Rebecca Langlands (GBR) (2025 let)
Rebecca Langlands is Associate Professor in Classics at University of Exeter, with particular interests in Latin literature and Roman culture, ethics, the history of sexuality and Classical Reception. She is the author of Sexual Morality in Ancient Rome(CUP 2006) and Exemplary Ethics in Ancient Rome (CUP forthcoming).
She writes the Latin literature review for the journal Greece and Rome, a twice-yearly round-up of all that has been published in the field over the previous six months.
In collaboration with Dr Kim Peters (Psychology) she is leading an interdisciplinary project Heroes and Leaders: How Role Models Shape Livesinvolving colleagues from across the university in Humanities and Social Sciences. The project kicked off with an interdisciplinary workshop Heroes and Leaders: Exemplarity and Identity on 26th and 27th March 2013 (supported by HASS strategy funds).
