
Životopis autora


Rudolf Vlasák (CZE)

(2025 let)

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Rudolf Vlasak:
1961 - graduated with honors from Faculty of Arts, Charles University
1967 - developed and installed one of the first Czechoslovak automated documentation systems KOMPAS
1968 - receive PhD degre
1971 - developed a national project of automation system of scientific-technical information services "Central technical base of Czechoslovac system STI", which was placed into service under his co-management. In seventies and eighties he managed development of information services in almost all sections of science, technology, and economy of then the Federal State (since 1973 SDI services from more then 30 foreign and domestic databases, e.g. CAS, INSPEC, COMPENDEX, WPI, and other); since 1979 online retrieval services were on host computer of the Central technical base and since 1980 online searches performed for Czechoslovak branch and specialized information centers in 12 online centers abroad (e.g. Dialog, Data-Star, Questel, ORBIT, STN, etc.)
1991 - teaches at Faculty of Arts, Charles University, here he presented his habilitation work "World Information Systems and Services : Information Industry" (in Czech)
1992 - Habilitation of Faculty of Arts, Charles University
1993 - 2002, September - Director of the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
2002, October - Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Research and Publications
In seventies and eighties worked as researcher on state research projects and after 1990 was a researcher in grant programs directed toward implementation of computer and communication technology in information and library services. He is an author of more then 250 specialised articles, papers, and lectures presented at seminars. He published ten monographs in last 12 years (for example "Information Industry" published in 1999, "Information Policy" published in Democratic Countries" published in 2002) and he is editor of four proceedings of all-state seminars "Automation of Library Systems" from 1992

Professional functions
Chairman of the Czech National FID Committee (1992-2000)
Member of Executive Committee of SKIP (Association of Library and Information Professionals, Czech Republic) (1990-1998)
Chairman of SKIP Commission for automation (1991-1998)
Vice-chairman of the Czech Information Society (2001- )
Member of editorial boards of periodicals "I'" and "INFOCUS" (1990-1997)
Member of Scientific Council of Faculty of Arts, Charles University (1993-1998)
External teacher at Silesian University and the Higher School of Information Services (1993- )
Chairman of Cybernetization Committee, Faculty of Arts, Charles University (1994-1998)
Member of Scientific Council of The Institute for Geography (2000 - )
Expert of Institute of Computer Technology, Charles University (1990-2001)

At present: Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Faculty of Arts, Charles University



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