
Životopis autora


Carter Malkasian (USA)

(2025 let)

Dr. Carter Malkasian leads the Stability and Devel-opment Program at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA). In late 2007 and again in early 2008, he led a team that advised Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT) in eastern Afghanistan. Previously assigned to the I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) as an advisor on counterinsurgency, he deployed for the war in Iraq from February to May 2003, February 2004 to February 2005, and February 2006 to August 2006. Most of that time was spent in Al Anbar province. Dr. Malkasian’s most recent publication is a co-edited book (with Daniel Marston of Royal Military Academy Sandhurst), Counterinsurgency in Modern Warfare. His other books include: A History of Modern Wars of Attrition (2002) and The Korean War, 1950-1953 (2001). His journal publications include: “Did the Coalition Need More Forces in Iraq? Evidence from Al Anbar,” Joint Force Quarterly; “A Thin Blue Line in the Sand,” Democracy: A Journal of Ideas; “Signaling Resolve, Democratization, and the First Battle of Fallujah,” Journal of Strategic Studies; “The Role of Perceptions and Political Reform in Counterinsurgency,” Small Wars & Insurgencies; and “Toward a Better Understanding of Attrition,” Journal of Military History. Dr. Malkasian holds a doctorate in the history of war from Oxford University.


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