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Nigel Cawthorne (USA)

* 27.03.1951 (73 let)

Nigel Cawthorne (born 27 March 1951 in Chicago) is an Anglo-American writer of fiction and non-fiction, and an editor.

He has written more than 150 books on a wide range of subjects, in addition to contributing to The Guardian, the Daily Mirror, the Daily Mail, and the New-York Tribune. He has appeared on television and BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

Cawthorne's own web site refers to a description of his home as a "book-writing factory" and says: "More than half my books were commissioned by publishers and packagers for a flat fee or for a reduced royalty". One of his most notable works was Taking Back My Name, an autobiography of Ike Turner, for which he spent a number of weeks working with Turner and took up residence in his house. The autobiography caused much controversy, resulting in court cases reaching three years following its release.

Cawthorne currently lives in Bloomsbury, London with his girlfriend and his son Colin (born 1982).



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