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Robert Service (GBR)

* 29.10.1947 (77 let)

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Professor Robert John Service (born 29 October 1947) is a British historian of Russia. He is a Fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford.

Service spent his undergraduate years at Cambridge, where he studied Russian and classical Greek. He went to Essex and Leningrad universities for his postgraduate work, and taught at Keele and the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, before joining Oxford University in 1998, where he is currently Professor of Russian History.

Between 1986 and 1995, Service published a three-volume biography of Lenin. He has also written several works of general history on 20th-century Russia such as A History of Twentieth-Century Russia. He is currently embarked on producing a trilogy of biographies: both Lenin (2000) and Stalin (2004) have been completed, and Trotsky is in preparation. Robert Service's most recent work is Comrades: A World History of Communism (2007).

The Guardian's associate editor Seumas Milne has accused Service of promoting "a relentlessly cartoonish portrayal both of communist politics and theory" with an "evident lack of feel for the left or working-class movements and their concerns."


A History of Twentieth-Century Russia (1997)
The Russian Revolution, 1900-27 (Studies in European History) (1999)
A History of Modern Russia, from Nicholas II to Putin (1998, Second edition in 2003)
Lenin: A Biography (2000)
Russia: Experiment with a People (2002)
Stalin: A Biography (2004)
Comrades: A World History of Communism (2007)
Trotsky: A Biography (2009)

Source: Wikipedia


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