Alexandra Richie (2025 let)
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Dr. Alexandra Richie was born in Victoria, BC and attended St. Michaels University School from 1979 to 1981 on a BCTV scholarship. She was one of the first girls to graduate from the school. Alex attended the University of Victoria and continued on to Oxford where she completed a DPhil at St. Antony's College.
After graduating she worked for the Boston Consulting Group based in London, specializing in the restructuring of industry in the ex-Communist areas of central and eastern Europe. In 1992, she returned to Oxford as a Fellow of Wolfson College where she taught politics and history of central and eastern Europe.
Alex's first book Faust's Metropolis: A History of Berlin was named one of the ten top books of the year by Publisher's Weekly. In August 2014 her second book, Warsaw 1944 became the number one bestselling book in Poland and won the Newsweek Teresa Torańska Prize for Best-Non Fiction 2014. Alex lives with her husband Władysław Bartoszewski and their two daughters. She divides her time between the U.K., Canada and Poland where she is Visiting Professor of History at the Collegium Civitas - an English speaking University in Warsaw. Alex has given lectures internationally at the Oxford University, the National World War II Museum in New Orleans and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. She has also contributed to many documentaries and radio and television programs.
