William Thompson (USA) (2025 let)
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Professor Thompson's teaching interests focus on international relations theory, conflict processes and international political economy. His research interests are similar with a current emphasis on long term historical-structural change, the rise and fall of major powers, long economic waves and their consequences, and war impacts. His books include The Comparative Analysis of Politics (with Monte Palmer), Contending Approaches to World System Analysis, Rhythms in Politics and Economics (with Paul Johns on),Seapower in Global Politics, 1494-1993 (with George Modelski), On Global War: Historical-Structural Approaches to World Politics, War and State Making: The Shaping of the Global Powers (with Karen Rasler), The Great Power and Global Struggle, 1490-1990 (with Karen Rasler), and Leading Sectors and World Politics: Coevolution in Global Economics and Politics (with George Modelski), Great power Rivalries, and The Emergence of the global Political Economy. A number of articles, monographs, and book chapters have been published on such topics as regional subsystems, military coups, alliance processes, war rivalries, and long waves of economic growth.
Source: http://polisci.indiana.edu/faculty/profiles/wthompso.shtml
