The Assassination of Heydrich
Hitler's Hangman and the Czech Resistance     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 99
Velikost: 655 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 5.49 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 00:19
| Anotace: "Jan Wiener's fascinating, well-documented book tells of the heroic exploits of various Czech men and women, most of whom paid for their resistance with their lives. Above all it gives a detailed , documented account of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, the most gruesome of the Nazi murderers, by Czech resisters parachuted from London but aided in their task by the Czech underground." William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich If you only read one book about what it felt like to be present during the worst time in modern human history, a time when your life could be snuffed out for having the mere thought of opposition against the Nazi regime, this should be the book because it is told by survivors and by one of the greatest survivors of them all, Jan Wiener.
The Battle of Midway
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 448
Velikost: 1,84 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-19-539793-2 Cena: 11.95 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 00:16
| Anotace: There are few moments in American history in which the course of events tipped so suddenly and so dramatically as at the Battle of Midway. At dawn of June 4, 1942, a rampaging Japanese navy ruled the Pacific. By sunset, their vaunted carrier force (the Kido Butai) had been sunk and their grip on the Pacific had been loosened forever.
In this absolutely riveting account of a key moment in the history of World War II, one of America's leading naval historians, Craig L. Symonds paints an unforgettable portrait of ingenuity, courage, and sacrifice. Symonds begins with the arrival of Admiral Chester A. Nimitz at Pearl Harbor after the devastating Japanese attack, and describes the key events leading to the climactic battle, including both Coral Sea--the first battle in history against opposing carrier forces--and Jimmy Doolittle's daring raid of Tokyo. He focuses throughout on the people involved, offering telling portraits of Admirals Nimitz, Halsey, Spruance and numerous other Americans, as well as the leading Japanese figures, including the poker-loving Admiral Yamamoto. Indeed, Symonds sheds much light on the aspects of Japanese culture--such as their single-minded devotion to combat, which led to poorly armored planes and inadequate fire-safety measures on their ships--that contributed to their defeat. The author's account of the battle itself is masterful, weaving together the many disparate threads of attack--attacks which failed in the early going--that ultimately created a five-minute window in which three of the four Japanese carriers were mortally wounded, changing the course of the Pacific war in an eye-blink.
Symonds is the first historian to argue that the victory at Midway was not simply a matter of luck, pointing out that Nimitz had equal forces, superior intelligence, and the element of surprise. Nimitz had a strong hand, Symonds concludes, and he rightly expected to win.
F. W. Burleigh
It's All About Muhammad
A Biography of the World's Most Notorious Prophet     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 532
Velikost: 1,72 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-9960469-0-9 Cena: 6.53 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 00:14
| Anotace: Why all the car bombs, beheadings, and mass murders in the Middle East? Why the relentless killing of non-Muslims throughout the world by the followers of Muhammad's religion? People blame verses of the Koran, but it's not about the Koran. It's about the man who composed the Koran.
Author F. W. Burleigh draws on an academic, investigative, and literary background to bring forth this penetrating look at the man behind it all. Burleigh’s interest in Islam was sparked by the events of 9/11. The questions guiding his studies were, “Why do Muslims do what they do? Why is there so much violence connected with this religion?” After a line-by-line scrutiny of 20,000 pages of the original literature of Islam, the author gives his blunt assessment in the title: It’s All About Muhammad
The book contains 25 stunning illustrations and is divided into three parts: The Cave, The Twilight Zone, and Darkness at Noon. The first 12 chapters explore the epileptic fits that convinced Muhammad that he was in communion with God, explain the Koran and why he composed it the way he did, and show the humble origin of the Kabah, which only attained its cubic shape in the year A.D. 605 with Muhammad as a member of the construction crew. The book shows the magma chamber of hatred that formed in him due to traumatic early-life experience and tracks the emergence of his psychopathic nature. It exposes how he modified ideas he took from Judaism and Christianity to suit his grandiose idea of himself as the "last and final prophet," his intolerance of Meccan polytheistic beliefs, and finally his declaration of war against "all and sundry" who refused to accept him and his religion.
In the second part, Muhammad's magma chamber of hatred erupts on the world. The book shows the creation of his al-qaeda--his base of operations in Yathrib (Medina) where he fled after the Meccans decided they had to kill him to preserve their way of life, his conflict with the Jewish tribes of Yathrib after they refused to accept him as their prophet; his genocide of the Jews including the beheading of the men of an entire tribe; the assassination of his critics; the battles and raids and orgies of rape, plunder, and slaughter; and finally his conquest of Mecca. Like a dramatic arc, these 18 chapters form Act II of a script that is still being played out today.
In the final part, Muhammad's ruthless conquest of all of Arabia is presented. This section also gives an account of his numerous wives and the expansion of his wars beyond the confines of the Arabian peninsula. One of the final chapters explores his claim that he will be the first to be resurrected on the day of resurrection and that he will assist Allah in determining who goes to heaven and who stays in hell--part of the "breathtaking nonsense" of what Muhammad claimed about himself, as the author phrases it.
What Muhammad created continues to wreak havoc on the world. It follows the script he wrote fourteen centuries ago. It is not sufficient any longer merely to raise the alarm about Islam--an ideology of submission to the will of a psychologically deformed and spiritually grotesque man. What needs to accompany the alarm is a solution, and this book offers a solution: It is a matter of an aggressive, relentless, and unapologetic exposure of the truth about Muhammad in every graphic form possible, from illustrated books to docudramas to full-length feature films. With its 25 illustrations, It's All About Muhammad offers itself as an example of the approach.
The truth about Muhammad is a powerful weapon of self-defense that people must take up to oppose and ultimately push back what he created. The truth about him can bring an end to what he created, and it is a weapon within the reach of everyone.
A History of Ancient Egypt
From the First Farmers to the Great Pyramid     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 410
Velikost: 2,46 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-250-03010-8 Cena: 11.21 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 00:12
| Anotace: The ancient world comes to life in the first volume in a two book series on the history of Egypt, spanning the first farmers to the construction of the pyramids. Famed archaeologist John Romer draws on a lifetime of research to tell one history's greatest stories; how, over more than a thousand years, a society of farmers created a rich, vivid world where one of the most astounding of all human-made landmarks, the Great Pyramid, was built. Immersing the reader in the Egypt of the past, Romer examines and challenges the long-held theories about what archaeological finds mean and what stories they tell about how the Egyptians lived. More than just an account of one of the most fascinating periods of history, this engrossing book asks readers to take a step back and question what they've learned about Egypt in the past. Fans of Stacy Schiff's Cleopatra and history buffs will be captivated by this re-telling of Egyptian history, written by one of the top Egyptologists in the world.
History of the Byzantine Empire
Volume 1     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 430
Velikost: 848 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-299-00923-6 Cena: 15.49 GPB Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.12.2015, 00:10
| Anotace: This is the revised English translation from the original work in Russian of the history of the Great Byzantine Empire. It is the most complete and thorough work on this subject. From it we get a wonderful panorama of the events and developments of the struggles of early Christianity, both western and eastern, with all of its remains of the wonderful productions of art, architecture, and learning. Southwestern Journal of Theology
Život Mohameda     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 90
Velikost: 2,21 MB
Knižní žánr: religionistika a teologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978‒80‒88089‒10‒0 Cena: 69.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 22:19
| Anotace: Mohamedův život je impozantní příběh. Byl sirotkem, který vyrostl v chudobě, aby se nakonec stal vládcem celé Arábie. Vytvořil nové náboženství, přišel s novým způsobem vedení války a ustavil nový politický systém včetně jeho zákonů – šaríe. Mohamed se stal největším světovým válečníkem. V dnešní době nikdo nevede válku ve jménu Caesara, Alexandra Velikého, Napoleona ani jiného vojevůdce. Každý rok však zemře mnoho lidí právě kvůli Mohamedovi. Islám je po 1 400 letech své existence silnější, než kdy předtím. Sám Mohamed tvrdil, že jednoho dne se bude jeho zákony řídit celý svět.
K tomu, abyste porozuměli islámu, musíte znát život Mohameda. Podstatou islámu není samotné uctívání Alláha, ale uctívání Alláha přesně tím způsobem, jakým to dělal Mohamed. Tato kniha je jedinečná v tom, že je stručná, ale přitom směrodatná a důvěryhodná. Obsahuje systém odkazů na původní zdroje, který vám umožňuje si všechna uvedená tvrzení nezávisle ověřit.
Půlnoční slunce
Krev na sněhu II     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 160
Velikost: 608 kB
Knižní žánr: detektivky
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7473-388-8 Cena: 249.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 21:21
| Anotace: Opět sedmdesátá léta minulého století, tentokrát však na dalekém severu Norska. Opuštěná vesnice Kasund kdesi ve Finnmarce, jejíž obyvatelé jsou příslušníky laestadiánského hnutí, které jejich životy svazuje přísnými pravidly. Desetiletý Knut a jeho krásná, čerstvě ovdovělá matka Lea, zastávající funkci kostelníka a zvoníka, nedostudovaný teolog Mattis a šamanka Anita. Záhadný cizinec Ulf, který tvrdí, že sem přijel z Osla na lov bělokurů, ale na lovce vůbec nevypadá, dokonce ani nemá pořádnou pušku. Nechce se mu ovšem nikomu prozrazovat, že jedinou kořistí, na kterou se tu bude pořádat hon, je on sám. Těžko totiž odhadnout, na čí straně budou místní stát a zda mu pomohou lovce setřást.
Hitler's Architect     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 594
Velikost: 3,89 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-300-19044-1 Cena: 13.19 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 21:19
| Anotace: In his best-selling autobiography, Albert Speer, Minister of Armaments and chief architect of Nazi Germany, repeatedly insisted he knew nothing of the genocidal crimes of Hitler’s Third Reich. In this revealing new biography, author Martin Kitchen disputes Speer’s lifelong assertions of ignorance and innocence, portraying a far darker figure who was deeply implicated in the appalling crimes committed by the regime he served so well.
Kitchen reconstructs Speer’s life with what we now know, including information from valuable new sources that have come to light only in recent years, challenging the portrait presented by earlier biographers and by Speer himself of a cultured technocrat devoted to his country while completely uninvolved in Nazi politics and crimes. The result is the first truly serious accounting of the man, his beliefs, and his actions during one of the darkest epochs in modern history, not only countering Speer’s claims of non-culpability but also disputing the commonly held misconception that it was his unique genius alone that kept the German military armed and fighting long after its defeat was inevitable.
Právo šaría pro nemuslimy
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 88
Velikost: 1,72 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978‒80‒88089‒19‒3 Cena: 69.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 21:17
| Anotace: Islám je politický systém s vlastní sbírkou zákonů, která se nazývá šaría. Právo šaría stojí na úplně jiných principech než náš právní systém. Mnoho jejích nařízení se týká nemuslimů.
Co znamená právo šaría pro naše občany? Jakým způsobem se nás dotýká? Jaké budou důsledky, dovolíme-li muslimům řídit se šaríou a ne našimi zákony? Každý požadavek muslimů je založen na myšlence nastolení práva šaría v naší zemi. Měli bychom vůbec právo šaría povolit? Proč? Proč ne?
Jak mohou politici nebo úředníci rozhodovat o právu šaría, když mu nerozumí? Je to správné?
V této knize naleznete odpovědi na všechny tyto otázky.
Jean Jacques Rousseau
230 let od úmrtí     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 139
Velikost: 486 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-87806-62-3 Cena: 50.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 21:13
| Anotace: Publikace obsahuje texty ze semináře Centra pro ekonomiku a politiku z 23. června 2008 a další důležité doplňkové texty. Jsou zde také přetištěny úryvky ze slavných děl Jeana-Jacquese Rousseaua.
Rozvojové země
Potřebují pomoc, nebo volné trhy?     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 80
Velikost: 588 kB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-87806-58-6 Cena: 50.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 19:55
| Poznámky: autoři: Nomsa Duba, Hynek Fajmon, Jan Kohout, Mojmír Hampl, Václav Klaus, Dušan Tříska, Walter Williams, Martin Slaný, Marek Loužek, Tomáš Munzi, Lukáš Kovanda
Anotace: Publikace obsahuje texty ze semináře Centra pro ekonomiku a politiku ze 4. prosince 2008 a další zajímavé doplňkové texty.
Formát: EPUB Původní název: Soumission
Počet stran: 235
Velikost: 442 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-207-1671-2 Cena: 189.00 CZK Přečteno: ANO (31.12.2015) Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 19:48
| Anotace: Známý provokatér Michel Houellebecq napsal román o tom, jak se z Francie stane islámský stát. Příběh se odehrává roku 2022, kdy politické strany ve volbách raději podpoří fiktivního kandidáta strany zvané Muslimské bratrství, aby se prezidentkou nestala šéfka extrémně pravicové Národní fronty Marine Le Penová. Autor uvedl, že „urychluje historii“. Jeho kontroverzní románová fikce vzbudila nebývalou pozornost a kniha se v mnoha zemích stala absolutním bestsellerem.
Formát: EPUB Původní název: Soumission
Počet stran: 201
Velikost: 278 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781785150258 Cena: 11.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 19:47
| Anotace: A controversial, intelligent, and mordantly funny new novel from France's most famous living literary figure
It's 2022. François is bored. He's a middle-aged lecturer at the New Sorbonne University and an expert on J. K. Huysmans, the famous nineteenth-century Decadent author. But François's own decadence is considerably smaller in scale. He sleeps with his students, eats microwave dinners, rereads Huysmans, queues up YouPorn.
Meanwhile, it's election season. And although Francois feels "about as political as a bath towel," things are getting pretty interesting. In an alliance with the Socialists, France's new Islamic party sweeps to power. Islamic law comes into force. Women are veiled, polygamy is encouraged, and François is offered an irresistible academic advancement--on the condition that he convert to Islam.
Adam Gopnik in The New Yorker has said of Submission that "Houellebecq is not merely a satirist but--more unusually--a sincere satirist, genuinely saddened by the absurdities of history and the madnesses of mankind." Michel Houellebecq's new book may be satirical and melancholic, but it is also hilarious, a comic masterpiece by one of France's great novelists.
Formát: EPUB Původní název: Plateforme
Počet stran: 264
Velikost: 389 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7407-014-3 Cena: 249.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 19:46
| Anotace: Protagonistou této knihy o hledání štěstí a lásky v citově vyprahlém současném světě je opět autorův generační druh, zde už čtyřicátník, úředník na ministerstvu kultury. Sarkasticky glosuje život, dokud nepotká dívku, která se vymyká jeho dosavadním zkušenostem se ženami. V líčení jejich vztahu možná Houellebecqova čtenáře překvapí méně cynický tón, avšak o to kousavější soudy o pokrytectví západní civilizace i o možných alternativách, vedoucích do slepé uličky terorismu. Skandální autor se nezapře v otevřeném líčení erotických scén i ve velmi kritických připomínkách na adresu různých náboženství.
Mapa a území
Formát: EPUB Původní název: La carte et le territoire
Počet stran: 290
Velikost: 410 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-207-1379-1 Cena: 167.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 19:45
| Anotace: Čtenáři, kteří mají v souvislosti s Houellebecqovou tvorbou jistá očekávání, budou překvapeni – v knize není jediná sexuální scéna. Autor se evidentně rozhodl znovu šokovat, ale tím nejméně očekávaným způsobem: je „vyklidněný“ a úspěšně se snaží o poctu realistům devatenáctého století. Houellebecq vypráví příběh malíře a fotografa Jeda Martina. Jeho matka spáchala sebevraždu, s otcem se vídá jen sporadicky. Kariéru umělce začal na akademii Beaux-Arts fotografováním neživých objektů, když ale zjistil, jak fascinující záležitostí je mapa, a začal se zabývat zejména relací mapy a zobrazeného území. Objevil zcela originální tvůrčí postup spočívající ve fotografování michelinovských map z různých úhlů – vzniklé umělecké fotky při náležitém zvětšení a patřičné instalaci dostávají rozměr neobyčejného uměleckého díla…
Možnosti ostrova
Formát: MOBI Původní název: La Possibilité d´une ile
Počet stran: 227
Velikost: 478 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-207-1690-3 Cena: 209.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.11.2015, 19:44
| Anotace: Román se odehrává ve dvou liniích. V současnosti je to příběh humoristy a komika Daniela 1, a v budoucnosti pak líčí svět po globálních katastrofách, v němž žijí divoši z doby kamenné a klonovaní novolidé. Daniel 24 a 25 jsou reinkarnacemi, v 24. a 25. generaci, svého genetického předchůdce Daniela 1. Vyjadřují se k autobiografii, kterou po sobě zanechal, a většinou mají vážné potíže jí porozumět.
Daniel se ve svých vystoupeních komika posmívá dekadentní, upadající západní civilizaci. Hledá štěstí, ale nikdy ho nenalezne, neboť jeho podmínkou je bezpodmínečná láska a tu může očekávat jen od svého psa.
Podle Houellebecqa je západní společnost založena na jediném základním principu: "Eskalaci touhy po rozkoši až k nesnesitelnosti, takže je stále obtížnější ji uspokojit."
Daniel se domnívá, že zjistil, proč je frustrován: na velkém sexuálním orgiastickém mejdanu je jediným člověkem starším 25 let. Stárnutí je krize, protože "mizí schopnost pohlavního styku i přístup k sexu, avšak touha nikdy úplně nezmizí". Daniel spáchá sebevraždu a Houellebecq předpovídá, že se průměrný život pro sexuálně frustrované lidstvo začne brzo rychle zkracovat - na asi 50 let pro ženy a 60 pro muže.
Přetrvává však touha po nesmrtelnosti - je to jediný poslední rys náboženství, který přežil. Daniel 1 se stal členem sekty Elohim, která svým příslušníkům slibuje revoluční klonování: když starý model zemře, nový je doručen během 24 - 48 hodin. Proto Daniel i jeho pes přežívají geneticky, ale nikoliv jako tatáž osoba. Příčiny utrpení byly v novolidech odstraněny, stejně jako všechny touhy a emoce. Avšak novočlověk nenalézá štěstí. Monotónní život vede k smutku a apatii.
Nakonec se vydají dva novolidé, Marie 23 a Daniel 25 z trosek New Yorku do nové společnosti, do neznámého ráje, možná někde na Kanárských ostrovech. Tam naleznou báseň, kterou Daniel 1 poslal krátce před smrtí své milence a navzdory vší racionalitě se nechají unést jejím příslibem nejistoty:
"A láska, která všechno tak ulehčuje, Ti poskytuje všechno, dává ti to hned: Existuje, uprostřed času, možnost ostrova."
Povaha změny
Bezpečnost, rizika a stav dnešní civilizace     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 317
Velikost: 8,11 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 298.00 CZK Přečteno: ANO (28.12.2015) Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:23
| Anotace: Tento sborník zprostředkovává pohled mnoha různých odborníků (např. Václava Cílka, Petra Pokorného, Jiřího Padevěta, Luboše Kropáčka, Dany Drábové, armádních specialistů Jiřího Balouna a Karla Řehka ad.) na vybrané problémy dneška. Jednotlivé texty jsou věnovány klimatické změně, bezpečnostní situaci, nastupující vlně mezikontinentálních migrací, dlouhodobým krizovým faktorům ve vývoji společností a mnohým dalším tématům. Jejich smyslem není šířit neklid, ale naopak upozornit na mnohé souvislosti a důležitost těchto procesů, kterým při řešení každodenních problémů společnosti nevěnujeme dostatečnou pozornost. Protože pouze pokud těmto jevům včas porozumíme, můžeme je začít úspěšně řešit. A to je hlavní cíl této publikace, která volně navazuje na bestsellery týkající se této problematiky reprezentované na českém trhu právě osobami editorů Miroslava Bárty a Martina Kováře.
Autoři příspěvků: Miroslav Bárta, Jiří Baloun, Václav Cílek, Dana Drábová, Roman Fiala, Otakar Foltýn, Petr Gazdík, Vladislav Chvála, Ludmila Trapková, Martin Kovář, Luboš Kropáček, Radek Mařík, Veronika Dulíková, Jiří Padevět, Petr Pernica, Petr Pokorný, Petr Robejšek, Karel Řehka, František Šulc, Matyáš Zrno
A Theory of Justice
Revised Edition     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 556
Velikost: 1,48 MB
Knižní žánr: právo
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-674-00078-1 Cena: 34.32 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:21
| Anotace: Since it appeared in 1971, John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice has become a classic. The author has now revised the original edition to clear up a number of difficulties he and others have found in the original book.
Rawls aims to express an essential part of the common core of the democratic tradition—justice as fairness—and to provide an alternative to utilitarianism, which had dominated the Anglo-Saxon tradition of political thought since the nineteenth century. Rawls substitutes the ideal of the social contract as a more satisfactory account of the basic rights and liberties of citizens as free and equal persons. “Each person,” writes Rawls, “possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override.” Advancing the ideas of Rousseau, Kant, Emerson, and Lincoln, Rawls’s theory is as powerful today as it was when first published.
Antiochus the Great
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 209
Velikost: 8,23 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978 1 47382 691 5 Cena: 16.49 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:20
| Anotace: A teenage king in 223 BC, Antiochus III inherited an empire in shambles, ravaged by civil strife and eroded by territorial secessions. He proved himself a true heir of Alexander: he defeated rebel armies and embarked on a campaign of conquest and reunification. Although repulsed by Ptolemy IV at the Battle of Raphia, his eastern campaigns reaffirmed Seleucid hegemony as far as modern Afghanistan and Pakistan. Returning westward, he defeated Ptolemy V at Panion (200 BC) and succeeded in adding Koile Syria to the Seleucid realm.
At the height of his powers, he challenged growing Roman power, unimpressed by their recent successes against Carthage and Macedon. His expeditionary force was crushed at Thermopylae and evacuated. Refusing to bow before Roman demands, Antiochus energetically mobilized against Roman invasion, but was again decisively defeated at the epic battle of Magnesia. Despite the loss of territory and prestige enshrined in the subsequent Peace of Apamea, Antiochus III left the Seleucid Empire in far better condition than he found it. Although sometimes presented as a failure against the unstoppable might of Rome, Antiochus III must rank as one of the most energetic and effective rulers of the Ancient world.
In addition to discussing the career of Antiochus III, Michael Taylor examines Seleucid military organization and royal administration.
The Persian Invasions of Greece
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 124
Velikost: 8,18 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-84468-626-1 Cena: 9.89 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:19
| Anotace: In 490 BC Darius I, Great King of Persia and the most powerful man in the world, led a massive invasion army to punish the interference of some minor states on the western borders of his huge empire. The main enemy was Athens. The resultant Battle of Marathon was a disaster for Darius and one of the most famous victories for the underdog in all military history. The Persians were forced to withdraw and plot an even bigger expedition to conquer Athens and the whole of Greece once and for all.The second invasion came ten years later, under Darius' successor, Xerxes. This led to the legendary last stand of theSpartan King Leonidas at Thermopylae, the sacking of Athens and the famous naval clash at Salamis, which saved Greece. The following year, 479 BC saw the remaining Persian forces driven from mainland Greece at the epic, yet strangelyless- famous Battle of Plataea, one of the largest pitched battles of the Classical Greek world. Dr Arthur Keaveney, an expert on Achaemenid Persia, re examines these momentous, epoch-defining events from both Greek and Persian perspective to give a full and balanced account based on the most recent research.
Tábor svatých
Formát: PDF Původní název: Le Camp des saints
Počet stran: 207
Velikost: 1,21 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:15
| Anotace: Tábor svatých (francouzsky Le Camp des saints) je román francouzského spisovatele Jeana Raspaila vydaný poprvé v roce 1973. Jeho tématem je masové přistěhovalectví z třetího světa, především z Indie, do Francie a obecně „západního světa“, které vede k zániku západní kultury, protože přistěhovalci se nechtějí začlenit a nemají zájem o místní kulturu, jejich zájem je čistě konzumní. Název je odkazem na Zjevení Janovo (Zj 20, 9 (Kral, ČEP)) a v knize je i celá řada dalších kulturních a historických odkazů.
V době svého vydání román způsobil pozdvižení a část komentátorů jej odsoudila jako rasistický. Zájem o něj se znovu zvedl na počátku druhého desetiletí jednadvacátého století: v roce 2011 se dostal do žebříčku nejprodávanějších knih.
Česky vydal „Tábor svatých“ poprvé Radomír Fiksa v roce 2009 na základě překladu Marie Klečacké – Beyly, toto vydání je kritizováno pro nízkou kvalitu překladu i celkově velmi nízkou jazykovou a typografickou úroveň.
Year Zero of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 1929
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 331
Velikost: 2,24 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-61168-812-2 Cena: 21.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:04
| Anotace: A new and provocative reassessment of the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict
In late summer 1929, a countrywide outbreak of Arab-Jewish-British violence transformed the political landscape of Palestine forever. In contrast with those who point to the wars of 1948 and 1967, historian Hillel Cohen marks these bloody events as year zero of the Arab-Israeli conflict that persists today.
The murderous violence inflicted on Jews caused a fractious—and now traumatized—community of Zionists, non-Zionists, Ashkenazim, and Mizrachim to coalesce around a unified national consciousness arrayed against an implacable Arab enemy. While the Jews unified, Arabs came to grasp the national essence of the conflict, realizing that Jews of all stripes viewed the land as belonging to the Jewish people.
Through memory and historiography, in a manner both associative and highly calculated, Cohen traces the horrific events of August 23 to September 1 in painstaking detail. He extends his geographic and chronological reach and uses a non-linear reconstruction of events to call for a thorough reconsideration of cause and effect. Sifting through Arab and Hebrew sources—many rarely, if ever, examined before—Cohen reflects on the attitudes and perceptions of Jews and Arabs who experienced the events and, most significantly, on the memories they bequeathed to later generations. The result is a multifaceted and revealing examination of a formative series of episodes that will intrigue historians, political scientists, and others interested in understanding the essence—and the very beginning—of what has been an intractable conflict.
Ian Hughes
Attila's Nemesis     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 344
Velikost: 15,13 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-84884-279-3 Cena: 13.19 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:02
| Anotace: In AD 453 Attila, with a huge force composed of Huns, allies and vassals drawn from his already-vast empire, was rampaging westward across Gaul (essentially modern France), then still nominally part of the Western Roman Empire. Laying siege to Orleans, he was only a few days march from extending his empire from the Eurasian steppe to the Atlantic. He was brought to battle on the Cataluanian Plain and defeated by a coalition hastily assembled and led by Aetius. Who was this man that saved Western Europe from the Hunnic yoke? While Attila is a household name, his nemesis remains relatively obscure.
...a lively, often insightful account of the declining years of Roman power in the West which will be of interest to students of Roman history, the onset of the Dark ages and early Byzantine history.
Michael Green
M1 Abrams Tank
Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 95
Velikost: 5,59 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-47386-650-8 Cena: 2.19 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.11.2015, 00:00
| Anotace: The first M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank rolled off the assembly line in 1978. Built to close with and destroy any opposing armored fighting vehicle in the world, while providing protection for its crew in any conceivable combat environment, the stalwart M1 Abrams quickly became the backbone of the armored forces of the U.S. military—and of many U.S. allies.
The Last Days of the Ottoman Empire
1918-1922     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 390
Velikost: 2,16 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-141-99278-5 Cena: 24.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2023, 16:57
| Anotace: 'Impressive ... It is a complicated story that still reverberates, and Gingeras narrates it with lucid authority' New Statesman
The story of the fall of the Ottoman Empire, published to coincide with the centenary of its dissolution
The Ottoman Empire had been one of the major facts in European history since the Middle Ages. By 1914 it had been much reduced, but still remained after Russia the largest European state. Stretching from the Adriatic to the Indian Ocean, the Empire was both a great political entity and a religious one, with the Sultan ruling over the Holy Sites and, as Caliph, the successor to Mohammed.
Yet the Empire's fateful decision to support Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1914, despite its successfully defending itself for much of the war, doomed it to disaster, breaking it up into a series of European colonies and what emerged as an independent Saudi Arabia.
Ryan Gingeras's superb new book, published for the centenary of the last Sultan's departure into exile, explains how these epochal events came about and shows how much we still live in the shadow of decisions taken so long ago. Would all of the Empire fall to marauding Allied armies, or could something be saved? In such an ethnically and religiously entangled region, what would be the price paid to create a cohesive and independent new state? The story of the creation of modern Turkey is an extraordinary, bitter epic, brilliantly told here.
Stephen Bates
Regency Britain in the Year of Waterloo     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 331
Velikost: 16,19 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781781858202 Cena: 17.04 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 06.11.2015, 23:50
| Anotace: A kaleidoscopic picture of British society in the year of the Battle of Waterloo, evoking the sights, sounds and smells of a defining moment in modern British history. 1815 was the year of Waterloo, the British victory that ended Napoleon's European ambitions and ushered in a century largely of peace for Britain. But what sort of country were Wellington's troops fighting for? And what kind of society did they return to? Stephen Bates paints a vivid portrait of every aspect of Britain in 1815. Overseas, the bounds of Empire were expanding; while at home the population endured the chill of economic recession. As Jane Austen busied herself with the writing of Emma, John Nash designed Regent Street, Humphrey Davy patented his safety lamp for miners and Lord's cricket ground held its first match in St John's Wood, and a nervous government infiltrated dissident political movements and resorted to repressive legislation to curb free speech. The Year In series gets to the heart of social and cultural life in the UK at key points in its history.
Dietrich Orlow
The Nazi Party 1919-1945
A Complete History     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 600
Velikost: 4,48 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-9824911-9-5 Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 06.11.2015, 23:46
| Anotace: This is the only complete historical account of the rise and fall of the political party known in Germany as the infamous NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker’s Party). It covers the entire period of the Nazi Party’s existence, from its humble, desperate beginnings in 1919 to the catastrophe of 1945 and its banishment as a criminal organization bent on genocide and war as a result of the Nuremberg Trials. The Nazi Party was a model of fanatical political efficiency in furthering the goals of Adolf Hitler’s dictatorship and at the same time one that attracted many careerists and undesirable elements of society.
The Death of Aztec Tenochtitlan, The Life of Mexico City
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 257
Velikost: 18,41 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-292-76656-3 Cena: 75.00 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 06.11.2015, 23:44
| Anotace: The capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, was, in its era, one of the largest cities in the world. Built on an island in the middle of a shallow lake, its population numbered perhaps 150,000, with another 350,000 people in the urban network clustered around the lake shores. In 1521, at the height of Tenochtitlan’s power, which extended over much of Central Mexico, Hernando Cortés and his followers conquered the city. Cortés boasted to King Charles V of Spain that Tenochtitlan was “destroyed and razed to the ground.” But was it?
Drawing on period representations of the city in sculptures, texts, and maps, The Death of Aztec Tenochtitlan, the Life of Mexico City builds a convincing case that this global capital remained, through the sixteenth century, very much an Amerindian city. Barbara E. Mundy foregrounds the role the city’s indigenous peoples, the Nahua, played in shaping Mexico City through the construction of permanent architecture and engagement in ceremonial actions. She demonstrates that the Aztec ruling elites, who retained power even after the conquest, were instrumental in building and then rebuilding the city. Mundy shows how the Nahua entered into mutually advantageous alliances with the Franciscans to maintain the city's sacred nodes. She also focuses on the practical and symbolic role of the city’s extraordinary waterworks—the product of a massive ecological manipulation begun in the fifteenth century—to reveal how the Nahua struggled to maintain control of water resources in early Mexico City.
Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 259
Velikost: 2,96 MB
Knižní žánr: psychologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-315-71460-8 Cena: 44.65 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 06.11.2015, 23:40
| Anotace: Sexualities: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives presents a broad selection of contemporary psychoanalytic thinking on sexuality from a wide range of psychoanalytic traditions. Sexuality remains at the heart of much psychoanalytic theory and practice but it is a complex and controversial subject. Edited by Alessandra Lemma and Paul E. Lynch, this volume includes a range of international contributions that examine contemporary issues and trace common themes needed to understand any sexuality, including the basics of sexuality, and the myriad ways in which sexuality is lived.
The clinical examples provided here demonstrate contemporary psychoanalytic techniques that uncover meanings that are both fresh and enlightening, and address heterosexuality, homosexuality, gender, and perversion from a psychoanalytic perspective. Divided into four parts, the book includes the following:
Historical context
Foundational concepts: Contemporary elaborations
Perversion revisited
Throughout Sexualities: Contemporary Psychoanalytic Perspectives the reader will find psychoanalytic wisdom that is transferrable to work with patients of all sexualities, and will see that the essentials of sexuality may be more similar than they are different for homo- and hetero-sexuality. Psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists, as well as academics interested in the subjects of psychoanalysis, gender, sexuality, or homosexuality will find this book an invaluable resource.
Rod Stephens
Essential Algorithms
A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 626
Velikost: 6,58 MB
Knižní žánr: počítačová literatura
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-118-61276-7 Cena: 36.37 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 06.11.2015, 23:37
| Anotace: Computer algorithms are the basic recipes for programming. Professional programmers need to know how to use algorithms to solve difficult programming problems. Written in simple, intuitive English, this book describes how and when to use the most practical classic algorithms, and even how to create new algorithms to meet future needs. The book also includes a collection of questions that can help readers prepare for a programming job interview.
Reveals methods for manipulating common data structures such as arrays, linked lists, trees, and networks
Addresses advanced data structures such as heaps, 2-3 trees, B-trees
Addresses general problem-solving techniques such as branch and bound, divide and conquer, recursion, backtracking, heuristics, and more
Reviews sorting and searching, network algorithms, and numerical algorithms
Includes general problem-solving techniques such as brute force and exhaustive search, divide and conquer, backtracking, recursion, branch and bound, and more
In addition, Essential Algorithms features a companion website that includes full instructor materials to support training or higher ed adoptions.
