript has been edited to provide the authoritative reconstruction of the book Mommsen never wrote.

Vernon J. Geberth
Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation
Practical and Clinical Perspectives

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 874
Velikost: 18,81 MB
Knižní žánr: forenzní disciplíny
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-8493-1281-7
Cena: 46.87 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 12:23


Remember: Do it right the first time. You only get one chance.

―Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., 1980, Homicide and Forensic Consultant, Author of Practical Homicide Investigation®, and the Series Editor of Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations.

In Practical Homicide Investigation, renowned author and investigator Vernon J. Geberth provided thousands of law enforcement professionals with invaluable techniques for investigation of sudden and violent death. Now he shares his practical and clinical expertise related to the unique characteristics of sex-related homicide and death investigations.

Renowned for being THE definitive source on these types of cases, this volume has been revised and expanded to provide additional case histories to emphasize the essential procedures and techniques on which to build a solid, prosecutable case.

This comprehensive volume is an incredible compilation that exhausts the subject. Vern's remarkable experience and unmatched expertise have given him unparalleled insight into the investigation of sexually deviant crimes and the psyche of those who perpetrate violent sex related crimes.

―Michigan Assistant Attorney General Donna Pendergast

Sex-Related Homicide and Death Investigation is truly a chronicle of practical and clinical case studies, combined with invaluable investigative guidelines, that takes the reader to another level of knowledge in this unique field. It represents an accomplishment that no other author has yet achieved.

― Legendary criminal profiler Robert K. Ressler, commenting on the First Edition

In typical Vernon Geberth style, we do not merely read of sexual murder…We are thrust into the horror…transported to the crime scene. We live it, smell it, experience it and feel it.

The Greek World

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 637
Velikost: 10,65 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-203-04216-6
Cena: 44.95 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 11:51


Studying from the Mycenean to the late Hellenistic period, this work includes new articles by twenty-seven specialists of ancient Greece, and presents an examination of the Greek cultures of mainland Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt and Italy.

With the chapters sharing the theme of social history, this fascinating book focuses on women, the poor, and the slaves – all traditionally seen as beyond the margins of powerand includes the study of figures who were on the literal margins of the Greek world.

Bringing to the forefront the research into areas previously thought of as marginal, Anton Powell sheds new light on vital topics and authors who are central to the study of Greek culture.

Plato’s reforms are illuminated through a consideration of his impatient and revolutionary attitude to women, and Powell also examines how the most potent symbol of central Greek history – the Parthenon – can be understood as a political symbol when viewed with the knowledge of the cosmetic techniques used by classical Athenian women.

The Greek World is a stimulating and enlightening interaction of social and political history, comprehensive, and unique to boot, students will undoubtedly benefit from the insight and knowledge it imparts.

Hledání svatého grálu 3

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 360
Velikost: 1,9 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 80-86508-59-5
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 02:45


Thomas z Hooktonu je zkušeným a odvážným lučištníkem anglického krále Eduarda ve stoleté válce mezi Anglií a Francií, což z něho udělalo přirozeného vůdce. Ve třetím dílu trilogie o hledání svatého grálu (první díl vyšel pod názvem Lučištník a druhý jako Inkvizitor) je Thomas vyslán v čele menšího oddílu do Gaskoňska, aby se zmocnil hradu Castillon d'Arbizon. Doprovází ho také sir Guillaume, známý z předchozích dílů, a Robbie Douglas, mladý skotský zajatec, jenž byl dočasně propuštěn a stává se Thomasovým druhem. Gaskoňsko je domovem Thomasových předků, kteří kdysi sídlili na hradě Astarac, ale také se tam pohybuje černý rytíř Guy Vexille, brutální vrah Thomasova otce. Navíc je Astarac místo, kde byl kdysi podle pověstí ukrýván svatý grál. Na hradě Castillon d'Arbizon, nachází Thomas dívku Genevieve, která byla inkvizicí odsouzena za kacířství k upálení. Thomas však odmítne Genevieve vydat na smrt, církev ho exkomunikuje, stává se psancem a spolu s Genevieve musí uprchnout i před vlastními lidmi. V cisterciáckém klášteře se Thomas dozvídá nové věci o grálu, a je i svědkem dalšího zločinu černého rytíře Guye Vexilla. Řízením osudu se Thomas vrací ke svým druhům v Castillon d'Arbizon, a svede zde krvavý boj proti obléhatelům, mezi nimiž je i Guy Vexille. Děj končí Thomasovým návratem do rozvalin Hooktonu, kde dojde k nečekanému a symbolickému rozuzlení tajemství grálu.

Hledání svatého grálu 2

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 417
Velikost: 2,18 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 80-86508-57-9
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 02:44


Kniha navazuje na děj Lučištníka, (první díl trilogie Hledání svatého grálu), v němž se mladý lučištník Thomas vydává do Francie pomstít smrt svých blízkých, zúčastní se prvních bitev stoleté války a osud mu přiřkne úkol najít svatý grál. Děj Inkvizitora začíná rokem 1347. Svatý grál se snaží nalézt celá Evropa. Mnozí pochybují, zda vůbec existuje, ale nikdo nechce připustit, aby se nejvzácnější relikvie křesťanstva zmocnil nepřítel. To vše vede k tomu, že se Thomas ocitne ve vražedném závodě s do-minikánským inkvizitorem a také Guyem de Vexille, tajemným černým jezdcem, který zabil Thomasova otce. Zdá se, že Thomas má před svými soupeři výhodu. Jeho otec mu odkázal tajemnou knihu s poznámkami, které potvrzují existenci grálu a nabízejí klíč k tomu, kde může být relikvie ukryta. Jeho rivalové, hnáni fanatickým náboženským zápalem, však mají také svůj trumf - inkviziční mučírnu. Thomas se snaží rozluštit zašifrované stránky v knize, aby našel cestu ke grálu, ale ty ho vedou k jeho nepřátelům. Později nachází útočiště v Bretani u Jeanette, hraběnky z Armoriky, s níž se už setkal během svého dřívějšího pobytu ve Francii. Osud mu však nedopřeje odpočinku a vrhá ho do nejkrvavějšího boje stoleté války, do bitvy o La Roche-Derrien. A zde, uprostřed plamenů, šípů a zabíjení, se znovu ocitá tváří v tvář svým nepřátelům.

Hledání svatého grálu 1

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 411
Velikost: 2,12 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 80-86508-42-0
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 02:29


Brutální nájezd neznámých ozbrojenců, kteří se v roce 1342 vylodili na anglickém pobřeží a vypálili poklidnou vesnici Hookton, přežije pouze mladý lučištník jménem Thomas. Tento syn místního pastora přísahá umírajícímu otci, že vrátí do Hooktonu posvátnou relikvii uloupenou nájezdníky a bude až na konec světa pronásledovat černě oděného rytíře, zloděje a otcova vraha. To je začátek cesty, která zavede Thomase z Hooktonu do Francie, kde bojuje ve službách svého krále Eduarda III., zamiluje se do krásné bretaňské vdovy a po dobrodružství s ní je nucen prchat před Francouzi i Angličany, až ho vrtkavý osud přivede do situace, kdy se milenci stanou nepřáteli a nepřátelé spojenci. Nakonec se Thomas vrací do anglického vojska a v jeho řadách se zúčastní první velké bitvy v rozvíjející se stoleté válce - bitvy u Kresčaku, v níž padl i slepý český král Jan Lucemburský. Thomasovo předsevzetí pomstít otcovu smrt a získat zpět posvátnou relikvii však osud změní v mnohem obtížnější a vyšší úkol: najít svatý grál. Lučištník je první kniha ze série Hledání svatého grálu, v níž Bernard Cornwell zamýšlí vylíčit alespoň část z války, která od roku 1337 s různou intenzitou pustošila západní Evropu a později dostala název válka stoletá.


    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 377
Velikost: 2,25 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7381-575-2
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2015, 02:26


Román Bernarda Cornwella popisuje okolnosti, které vedly k jedné z nejdůležitějších a také nejkrvavějších bitev stoleté války mezi Anglií a Francií, i bitvu samotnou. Došlo k ní 25. října 1415 v den sv. Kryšpína mezi severofrancouzskými vesnicemi Azincourt a Tramecourt. Anglický král Jindřich V. zde na hlavu porazil mnohem početnější vojsko francouzského krále Karla VI., když nově využil bojových schopností svých lučištníků. Vítězství u Azincourtu zajistilo nadlouho anglickou nadvládu nad severní Francií.

Téma bitvy u Azincourtu později básnicky zpracoval William Shakespeare ve hře Jindřich V.

The Korean War 1950-1953

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 95
Velikost: 5,95 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 1 84176 282 2
Cena: 10.99 USD
Přečteno: ANO (11.02.2025)
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 23:32


The Korean War was a significant turning point in the Cold War. This book explains how the conflict in a small peninsula in East Asia had a tremendous impact on the entire international system and the balance of power between the two superpowers, America and Russia. Through the conflict, the West demonstrated its resolve to thwart Communist aggression and the armed forces of China, the Soviet Union and the United States came into direct combat for the only time during the Cold War.

A Concise Biography

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 152
Velikost: 1,89 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-19-026271-6
Cena: 8.24 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 23:30


This book provides a concise, lively, up-to-date portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte's character and career, including his most important battles, while situating him firmly in historical context.

David Bell emphasizes the astonishing sense of human possibility - for both good and ill - that Napoleon represented. By his late twenties, Napoleon was already one of the greatest generals in European history. At thirty, he had become absolute master of Europe's most powerful country. In his early forties, he ruled a European empire more powerful than any since Rome, fighting wars that changed the shape of the continent and brought death to millions. Then everything collapsed, leading him to spend his last years in miserable exile in the South Atlantic. 

Bell underlines the importance of the French Revolution of 1789 in understanding Napoleon's career. It was the Revolution that made possible the unprecedented concentration of political authority that Napoleon developed, as well as his unprecedented success in mobilizing human and material resources. The Revolution gave birth to the radically new, intense form of warfare that Napoleon later practiced. Without the political changes brought about by the Revolution, Napoleon could not have fought his wars. Without the wars, he could not have seized and held onto power. He did betray much of the Revolution's heritage of liberty and equality, and ruled as a virtual dictator. But his life and career were, nonetheless, revolutionary.

Marcus Aurelius
A Life

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 721
Velikost: 5,26 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-306-81830-1
Cena: 2.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 23:29


Marcus Aurelius (121–180 AD) is one of the great figures of antiquity who still speaks to us today, more than two thousand years after his death. HisMeditations has been compared by John Stuart Mill to the Sermon on the Mount. A guide to how we should live, it remains one of the most widely read books from the classical world.But Marcus Aurelius was much more than a philosopher. As emperor he stabilized the empire, issued numerous reform edicts, and defended the borders with success. His life itself represented the fulfillment of Plato’s famous dictum that mankind will prosper only when philosophers are rulers and rulers philosophers.

Frank McLynn’s Marcus Aurelius, based on all available original sources, is the definitive and most vivid biography to date of this monumental historical figure

The First World War
Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914-1918

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 497
Velikost: 3,52 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4725-0885-0
Cena: 34.01 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 23:28


This book draws on ten years of archival research to provide the first comprehensive treatment in English of how Germany and Austria-Hungary conducted World War I and what defeat meant to them.


    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 381
Velikost: 12,53 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 13.19 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 23:25


A definitive and fascinating introduction to the life, ideas, and impact of the founder of Islam. Maxime Robinson's Muhammad has long been regarded as one of the touchstones of scholarship on the founder of Islam. Thirty years after first being published in English, it remains the definitive introduction to the Prophet's life. Drawing on wide-ranging scholarship and imaginative insight into the Prophet's personality, family, background, and wider society, Rodinson's Muhammad offers a vivid account of how he spread the word of Islam, created a sect and state, and defeated his enemies, establishing the first great Muslim military power—a power which was soon to control territory stretching all the way from the Pyrenees to the borders of China. For anyone who wants to understand the historical roots of one of the world's great religions, Rodinson'sMuhammad provides the ideal guide to a fascinating and timely subject.

Zygmunt Bauman, Carlo Bordoni
State of Crisis

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 158
Velikost: 407 kB
Knižní žánr: sociologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-7456-8529-8
Cena: 23.98 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 23:21


Today we hear much talk of crisis and comparisons are often made with the Great Depression of the 1930s, but there is a crucial difference that sets our current malaise apart from the 1930s: today we no longer trust in the capacity of the state to resolve the crisis and to chart a new way forward. In our increasingly globalized world, states have been stripped of much of their power to shape the course of events. Many of our problems are globally produced but the volume of power at the disposal of individual nation-states is simply not sufficient to cope with the problems they face. This divorce between power and politics produces a new kind of paralysis. It undermines the political agency that is needed to tackle the crisis and it saps citizens’ belief that governments can deliver on their promises. The impotence of governments goes hand in hand with the growing cynicism and distrust of citizens. Hence the current crisis is at once a crisis of agency, a crisis of representative democracy and a crisis of the sovereignty of the state.

In this book the world-renowned sociologist Zygmunt Bauman and fellow traveller Carlo Bordoni explore the social and political dimensions of the current crisis. While this crisis has been greatly exacerbated by the turmoil following the financial crisis of 2007-8, Bauman and Bordoni argue that the crisis facing Western societies is rooted in a much more profound series of transformations that stretch back further in time and are producing long-lasting effects.

This highly original analysis of our current predicament by two of the world’s leading social thinkers will be of interest to a wide readership.

Salman Rushdie
The Satanic Verses

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 514
Velikost: 2,28 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-307-36776-1
Cena: 6.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 23:18


One of the most controversial and acclaimed novels ever written, The Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie’s best-known and most galvanizing book. Set in a modern world filled with both mayhem and miracles, the story begins with a bang: the terrorist bombing of a London-bound jet in midflight. Two Indian actors of opposing sensibilities fall to earth, transformed into living symbols of what is angelic and evil. This is just the initial act in a magnificent odyssey that seamlessly merges the actual with the imagined. A book whose importance is eclipsed only by its quality, The Satanic Verses is a key work of our times.

The Teutonic Knights
A Military History

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 313
Velikost: 3 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781783031009
Cena: 7.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 22:57


The Teutonic knights were powerful and ferocious advocates of holy war. Their history is suffused with crusading, campaigning and struggle. Feared by their enemies but respected by medieval Christendom, the knights and their Order maintained a firm hold over the Baltic and northern Germany and established a formidable regime which flourished across central Europe for 300 years. This book surveys the gripping history of the knights and relates their rise to power; their struggles against Prussian pagans; the series of wars against Poland and Lithuania; the clash with Alexander Nevsky's Russia; and the gradual stagnation of the Order in the fourteenth century. The book is replete with dramatic episodes - such as the battle on frozen Lake Peipus in 1242, or the disaster of Tannenberg - but focuses primarily on the year-after-year struggle to maintain power, fend off incursions and raiding bands, and to launch crusades against unbelieving foes. And it was the crusade, with knights demonstrating their valor, which chiefly characterized and breathed life into this militant, conquering Holy Order. The narrative charts the rise and fall of the Order, and, in an accessible and engaging style, throws light on a band of knights whose deeds and motives have long been misunderstood.

The Black Death

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 400
Velikost: 3,48 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978–0–571–28711–6
Cena: 1.09 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 22:54


A series of natural disasters in the Orient during the fourteenth century caused the most devastating period of death and destruction in European history. One third of the people in Europe were killed over a period of just three years, and there was social and economic upheaval on an unparalleled scale. Philip Ziegler’s acclaimed overview of this critical event synthesises the records of contemporary chroniclers and the work of later historians in a masterly volume. His accessible and readable style is complemented with contemporary illustrations to present the full horror and destruction wreaked by this disease and its contribution to the disintegration of an age.

The Irish Revolution

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 293
Velikost: 730 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-315-81341-7
Cena: 41.20 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 00:24


This concise study of Ireland’s revolutionary years charts the demise of the home rule movement and the rise of militant nationalism that led eventually to the partition of Ireland and independence for southern Ireland. The book provides a clear chronology of events but also adopts a thematic approach to ensure that the role of women and labour are examined, in addition to the principal political and military developments during the period. Incorporating the most recent literature on the period, it provides a good introduction to some of the most controversial debates on the subject, including the extent of sectarianism, the nature of violence and the motivation of guerrilla fighters.

The supplementary documents have been chosen carefully to provide a wide-ranging perspective of political views, including those of constitutional nationalists, republicans, unionists, the British government and the labour movement. The Irish Revolution 1916-1923 is ideal for students and interested readers at all levels, providing a diverse range of primary sources and the tools to unlock them.

Julius Caesar

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 331
Velikost: 1,92 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4165-6588-8
Cena: 20.51 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 00:21


More than two thousand years after his death, Julius Caesar remains one of the great figures of history. He shaped Rome for generations, and his name became a synonym for "emperor" -- not only in Rome but as far away as Germany and Russia. He is best known as the general who defeated the Gauls and doubled the size of Rome's territories. But, as Philip Freeman describes in this fascinating new biography, Caesar was also a brilliant orator, an accomplished writer, a skilled politician, and much more. 

Julius Caesar was a complex man, both hero and villain. He possessed great courage, ambition, honor, and vanity. Born into a noble family that had long been in decline, he advanced his career cunningly, beginning as a priest and eventually becoming Rome's leading general. He made alliances with his rivals and then discarded them when it suited him. He was a spokesman for the ordinary people of Rome, who rallied around him time and again, but he profited enormously from his conquests and lived opulently. Eventually he was murdered in one of the most famous assassinations in history. 

Caesar's contemporaries included some of Rome's most famous figures, from the generals Marius, Sulla, and Pompey to the orator and legislator Cicero as well as the young politicians Mark Antony and Octavius (later Caesar Augustus). Caesar's legendary romance with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra still fascinates us today. 

In this splendid biography, Freeman presents Caesar in all his dimensions and contradictions. With remarkable clarity and brevity, Freeman shows how Caesar dominated a newly powerful Rome and shaped its destiny. This book will captivate readers discovering Caesar and ancient Rome for the first time as well as those who have a deep interest in the classical world.

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