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Mark Steyn (CAN)

* 08.12.1959 (65 let)

Mark Steyn is a conservative Canadian author and political commentator. He has written five books, including America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It, a New York Times bestseller. He is published in newspapers and magazines, and appears on politically conservative shows such as those of Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.

Steyn lives and works mainly in Woodsville, New Hampshire. He is married, and has three children.

Steyn was born in Toronto on December 8, 1959. He was baptized a Catholic and later confirmed in the Anglican Church;. He has stated that "the last Jewish female in my line was one of my paternal great-grandmothers" and that "both my grandmothers were Catholic". Steyn's great-aunt was artist Stella Steyn. His mother's family was Belgian.

Steyn was educated at the King Edward's School, Birmingham, in the United Kingdom, the same school that author J. R. R. Tolkien attended and where Steyn was assigned a Greek dictionary that had also been used by Tolkien.[9] Steyn left school at age 16 and worked as a disc jockey before becoming musical theatre critic at the newly established The Independent in 1986. He was appointed film critic for The Spectator in 1992. After writing predominantly about the arts, Steyn shifted his focus to political commentary and wrote a column for The Daily Telegraph, a conservative broadsheet, until 2006.

He has written for a wide range of publications, including the Jerusalem Post, Orange County Register, Chicago Sun-Times, National Review, The New York Sun, The Australian, Maclean's, The Irish Times, National Post, The Atlantic, Western Standard, and The New Criterion.

Steyn's books include Broadway Babies Say Goodnight: Musicals Then and Now (a history of the musical theatre) and America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, a New York Times bestseller. He has also published collections of his columns and his celebrity obituaries and profiles from The Atlantic.

Steyn held a Eugene C. Pulliam Visiting Fellowship in Journalism at Hillsdale College in spring 2013. As of 2010, Steyn was no longer the back-page columnist for the print edition of National Review, conservative writer James Lileks having taken over that space in the print edition. Steyn's back-page column for National Review, "Happy Warrior", resumed with the March 21, 2011 issue.

Steyn also has contributed to the center-right blog and recorded numerous podcasts with the organization.

Steyn is also a guest host of The Rush Limbaugh Show.

From December 2016 to February 2017, Steyn hosted "The Mark Steyn Show" on the CRTV Digital Network. Following the cancellation of the show, Steyn sued CRTV.



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