
Životopis autora


Philip L. Stein (USA)

(2025 let)

Philip L. Stein, a native of Los Angeles, received his BA in Zoology and MA in Anthropology from UCLA. He began teaching at Pierce College in 1965. During his 41 years at Pierce College he has held many academic and administrative positions. He is currently a Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the Department of Anthropological and Geographical Sciences. He has also taught at East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles City College, and California State University, Northridge.

Professor Stein is a fellow of the American Anthropological Association and a past president of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges. He is also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,American Association of Physical Anthropologists, National Center for Science Education, and the Southwestern Anthropological Association.

He is a co-author (with Professor Bruce M. Rowe) of the textbook Physical Anthropology, published by McGraw-Hill, which is now in its 9th edition. The 10th edition scheduled to be published in the summer of 2007. He is also a co-author with his daughter Rebecca Stein, an instructor at Los Angeles Valley College, of The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft, published by Allyn & Bacon. The second edition is due to appear in the summer of 2007. He has contributed chapters to Kottak, et al., The Teaching of Anthropology: Problems, Issues, and Decisions (Mayfield, 1996) and Ryan, et al., A Guide to Careers in Physical Anthropology (Bergin & Garvey, 2002). He has also published several articles and has made many oral presentations. Most recently he was featured in the Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division of the American Anthropological Society in a discussion of “How to Combat ‘Intelligent Design’ in the Classroom.”

At the college, he is a member of the college’s Academic Senate, Professional Ethics Committee, Departmental Council, Academic Policy Committee, and the Educational Master Plan Committee.



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