
Životopis autora


Andreas Musolff (GER)

(2025 let)

Andreas Musolff read Linguistics, German and English Philology at the Universities of Dűsseldorf and London (SOAS, UCL). After finishing the first degree, he worked at a School for Disabled Children and the Volkshochschule Dűsseldorf. In 1989, he obtained his PhD for work on the history of psycholinguistics and in 1996 his habilitation for work on political discourse analysis. In 2013 he held a Visiting Fellowship at the Truman Institute, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in 2009 a Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, Queen Mary University of London and in 2004 a Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, Queen Mary University of London. In 1993, he was awarded the Unilever Prize for innovative language teaching.

Career History
·         1990-1995: Lecturer in German Studies, Aston University
·         1996-2010: Senior Lecturer, then reader, then Professor in German Studies, Durham University
·         since 2010: Professor of Intercultural Communication, UEA



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