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Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj
Stručný výklad evangelia

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 138
Velikost: 2,19 MB
Knižní žánr: religionistika a teologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-80-907477-8-4
Cena: 320.00 CZK
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 24.11.2023, 17:55


Raritní spis, Stručný výklad evangelia, zařazený do šestého svazku Knihovny LNT, patří k jedinečnému vyjádření pravého učení Ježíše Krista. Unikátní, propracované dílo, v němž Lev Tolstoj na základě kritické znalosti evangelijních textů, a jeho smyslu, uspořádal zvěst Ježíše Krista v „jedno“ evangelium, je přirozeně oproštěné od účelových vpisků církve, nánosů zázraků (apologetiky prvních generací křesťanů) a především od hrubého pavlovského, krvavého „talmudu“, který nejvíce zploštil a zatemnil jasné Ježíšovo učení. Kniha dokládá, že v samotných synoptických textech, včetně Janova evangelia…

The Napoleonic Wars
A Global History

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 1190
Velikost: 8,73 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780199394067
Cena: 17.27 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 27.11.2023, 00:14


Austerlitz, Wagram, Borodino, Trafalgar, Leipzig, Waterloo: these are the places most closely associated with the era of the Napoleonic Wars. But how did this period of nearly continuous conflict affect the world beyond Europe? The immensity of the fighting waged by France against England, Prussia, Austria, and Russia, and the immediate consequences of the tremors that spread throughout the world.

In this ambitious and far-ranging work, Alexander Mikaberidze argues that the Napoleonic Wars can only be fully understood in an international perspective. France struggled for dominance not only on the plains of Europe but also in the Americas, West and South Africa, Ottoman Empire, Iran, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Taking specific regions in turn, Mikaberidze discusses major political-military events around the world and situates geopolitical decision-making within its long- and short-term contexts. From the British expeditions to Argentina and South Africa to the Franco-Russian maneuvering in the Ottoman Empire, the effects of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars would shape international affairs well into the next century. In Egypt, the wars led to the rise of Mehmed Ali and the emergence of a powerful state; in North America, the period transformed and enlarged the newly established United States; and in South America, the Spanish colonial empire witnessed the start of national-liberation movements that ultimately ended imperial control.

Skillfully narrated and deeply researched, here at last is the global history of the period, one that expands our view of the Napoleonic Wars and their role in laying the foundations of the modern world.

Russia's Five-Day War
The invasion of Georgia, August 2008

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 66
Velikost: 17,52 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781472850973
Cena: 12.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 20.11.2023, 00:08


A fascinating account of Russia's Five-Day War against Georgia in 2008, notable for its strategic mistakes which prompted President Putin to undertake major military reforms.

After Georgia's independence from Russia in 1991, President Saakashvili invited NATO advisers to assist in military reforms. Separatist groups in Georgia's border provinces rebelled which led to fighting in South Ossetia during August 2008. The Russian Army invaded Georgia alongside these forces, stripped it of these rebellious provinces, and garrisoned them to maintain a threat over Georgia. But despite the inevitable outcome of this hugely unbalanced conflict, it revealed serious Russian military weaknesses and incompetence, and the NATO-trained and partly Western-equipped Georgian Army put up a much more successful local resistance than Russia had expected. The conflict also demonstrated the first use of Russian cyber-warfare, and its so-called 'hybrid warfare' doctrine.

Author Mark Galeotti is an expert in the field of international relations and a former Foreign Office adviser on Russian security affairs. In this book, he provides a vivid snapshot of the Russian, Georgian, Abkhazian and South Ossetian forces and gives an in-depth analysis of the conflict. Using meticulous color artwork for uniforms, insignia and equipment, rare photographs and detailed 'fact-boxes' for significant units and individuals, this book is a compelling guide to Russia's Five-Day War in Georgia.

Aurora von Goeth, Kyle Harper
Louis XIV
The Real Sun King

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 147
Velikost: 11,35 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978 1 52672 640 7
Cena: 10.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 03.11.2023, 19:16


A concise, straightforward biography of the seventeenth-century French monarch and his seventy-two-year reign.

Innovator. Tyrant. Consummate showman. Passionate lover of women.

After the death of King Louis XIII in 1643, the French crown went to his first-born son and heir, four-year old Louis XIV. In the extraordinary seventy-two years that followed, Louis le Grand—France’s self-styled “Sun King”—ruled France and its people, leaving his unique and permanent mark on history and shaping fashion, art, culture and architecture like none other before. This frank and concise book gives the reader a personal glimpse into the Sun King’s life and times as we follow his rise in power and influence: from a miraculous royal birth no one ever expected to the rise of king as absolute monarch, through the evolution of the glittering Château de Versailles, scandals and poison, four wars and many more mistresses . . . right up to his final days.

Absolute monarch. Appointed by God.

This is Louis XIV, the man. We will uncover his glorious and not-so-glorious obsessions. His debilitating health issues. His drive and passions. And we will dispel some myths, plus reveal the people in his intimate circle working behind the scenes on the Louis propaganda machine to ensure his legacy stayed in the history books forever.

This easy-to-read narrative is accompanied by a plethora of little-known artworks, so if you’re a Louis XIV fan or student, or just eager to know more about France’s most famous king, we invite you to delve into court life of seventeenth-century French aristocracy, the period known as Le Grand Siècle—“The Grand Century.”

Skutky lásky

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 340
Velikost: 984 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-88329-08-4
Cena: 460.00 CZK
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 24.11.2023, 19:35


„Všichni víme, co je to nejvyšší,“ píše Kierkegaard, i dítě to ví, nejprostší člověk i ten nejmoudřejší, všichni víme, co je věc nejvyšší a všichni stejně, neboť to je, smím-li to tak říci, úkol, který je nám všem uložen. Za jednu tichou hodinku odstupu od zmatku života a světa to pochopí každý člověk. Při návratu bude stále chápat, dokud to bude v životě vypadat hezky; ale až začne zmatek, chápat přestane, nebo se ukáže, že chápal jen z odstupu.

Sedět v pokoji, kde je tak docela ticho, že uslyšíme padnout i zrnko písku, a pochopit, co je věc nejvyšší, dovede každý, ale – řekněme obrazně – sedět v kádi, do které tlučou kotláři a stále myslit na věc nejvyšší, vyžaduje vyvinuté chápání, jinak se ukáže, že bylo jen předběžné, protože se sem nedostavilo. Křesťanství je nezřídka představováno v téměř změkčilé podobě jakési rozmazlené lásky.

Všechno tu je jenom samá láska, šetři sám sebe, své tělo a krev, měj se dobře a buď bezstarostně šťastný, vždyť Bůh je láska a samá láska, o přísnosti se vůbec nesmí slyšet, všechno musí být jen volná řeč lásky a její bytost. V takovém pojetí je boží láska jen bájná a dětinská představa, Kristova podstata příliš zmírněná a změkčilá na to, aby mohla odpovídat pravdě, aby mohla být ,Židovi pohoršením a Řekovi bláznovstvímʼ.“ V šestém svazku Knihovny SAK, Skutky lásky, nazývá Kierkegaard svůj spis „několika křesťanskými úvahami ve formě proslovů“.

Terje Tvedt
The Nile
History´s Greatest River

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 610
Velikost: 7,02 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-7556-1680-0
Cena: 31.15 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 27.11.2023, 00:45


The greatest river in the world has a long and fascinating history. Professor Terje Tvedt, one of the world's leading experts on the history of waterways, travels upstream along the river's mouth to its sources. The result is a travelogue through 5000 years and 11 countries, from the Mediterranean to Central Africa. This is the fascinating story of the immense economic, political and mythical significance of the river. Brimming with accounts of central characters in the struggle for the Nile – from Caesar and Cleopatra, to Churchill and Mussolini, and on to the political leaders of today, The Nile is also the story of water as it nourished a civilization.

Combat Vehicles of Russia's Special Forces
Spetsnaz, Airborne, Arctic and Interior Troops

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 49
Velikost: 13,38 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781472841810
Cena: 11.49 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 24.11.2023, 17:11


An illustrated study of both the combat vehicles of Russia's legendary Spetsnaz special forces and the whole range of unique and modified vehicles that Russia's elite units use, from combat snowmobiles to the world's biggest water-cannon.

Elite forces need elite vehicles. As Vladimir Putin has devoted effort and funds into modernising Russia's armed forces and turning them into an instrument geared not just for defending the Motherland but also projecting power beyond its borders, Russia has seen a growing emphasis on special and specialist forces. Traditionally, the elite Spetsnaz commandos had to make do with regular vehicles or civilian-based 'technicals', not least to conceal their presence (or, indeed, very existence). Now, increasingly at the forefront of Russian power projection, the Spetsnaz are acquiring more capable, versatile vehicles, such as the paratroopers' BTR-D personnel carrier, and also experimenting with exotic, specialist new acquisitions, such as the Chaborz M-3 buggy and Yamaha Grizzly all-terrain vehicle.

The other elite branches of Russia's forces, such as the Arctic-warfare troops of the 200th Independent Motor Rifle Brigade, the paratroopers of the Air Assault Troops (VDV), the Naval Infantry, and the elite units of the security forces are also developing and fielding new vehicles for their specialist roles, from combat snowmobiles to urban-warfare vehicles. From highly-mobile LMVs able to operate in the deserts of Syria or the streets of Ukraine, through dedicated fire-support vehicles such as the air-droppable Sprut-SD or the massive BMPT 'Terminator', to amphibious tanks and drone-equipped security trucks, these are the workhorses of Russia's special forces.

This study explores all these combat vehicles in detail, combining expert analysis from Russia expert Mark Galeotti with highly accurate full-colour illustrations and photographs.

Yan-Jun Yang, Yue-Him Tam
Unit 731
Laboratory of the Devil, Auschwitz of the East. Japanese Biological Warfare in China 1933-45

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 154
Velikost: 3,35 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-78155-678-8
Cena: 9.99 USD
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 03.11.2023, 19:10


This book exposes Unit 731 as being the largest bacterial warfare force in the history of the Second World War. Manufacture and the use of biological weapons, the entire process of preparation and implementation of germ warfare, with the reflection on war and human nature, medical and ethical issues, is given by the testimony of the veterans of Unit 731. This evidence is provided by the surviving Chinese labourers and the families of the victims. The book focuses on five aspects: first, the inhuman medical crimes of Unit 731 weapons, the biological combats, and human experiments; secondly, the war damage and the postwar effects of biological war by Unit 731 brought to China and other Asian countries; thirdly, the survey and cover-up at the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials; fourthly the protection status of the site with development status of the exhibition and international exchanges of the Unit 731 Museum; fifthly and finally, there is a separate chapter discussing Japanese chemical warfare.

The World Set Free

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 105
Velikost: 397 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 23.12.2012, 20:53


This chilling, futuristic novel, written in 1913 and first published the following year, was incredibly prophetic on a major scale. Wells was a genius and visionary, as demonstrated by many of his other works, but this book is clearly one of his best.

He predicts nuclear warfare years before research began and describes the chain reactions involved and the resulting radiation. He describes a weapon of enormous destructive power, used from the air that would wipe out everything for miles, and actually used the term "atomic bombs."

This book may have been at least part of the original inspiration for the development of atomic weapons, as well as presenting many other ideas that would ultimately come to pass. Some ideas may still be coming, including a one-world government referred to as The World Republic, that will attempt to end all wars.

When the Sleeper Wakes

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 134
Velikost: 491 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 23.12.2012, 15:21


Graham, an 1890s radical pamphleteer who is eagerly awaiting the twentieth century and all the advances it will bring, is stricken with insomnia. Finally resorting to medication, he instantly falls into a deep sleep that lasts two hundred years. Upon waking in the twenty-second century to a strange and nightmarish place, he slowly discovers he is master of the world, revered by an adoring populace who consider him their leader. Terrified, he escapes from his chamber seeking solace—only to realize that not everyone adores him, some even wish to harm him.

The Wheels of Chance
A Bicycling Idyll

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 94
Velikost: 355 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 23.12.2012, 14:50


A humorous account of a young man's cycling holiday in the south of England. By the author of The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds.

War and the Future
War and the Future. Italy, France, Britain at War

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 91
Velikost: 370 kB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 23.12.2012, 13:47


War and the Future, a work of propaganda written at the heart of the First World War, brings together diverse observations on the ongoing conflict, highlighting the radical change that the new armament technologies are bringing to the art of warfare. Wells states his theory of a new world scientific and technical order, which already ran through his science-fiction masterpieces at the end of the last century. 

Twelve Stories and a Dream

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 116
Velikost: 437 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 23.12.2012, 12:23


Twelve Stories and a Dream contains thirteen stories written by H. G. Wells many of which are fantasy. Included are: Filmer, The Magic Shop, The Valley of Spiders, The Truth about Pyecraft, Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland, The Inexperienced Ghost, Jimmy Goggles the God, The New Accelerator, Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation, The Stolen Body, Mr. Brisher's Treasure, Miss Winchelsea's Heart, A Dream of Armageddon.


Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 212
Velikost: 793 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 23.12.2012, 01:42


One of the greatest of all satires of the power of advertising and the modern press

Presented as a miraculous cure-all, Tono-Bungay is in fact nothing other than a pleasant-tasting liquid with no positive effects. Nonetheless, when the young George Ponderevo is employed by his Uncle Edward to help market this ineffective medicine, he finds his life overwhelmed by its sudden success. Soon, the worthless substance is turned into a formidable fortune, as society becomes convinced of the merits of Tono-Bungay through a combination of skilled advertising and public credulity. As the newly rich George discovers, however, there is far more to class in England than merely the possession of wealth.

The Soul of a Bishop

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 129
Velikost: 467 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2012, 23:37


He is known, along with Jules Verne, as one of the 19th-century fathers of logical, rational science fiction, but in this 1917 novel, H. G. Wells weaves a more intuitive tale, about a bishop haunted by strange dreams and visions that challenge his faith. Lyrical, poetic, and verging on stream-of-consciousness in places, this little-read work of one of the most enduringly popular writers of modern literature is like found treasure, offering a captivating and unexpected insight into Wells' psyche.

The Secret Places of the Heart

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 110
Velikost: 388 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2012, 23:04


H.G. Wells was so charmed by Margaret Sanger that he based The Secret Places of the Heart on his time with her. The novel -- a thinly-veiled autobiography -- depicts an English gentleman, Sir Richard Hardy, who is attempting to sort out his marital problems while he travels the English countryside in the company of a psychiatrist. The Secret Places of the Heart was, in many ways, a love letter from Wells to Sanger...

The Research Magnificent

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 177
Velikost: 658 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2012, 22:41


The story of William Porphyry Benham is the story of a man who was led into adventure by an idea. It was an idea that took possession of his imagination quite early in life, it grew with him and changed with him, it interwove at last completely with his being. His story is its story.

The Red Room

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 11
Velikost: 39 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 25.09.2024, 01:32


The Red Room is a short story by H. G. Wells. The story deals with the internal human conflict between rationality and the irrational fear of the unknown.

The New Machiaveli

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 221
Velikost: 868 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2012, 15:58


Well's vivid and unfailingly candid account of the damage wrought by a scandalous society affair and the overwhelming power of passion

A successful author and Liberal MP with a loving and benevolent wife, Richard Remington appears to be a man to envy. But underneath his superficial contentment, he is far from happy with either his marriage or the politics of his party. The New Machiavelli describes the disarray into which his life is thrown, when he meets the young and beautiful Isabel Rivers and becomes tormented by desire. At first, he struggles to resist and remain focused upon his familiar political, personal and social life. But as he soon learns, it is harder than he could have imagined to turn his back on love.

God the Invisible King

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 58
Velikost: 239 kB
Knižní žánr: religionistika a teologie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2012, 12:29


God the Invisible King is a theological work published by one of the worlds most respected and cherished authors, H.G. Wells.

First and Last Things
A Confession of Faith and Rule of Life

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 91
Velikost: 357 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 22.12.2012, 01:33


intellectual self-confession


First and Last Things is a 1908 work of philosophy by H. G. Wells setting forth his beliefs in four "books" entitled "Metaphysics," "Of Belief," "Of General Conduct," and "Some Personal Things." Parts of the book were published in the Independent Magazine in July and August 1908. Wells revised the book extensively in 1917, in response to his religious conversion, but later published a further revision in 1929 that restored much of the book to its earlier form. Its main intellectual influences are Darwinism and certain German thinkers Wells had read, such as August Weismann. The pragmatism of William James, who had become a friend of Wells, was also an influence.
Odin’s Library Classics is dedicated to bringing the world the best of humankind’s literature from throughout the ages. Carefully selected, each work is unabridged from classic works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama.

Totem and Taboo

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 116
Velikost: 665 kB
Knižní žánr: psychologie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 14.11.2012, 02:00


In his book, Totem and Taboo, he proposes that all modern forms of socialization are shaped by the primitive culture of origin. In addition to that, he states that all behaviors of conformity spring from a common primitive form. Generally, a totem is a symbol that is common to a group of people. Typically, members who are of the same totem are prohibited from breeding. In this book, Freud argues that these simplistic societies would simply have had no way of knowing the physiological effects of incest. Instead, Freud argues that these primitive societies are driven by something else. Thus, Freud instigated a study into these groups and came up with conclusions. In the book, he also has something to say about how modern and monotheistic religions came into being. 

Psychology and Social Practice

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 14
Velikost: 146 kB
Knižní žánr: psychologie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 14.11.2012, 02:00


In this piece, Dewey explores the relationship between psychology and social practice, emphasizing the importance of a pragmatic approach that integrates both disciplines. He argues that psychology must go beyond the study of individual behavior and delve into the understanding of how individuals interact with and are influenced by their social environment. Dewey's article highlights the need for psychology to contribute to the improvement of society by addressing social issues and promoting human flourishing.

The Republic

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 413
Velikost: 826 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-521-48173-1
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 14.11.2012, 01:59


Since the mid-nineteenth century, the Republic has been Plato’s most famous and widely read dialogue.  As in most other Platonic dialogues the main character is Socrates.  It is generally accepted that the Republic belongs to the dialogues of Plato’s middle period.  In Plato’s early dialogues, Socrates refutes the accounts of his interlocutors and the discussion ends with no satisfactory answer to the matter investigated.  In the Republic however, we encounter Socrates developing a position on justice and its relation to eudaimonia(happiness).  He provides a long and complicated, but unified argument, in defense of the just life and its necessary connection to the happy life.

The dialogue explores two central questions.  The first question is “what is justice?”  Socrates addresses this question both in terms of political communities and in terms of the individual person or soul.  He does this to address the second and driving question of the dialogue: “is the just person happier than the unjust person?” or “what is the relation of justice to happiness?” Given the two central questions of the discussion, Plato’s philosophical concerns in the dialogue are ethical and political.  In order to address these two questions, Socrates and his interlocutors construct a just city in speech, the Kallipolis.  They do this in order to explain what justice is and then they proceed to illustrate justice by analogy in the human soul.  On the way to defending the just life, Socrates considers a tremendous variety of subjects such as several rival theories of justice, competing views of human happiness, education, the nature and importance of philosophy and philosophers, knowledge, the structure of reality, the Forms, the virtues and vices, good and bad souls, good and bad political regimes, the family, the role of women in society, the role of art in society, and even the afterlife.  This wide scope of the dialogue presents various interpretative difficulties and has resulted in thousands of scholarly works.  In order to attempt to understand the dialogue’s argument as a whole one is required to grapple with these subjects.

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 153
Velikost: 212 kB
Knižní žánr: detektivky
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 14.11.2012, 01:59


In this, one of the most famous of Doyle's mysteries, the tale of an ancient curse and a savage ghostly hound comes frighteningly to life. The gray towers of Baskerville Hall and the wild open country of Dartmoor will haunt the reader as Holmes and Watson seek to unravel the many secrets of the misty English bogs.

Pravěk českých zemí v evropském kontextu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 178
Velikost: 5,02 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 80-7254-685-6
Cena: 89.00 CZK
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 12.09.2024, 23:33


Na rozdíl od dřívějších knížek o pravěku českých zemí se autor soustřeďuje na vztahy našeho pravěku k jiným částem Evropy a Středomoří, pokouší se je osvětlit v širším kontextu a ukázat, jak se i Čechy s Moravou aktivně účastnily kulturního vývoje celoevropského i celosvětového. Kniha je bohatě vybavena ilustracemi a mapami, dokumentujícími širší souvislosti jednotlivých etap pravěkých dějin našich zemí.PhDr. Jan Bouzek, DrSc., profesor klasické archeologie na Karlově univerzitě, se narodil v r. 1935 v Praze, byl hostujícím profesorem v Německu, Rakousku, Francii a USA, vedl řadu archeologických výzkumů u nás i v zahraničí (Bulharsko, Libanon, Srí Lanka), studoval zejména vztahy mezi různými starověkými civilizacemi; vydal řadu knih v zahraničí i u nás. Hlavními popularizujícími knihami jsou Objevy ve Středomoří (1980), Periklovo Řecko (1990, s I. Ondřejovou), Thrákové (1990) a tři menší knížky vydané společně se Z. Kratochvílem (Od mýtu k logu, Archaické myšlení a umění, Proměny interpretací).

Jan Hus známý i neznámý
(Resumé knihy, která nebude napsána)

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 138
Velikost: 4,23 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-246-2356-6
Cena: 100.00 CZK
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 12.09.2024, 23:51


Jiří Kejř vypráví přístupnou formou příběh života mistra Jana Husa, systematicky vysvětluje pohnutky jednání tohoto významného myslitele i podstatu jeho individualistického založení. Shrnuje tak své početné práce, které se Husa dotkly nebo zcela zásadně analyzovaly okolnosti jeho procesu u kurie a na koncilu kostnickém. Podává zhuštěně vysvětlení nepřesných či zavádějících tvrzení spojených s jeho osobou, která se objevují ve velmi bohaté odborné i popularizující husovské literatuře. Právě shrnutí a vyvrácení dosavadních omylů kolem Husa, jeho přátel i protivníků jsou hlavním cílem Kejřovy knihy. Přestože autor pokládá osobně svoji novou knihu za pouhý zlomek díla, jež by mělo o osobnosti Husova formátu vzniknout, lze ji právem považovat nikoli za fragment, ale za koncentrovaný, hodnotný extrakt zamýšlené, ale nerealizované obsáhlé monografie.


Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 24
Velikost: 76 kB
Knižní žánr: divadelní hry
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 14.11.2012, 01:56


Socrates (French: Socrate) is a 1759 French play in three acts written by Voltaire. It is set in Ancient Greece during the events just before the trial and death of Greek philosopher Socrates. It is heavy with satire specifically at government authority and organized religion. The main characters besides the titular role is that of the priest Anitus, his entourage, Socrates' wife Xantippe, several judges, and some children Socrates has adopted as his own.

Immanuel Kant
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 34
Velikost: 385 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: němčina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 14.11.2012, 01:55


Im Jahr 1764 veröffentliche Immanuel Kant die Schrift ‚Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen‘. Das Werk ist in vier Abschnitte unterteilt.

Volume II

Stáhnout e-knihu

    Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 460
Velikost: 514 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE
Vloženo: 20.09.2024, 17:15


Plutarch's Lives, written at the beginning of the second century A.D., is a brilliant social history of the ancient world by one of the greatest biographers and moralists of all time. In what is by far his most famous and influential work, Plutarch reveals the character and personality of his subjects and how they led ultimately to tragedy or victory. Richly anecdotal and full of detail, Volume I contains profiles and comparisons of Romulus and Theseus, Numa and Lycurgus, Fabius and Pericles, and many more powerful figures of ancient Greece and Rome.

Zobrazeno: 2761-2790 z celkem 3486 záznamů     

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