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Marie Coleman (IRL)

(2025 let)

Marie Coleman is a graduate of University College Dublin.  She has worked previously in the National Library of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy (on theDictionary of Irish Biography), the University of Limerick, University College Dublin (where she held a Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2001–3) and the National University of Ireland, Galway.  She joined Queen’s in September 2004. She is a committee-member of the Economic and Social History Society of Ireland,  the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies, and a  member of the Royal Irish Academy's National Committee for Historical Sciences. She was joint recipient of a QUB Team Teaching Award in 2013.

Her principal research interests are in twentieth-century Irish history, especially the Irish revolution.  She has recently completed a history of the Irish hospitals’ sweepstake lottery (1930-87), which examines the role of gambling in Ireland and the financing and development of Irish hospitals in the twentieth century, and is currently working on the history of Irish military service pensions.


The Irish Revolution, 1916-1923 (Routledge: Seminar Studies in History, 2013)
The Irish Sweep: A history of the Irish Hospitals Sweepstake, 1930-1987 (Dublin: UCD Press, 2009)
County Longford and the Irish Revolution, 1910–1923 (Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 2003).



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