Famous Men of Ancient Times
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 182
Velikost: 1,97 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 10:29
| Anotace: Summaries of the lives of some of the most significant individuals of the period we label "Antiquity." The author's subjects in include the eminent philosophers who brought order and logic to man's search for understanding of his world; poets who gave life form and beauty; soldiers and rulers who defended, conquered, and ruled great civilizations.
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 500
Velikost: 430 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 74.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 16.09.2024, 00:24
| Anotace: Dialog Ústava (řecky Πολιτεία, latinsky De republica – odtud mezinárodně užívané označení Rep.), napsaný kolem roku 380 př. n. l., je jedním z vrcholných Platónových děl a jedním z nejdůležitějších a nejslavnějších textů západní filosofie vůbec. Ústava má formu velice rozsáhlého dialogu, ovšem nepřímého: Sókratés zde vypráví o rozhovoru, jehož se účastnili také Glaukón, Polemarchos, Adeimantos, Thrasymachos, Kefalos a Kleitofón. Celé dílo se skládá z deseti knih a jeho hlavním tématem je spravedlnost na úrovni jedince i státu, dotýká se však i mnoha dalších oblastí, včetně umění, výchovy, práva, vědy atd. V sedmé knize, věnované hlavně vědám a vzdělávání, se nachází jedna z nejslavnějších Platónových alegorií, tzv. Mýtus o jeskyni (514a-518b). Spolu se Zákony, snad posledním Platónovým dílem vůbec, zakládá Ústava zvláštní žánr utopie, myšlenkového experimentu s možnostmi spravedlivého uspořádání lidské společnosti.
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 22
Velikost: 22 kB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 16.09.2024, 00:33
| Anotace: Sofoklova ne zcela dochovaná veršovaná hra zpracovává úsměvný mýtus o bohu Hermovi, jenž dovedně okrade samotného Apollóna o část jeho výstavního stáda. Po prozrazení Apollón přijímá jako protiváhu Hermův vynález, jedinečný hudební nástroj - lyru.
Charles Darwin
The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
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Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 286
Velikost: 6,49 MB
Knižní žánr: přírodní vědy
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 09.07.2023, 11:35
| Anotace: In his introduction, Darwin reveals that for many years he had no intention of publishing his notes on this topic, 'as I thought that I should thus only add to the prejudices against my views'. By 1871, he felt that his fellow scientists would show a greater openness of mind to his arguments, even when taken to their logical conclusion and applied to the descent of man from the apes – the aspect of his theory which had been so widely mocked since the notorious question asked by Bishop Wilberforce at the Oxford debate of 1860: was it through his grandmother or his grandfather that Thomas Huxley, Darwin's champion, considered himself descended from a monkey? However, the book's focus on the area of sexual selection and the evolutionary importance of secondary sexual characteristics across the animal kingdom meant that the book was received without the public outrage that Darwin had feared.
Charles Darwin
The Autobiography of Charles Darwin
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Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 46
Velikost: 231 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 05.02.2006, 15:49
| Anotace: Charles Darwin's Autobiography was first published in 1887, five years after his death. It was a bowdlerized edition: Darwin's family, attempting to protect his posthumous reputation, had deleted all the passages they considered too personal or controversial. The present complete edition did not appear until 1959, one hundred years after the publication of The Origin of Species. Upon its appearance, Loren Eiseley wrote:
"No man can pretend to know Darwin who does not know his autobiography. Here, for the first time since his death, it is presented complete and unexpurgated, as it exists in the family archives. It will prove invaluable to biographers and cast new light on the personality of one of the world's greatest scientists. Nora Barlow, Darwin's granddaughter, has proved herself a superb editor. Her own annotations make fascinating reading."
The daring and restless mind, the integrity and simplicity of Darwin's character are revealed in this direct and personal account of his life―his family, his education, his explorations of the natural world, his religion and philosophy. The editor has provided page and line references to the more important restored passages, and previously unpublished notes and letters on family matters and on the controversy between Samuel Butler appear in an appendix.
Dante Alighieri
The Banquet (Il Convito)
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 160
Velikost: 205 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 18:31
| Anotace: "Il Convito" (The Banquet) is a work by Dante Alighieri, the renowned Italian poet and author of "The Divine Comedy." Written in the early 14th century, "Il Convito" is a collection of philosophical and allegorical essays presented as a series of banquets or feasts. The work consists of fourteen chapters, each centered around a different theme, where Dante explores various philosophical and ethical concepts.
Selections from the Principles of Philosophy
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 59
Velikost: 103 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 09:35
| Anotace: 'Selections from the Principles of Philosophy' by René Descartes is a synthesis of the 'Discourse on Method' and 'Meditations on First Philosophy' It was written in Latin, published in 1644 and dedicated to Elisabeth of Bohemia, with whom Descartes had a long-standing friendship. A French version followed in 1647. It set forth the principles of nature—the Laws of Physics—as Descartes viewed them.
Einhard, Monk of St Gall
Early Lives of Charlemagne
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 115
Velikost: 461 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 20.09.2024, 00:07
| Anotace: Delve into the early medieval world with Early Lives of Charlemagne, an enlightening account of one of history’s most influential rulers. This volume, meticulously translated and edited by Professor A. J. Grant, presents two contrasting narratives about the legendary Frankish king, Charlemagne, written within a century of his death. Einhard, a close associate of Charlemagne, offers a restrained and factual biography, providing unparalleled insights into the king’s life, his exploits, and the grandeur of his reign. In stark contrast, The Monk of St Gall presents a more fantastical and anecdotal tale, filled with the myths and legends that quickly grew around Charlemagne’s figure.
The book brings together the starkly different styles and perspectives of Einhard and The Monk of St Gall. Einhard’s account, often hailed for its accuracy and detail, captures the essence of Charlemagne’s administrative prowess, military conquests, and cultural contributions. Meanwhile, The Monk of St Gall’s narrative, though less reliable historically, offers a glimpse into the legendary status Charlemagne attained and the medieval mindset of the time.
Einhard, Notker the Stammerer
Two Lives of Charlemagne
The Life of Charlemagne, Charlemagne Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 150
Velikost: 410 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-141-39410-7 Cena: 0.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 20.09.2024, 00:10
| Anotace: Two revealingly different accounts of the life of the most important figure of the Roman Empire
Charlemage, known as the father of Europe, was one of the most powerful and dynamic of all medieval rulers. The biographies brought together here provide a rich and varied portrait of the king from two perspectives: that of Einhard, a close friend and adviser, and of Notker, a monastic scholar and musician writing fifty years after Charlemagne's death.
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 89
Velikost: 131 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 12:04
| Anotace: A collection of letters by Cicero.
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason, and Seeking Truth in the Sciences
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 56
Velikost: 121 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 09:48
| Anotace: Discourse on Method is Descartes’s attempt to explain his method of reasoning through even the most difficult of problems. He illustrates the development of this method through brief autobiographical sketches interspersed with philosophical arguments.
De Amicitia, Scipio's Dream
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 61
Velikost: 104 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 12:11
| Anotace: Scipio's Dream; or, The Dream of Scipio (Latin, Somnium Scipionis), written by Cicero, is the sixth book of De re publica, and describes a fictional dream vision of the Roman general Scipio Aemilianus, set two years before he commanded at the destruction of Carthage in 146 BC.
Laelius de Amicitia, or simply De Amicitia is a treatise on friendship by the Roman statesman and author Marcus Tullius Cicero, written in 44 BC.
Odin’s Library Classics is dedicated to bringing the world the best of humankind’s literature from throughout the ages. Carefully selected, each work is unabridged from classic works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama.
Charles Darwin
Coral Reefs
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 191
Velikost: 3,64 MB
Knižní žánr: přírodní vědy
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 18:36
| Anotace: Charles Darwin was a British naturalist whose theory or evolution by natural selection became the basis of modern theories of evolution. Darwin shocked the Victorians by suggesting that humans and animals shared the same ancestry. The Origin of Species is his most famous work. Darwin was aboard the Beagle in the Indian Ocean when he formulated his theory about the formation of coral reefs. Darwin theorized that coral reefs grew on sinking mountain rims. The delicate coral built up, compensating for the drowning land, so as to remain within optimal heat and lighting conditions.
On China
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 656
Velikost: 968 kB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-101-44535-8 Cena: 14.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 05.02.2006, 15:23
| Anotace: In this sweeping and insightful history, Henry Kissinger turns for the first time at book length to a country he has known intimately for decades and whose modern relations with the West he helped shape. On China illuminates the inner workings of Chinese diplomacy during such pivotal events as the initial encounters between China and tight line modern European powers, the formation and breakdown of the Sino-Soviet alliance, the Korean War, and Richard Nixon’s historic trip to Beijing. With a new final chapter on the emerging superpower’s twenty-first-century role in global politics and economics, On China provides historical perspective on Chinese foreign affairs from one of the premier statesmen of our time.
Tusculan Disputations
Treatise on the Nature of the Gods and On The Commonwealth Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 403
Velikost: 447 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 10:01
| Anotace: The Tusculanae Disputationes (also Tusculanae Quaestiones; English: Tusculan Disputations) is a series of five books written by Cicero, around 45 BC, attempting to popularise Greek philosophy in Ancient Rome, including Stoicism. It is so called as it was reportedly written at his villa in Tusculum. His daughter had recently died and in mourning Cicero devoted himself to philosophical studies. The Tusculan Disputations consist of five books, each on a particular theme: On the contempt of death; On pain; On grief; On emotional disturbances; and whether Virtue alone is sufficient for a happy life.
Brutus or History of Famous Orators
also His Orator, or Accomplished Speaker Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 166
Velikost: 229 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 10:09
| Anotace: Brutus gives an account of the Roman tradition of public and lawcourt speeches from its beginning to what Cicero described as the polished and entertaining speeches of his own day. Along the way Cicero has interesting things to say about the influence of the speaker's audience on his style and technique. Also notable here is an autobiographical sketch.
Cicero's own very wide practical experience informs Orator, which depicts the ideal speaker. Here he details the principles of eloquent oratory and quotes instructive examples. Both works date from 46 BCE and are dedicated to the author's promising young friend, Brutus, later famous in the conspiracy against Caesar.
George Berkeley
Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, In Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 73
Velikost: 137 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 19:03
| Anotace: Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous was written by the scholarly Anglo-Irish Anglican bishop George Berkeley and published in 1713. Upon becoming acquainted with works by René Descartes, John Locke, and other philosophers, Berkeley was immediately impressed, but also deeply repelled by many of their ideas, which he felt put forth a lurking threat of skepticism and atheism—two forces that his life’s work combated. In his Three Dialogues, Berkeley advocates for his approach of idealism to counter these threats.
The Theological Tractates, The Consolation of Philosophy
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 250
Velikost: 302 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 22:16
| Anotace: Boethius (Boetius)--Anicius Manlius Severinus--Roman statesman and philosopher (ca. 480-524 CE), was son of Flavius Manlius Boetius, after whose death he was looked after by several men, especially Memmius Symmachus. He married Symmachus's daughter, Rusticiana, by whom he had two sons. All three men rose to high honours under Theodoric the Ostrogoth, but Boethius fell from favour, was tried for treason, wrongly condemned, and imprisoned at Ticinum (Pavia), where he wrote his renowned The Consolation of Philosophy. He was put to death in 524, to the great remorse of Theodoric. Boethius was revered as if he were a saint and his bones were removed in 996 to the Church of S. Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, and later to the Cathedral. The tower in Pavia where he was imprisoned is still venerated.
Boethius was author of Latin translations of Aristotle, commentaries on various philosophical works, original works on logic, five books on music, and other works. His The Consolation of Philosophy is the last example of purely literary Latin of ancient times--a mingling of alternate dialogue and poems. His Theological Tractates are also included in this volume.
Hledání ztraceného času II
Ve stínu kvetoucích dívek Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 512
Velikost: 2,01 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-80-7587-962-2 Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 04.02.2006, 23:35
| Anotace: Druhý díl, poctěný r. 1919 Goncourtovou cenou, se odehrává z větší části v normandských mořských lázních. Autor opět uvádí na scénu zámožného Pařížana a další postavy a podává mj. analýzu rozdílu mezi spisovatelem-člověkem a jeho dílem, analýzu lidských a rodinných vztahů, pohled na chováni měšťáka a šlechtice a detailní rozbor rodící se lásky mezi mužem a ženou.
The House of Atreus
Being the Agamemnon, the Libation bearers, and the Furies Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 95
Velikost: 150 kB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 17.09.2024, 18:22
| Anotace: In Greek mythology, Atreus was a king of Mycenae in the Peloponnese, the son of Pelops and Hippodamia, and the father of Agamemnon and Menelaus. Collectively, his descendants are known as Atreidai or Atreidae.
Atreus and his twin brother Thyestes were exiled by their father for murdering their half-brother Chrysippus in their desire for the throne of Olympia. They took refuge in Mycenae, where they ascended to the throne in the absence of King Eurystheus, who was fighting the Heracleidae. Eurystheus had meant for their stewardship to be temporary, but it became permanent after his death in battle.
According to most ancient sources, Atreus was the father of Pleisthenes, but in some lyric poets Pleisthenides is used as an alternative name for Atreus himself.
Frogs and Other Plays
Wasps, Women at the Thesmophoria, Frogs     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 253
Velikost: 1,89 MB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781101488942 Cena: 0.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 29.08.2024, 11:04
| Anotace: Marrying deft social commentary to a rich, earthy comedy, the three comedies collected in Aristophanes' The Frogs and Other Plays offers a unique insight into one of the most turbulent periods in Ancient Greek history. The master of ancient Greek comic drama, Aristophanes combined slapstick, humour and cheerful vulgarity with acute political observations. In The Frogs, written during the Peloponnesian War, Dionysus descends to the Underworld to bring back a poet who can help Athens in its darkest hour, and stages a great debate to help him decide between the traditional wisdom of Aeschylus and the brilliant modernity of Euripides. The clash of generations and values is also the object of Aristophanes' satire in Wasps, in which an old-fashioned father and his loose-living son come to blows and end up in court. And in Women at the Thesmophoria, the famous Greek tragedian Euripides, accused of misogyny, persuades a relative to infiltrate an all-women festival to find out whether revenge is being plotted against him.
Shomit Dutta's introduction discusses Aristophanes' life, the cultural context of his work and conventions of Greek comedy. This updated version of David Barrett's translation also includes extensive notes and a preface for each play.
The Robots of Dawn
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 346
Velikost: 1,7 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780007384846 Cena: 4.99 GPB Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 08.03.2024, 10:34
| Anotace: Isaac Asimov’s Robot series – from the iconic collection I, Robot to four classic novels – contains some of the most influential works in the history of science fiction. Establishing and testing the Three Laws of Robotics, they continue to shape the understanding and design of artificial intelligence to this day.
Plain clothes man Elijah Baley must travel to the planet Aurora to investigate the murder of Robot Jander. He would rather not. His last trip off-Earth on police business resulted in a TV drama being made of the case - as a result of which even his son Bentley suspects Elijah had an affair with Gladia Delmarre, the murder suspect whom he proved innocent. Not only does Gladia now live on Aurora, the murdered robot belonged to her…and was her lover!
Elijah is teamed once more with Robot Daneel, and they are joined by another interesting robot, Giskard. The investigation should benefit from a secret and unique ability possessed by Robot Giskard. But Elijah is disturbed by his presence, sensing perhaps that Giskard's positronic brainpaths function to a hidden agenda. What Giskard knows but Elijah does not is that the future of mankind in space hangs on the outcome of this investigation…
How It Explains the World     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 281
Velikost: 19,53 MB
Knižní žánr: přírodní vědy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-06-332411-4 Cena: 12.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 09.03.2024, 12:51
| Anotace: From the New York Times bestselling author of How the World Really Works, a wide-ranging look at the most fundamental governing principle of our world: size, whose laws, limits, and peculiarities offer the key to understanding health, wealth, and even happiness
“No one writes about the great issues of our time with more rigor or erudition than Vaclav Smil.” — Elizabeth Kolbert
To answer the most important questions of our age, we must understand size. Neither bacteria nor empires are immune to its laws. Measuring it is challenging, especially where complex systems like economies are concerned, yet mastering it offers rich rewards: the rise of the West, for example, was a direct result of ever more accurate and standardized measurements.
Using the interdisciplinary approach that has won him a wide readership, Smil draws upon history, earth science, psychology, art, and more to offer fresh insight into some of our biggest challenges, including income inequality, the spread of infectious disease, and the uneven impacts of climate change. Size explains the regularities—and peculiarities—of the key processes shaping life (from microbes to whales), the Earth (from asteroids to volcanic eruptions), technical advances (from architecture to transportation), and societies and economies (from cities to wages). This book about the big and the small, and the relationship between them, answers the big and small questions of human existence:
What makes a human society too big? What about a human being?
Which alternative energy sources have the best chance of scaling and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels?
Why do tall people make more money?
What makes a face beautiful? How about a cathedral?
How can changing the size of your plates help you lose weight?
The latest masterwork of “an ambitious and astonishing polymath who swings for fences” (Wired) Size is a mind-bending journey that turns the modern world on its head.
Hledání ztraceného času I
Swann Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 406
Velikost: 1,9 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7587-958-5 Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 04.02.2006, 23:28
| Anotace: V prvním dílu románového cyklu, postihujícího vývoj francouzské společnosti od Dreyfusovy aféry až po první světovou válku a stojícího u základů psychologického románu 20. století, představuje autor hrdinu, zámožného Pařížana, člověka ušlechtilého, ale zároveň neúprosně logického a pravdivého. Na jeho příběhu podává studii milostného citu, žárlivosti, společenských vztahů a mravů.
The Decameron
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 712
Velikost: 727 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 04.02.2006, 23:27
| Anotace: 1348. The Black Death is sweeping through Europe. In Florence, plague has carried off one hundred thousand people. In their Tuscan villas, seven young women and three young men tell tales to recreate the world they have lost, weaving a rich tapestry of comedy, tragedy, ribaldry and farce. Boccaccio's Decameron recasts the storytelling heritage of the ancient and medieval worlds into perennial forms that inspired writers from Chaucer and Shakespeare down to our own day. Boccaccio makes the incredible believable, with detail so sharp we can look straight into the lives of people who lived six hundred years ago. His Decameron hovers between the fading glories of an aristocratic past - the Crusades, the Angevins, the courts of France, the legendary East - and the colourful squalor of contemporary life, where wives deceive husbands, friars and monks pursue fleshly ends, and natural instincts fight for satisfaction. Here are love and jealousy, passion and pride - and a shrewd calculation of profit and loss which heralds the rise of a dynamic merchant class. These stories show us early capitalism during a moment of crisis and revelation.
The Clouds
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Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 36
Velikost: 68 kB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 23.09.2024, 09:24
| Anotace: “The Clouds“ (Gr: “Nephelai“) is a comedy by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes, originally produced at the Athens City Dionysia of 423 BCE. It is perhaps the world’s first extant “comedy of ideas” and lampoons intellectual fashions in classical Athens. In the play, Strepsiades, an elderly Athenian mired in debt, enrolls his son Pheidippides in Socrates’ philosophy school so that he might learn the rhetorical skills necessary to defeat their creditors in court, although all he really learns is cynical disrespect for social mores and contempt for authority, which leads to Strepsiades burning the school down in disgust.
Kissinger 1923-1968
The Idealist     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 1188
Velikost: 7,86 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 9.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 04.02.2006, 23:26
| Anotace: From the bestselling author of The Ascent of Money and The Square and the Tower, the definitive biography of Henry Kissinger, based on unprecedented access to his private papers.
Winner of the Council on Foreign Relations Arthur Ross Book Award
No American statesman has been as revered or as reviled as Henry Kissinger. Once hailed as “Super K”—the “indispensable man” whose advice has been sought by every president from Kennedy to Obama—he has also been hounded by conspiracy theorists, scouring his every “telcon” for evidence of Machiavellian malfeasance. Yet as Niall Ferguson shows in this magisterial two-volume biography, drawing not only on Kissinger’s hitherto closed private papers but also on documents from more than a hundred archives around the world, the idea of Kissinger as the ruthless arch-realist is based on a profound misunderstanding.
The first half of Kissinger’s life is usually skimmed over as a quintessential tale of American ascent: the Jewish refugee from Hitler’s Germany who made it to the White House. But in this first of two volumes, Ferguson shows that what Kissinger achieved before his appointment as Richard Nixon’s national security adviser was astonishing in its own right. Toiling as a teenager in a New York factory, he studied indefatigably at night. He was drafted into the U.S. infantry and saw action at the Battle of the Bulge—as well as the liberation of a concentration camp—but ended his army career interrogating Nazis. It was at Harvard that Kissinger found his vocation. Having immersed himself in the philosophy of Kant and the diplomacy of Metternich, he shot to celebrity by arguing for “limited nuclear war.” Nelson Rockefeller hired him. Kennedy called him to Camelot. Yet Kissinger’s rise was anything but irresistible. Dogged by press gaffes and disappointed by “Rocky,” Kissinger seemed stuck—until a trip to Vietnam changed everything.
The Idealist is the story of one of the most important strategic thinkers America has ever produced. It is also a political Bildungsroman, explaining how “Dr. Strangelove” ended up as consigliere to a politician he had always abhorred. Like Ferguson’s classic two-volume history of the House of Rothschild, Kissinger sheds dazzling new light on an entire era. The essential account of an extraordinary life, it recasts the Cold War world.
The Birds and Other Plays
The Knights, Peace, The Birds, The Assembly Women, Wealth     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 307
Velikost: 2,38 MB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 10.49 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 29.08.2024, 11:01
| Anotace: Offering a window into the world of ordinary Athenians, Aristophanes' The Birds and Other Plays is a timeless set of comedies, combining witty satire and raucous slapstick to wonderful effect. The plays in this volume all contain Aristophanes' trademark bawdy comedy and dazzling verbal agility. In The Birds, two cunning Athenians persuade the birds to build the utopian city of 'Much Cuckoo in the Clouds' in the sky, blockading the Olympian gods and installing themselves as new deities. The Knights is a venomous satire on Cleon, a prominent Athenian demagogue, who vies with a humble sausage-seller for the approval of the people; while The Assembly-Women deals with the battle of the sexes as the women of Athens infiltrate the all-male Assembly in disguise. The lengthy conflict with Sparta is the subject of Peace, inspired by the hope of a settlement in 421 BC, and Wealth reflects on the economic catastrophe that hit Athens after the war.
These lively translations by David Barrett and Alan H. Sommerstein capture the full humour of the plays. The introduction examines Aristophanes' life and times, and the comedy and poetry of his works, and this edition also includes an introductory note for each play.
The Acharnians
Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 35
Velikost: 68 kB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 23.09.2024, 09:41
| Anotace: The Acharnians or is the third play — and the earliest of the eleven surviving plays — by the Athenian playwright Aristophanes. It was produced in 425 BC on behalf of the young dramatist by an associate, Callistratus, and it won first place at the Lenaia festival.
The Acharnians is about an Athenian citizen, Dikaiopolis, who miraculously obtains a private peace treaty with the Spartans and enjoys the benefits of peace in spite of opposition from some of his fellow Athenians. The play is notable for its absurd humour, its imaginative appeal for an end to the Peloponnesian War, and for the author's spirited response to condemnations of his previous play, The Babylonians, by politicians such as Cleon, who had reviled it as a slander against the Athenian polis. In The Acharnians, Aristophanes reveals his resolve not to yield to attempts at political intimidation.
Along with the other surviving plays of Aristophanes, The Acharnians is one of the few – and oldest – surviving examples of a highly satirical genre of drama known as Old Comedy.
The Oresteian Trilogy
Agamemnon, The Choephori, The Eumenides     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 164
Velikost: 1,98 MB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780141906294 Cena: 10.49 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 29.08.2024, 00:52
| Anotace: Aeschylus (525-c.456 bc) set his great trilogy in the immediate aftermath of the Fall of Troy, when King Agamemnon returns to Argos, a victor in war. Agamemnon depicts the hero's discovery that his family has been destroyed by his wife's infidelity and ends with his death at her callous hand. Clytemnestra's crime is repaid in The Choephori when her outraged son Orestes kills both her and her lover. The Eumenides then follows Orestes as he is hounded to Athens by the Furies' law of vengeance and depicts Athene replacing the bloody cycle of revenge with a system of civil justice. Written in the years after the Battle of Marathon, The Oresteian Trilogy affirmed the deliverance of democratic Athens not only from Persian conquest, but also from its own barbaric past.