Anthony James Gregor (USA) * 02.04.1929 (95 let)
Anthony James Gregor (born April 2, 1929) is a Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley who is well known for his research on fascism, Marxism, and national security. According to Griffin (2000), Gregor was part of a movement of young scholars in the 1960s who rejected the traditional interpretation of fascism as an ideologically empty, reactionary, antimodern dead end. He demonstrated the major debt Italian Fascism owed to European ideological currents in sociology and political theory. Gregor stressed fascism's coherence as a serious theory of state and society, and argued that it played a revolutionary and modernizing role in European history. His theory of generic fascism portrayed it as a form of "developmental dictatorship." Gregor wrote an influential early comprehensive survey of existing theoretical models of fascism.[1]Professor Zeev Sternhell has said of him "Professor Gregor is one of the rare specialists in Italian Fascism to have made a truly original contribution to the study of the subject."
He was born Anthony Gimigliano in New York City. His father, Antonio, was a machine operator, factory worker and a nonpolitical anarchist. During World War II, his mother, an Italian citizen who, until that time, had not taken American citizenship, was classified as an "enemy alien". Gregor served as a volunteer in the U.S. Army. He attended and graduated from Columbia University in 1952 and thereafter served as a high school social science teacher while working for his advanced degrees. During this period, he commenced publishing articles in political journals on both the "Right" (The European"] and the "Left" (Science and Society and Studies on the Left). In 1958, his writing appeared in an academic journal for the first time with "The Logic of Race Classification" published in Genus, a journal edited by Corrado Gini, a leading Italian sociologist. Gregor's article was a defense of Gini's theories and he subsequently became a friend and collaborator of Gini's until Gini's death in 1965.
In 1961 Gregor completed his work for his doctorate at Columbia as an Irwin Edman Scholar and with Distinction in History.
A survey of Marxism: problems in philosophy and the theory of history, New York : Random House, 1965
Contemporary Radical Ideologies: Totalitarian Thought in the Twentieth Century,New York: Random House, 1969
The ideology of fascism : the rationale of totalitarianism, New York: Free Press, 1969. "L'Ideologia del fascismo", Rome: Edizioni del Borghese, 1974; reprint "L'Ideologia del fascismo: Il fondamento razionale del totalitarismo," Rome: Lulu, 2013.
An Introduction to Metapolitics: A Brief Inquiry into the Conceptual Language of Political Science. New York: Free Press, 1971; reprinted as "Metascience and Politics: An Inquiry into the Conceptual Language of Political Science" With a new preface and postscript by the author. New Brunswick: Transaction, 2003.
The Fascist persuasion in radical politics, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974
Interpretations of Fascism, Morristown: General Learning, 1974; Revised reprint New Brunswick: Transaction, 2000, with a new introduction by the author; "Il Fascismo: Interpretazioni e giudizi" Rome: Antonio Pellicani Editore, 1997.
"Sergio Panunzio: Il sindacalismo ed il fondamento razionale del fascismo," Rome: Volpe, 1978, New, enlarged edition, Rome: Lulu, 2014.
"Roberto Michels e l'ideologia del fascismo," Rome: Volpe, 1979.
Young Mussolini and the intellectual origins of Fascism, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.
Italian Fascism and Developmental Dictatorship, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Reprinted in the Princeton Legacy Library in 2014.
"The Taiwaa Relations Act and the Defense of the Republic of China", Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, 1980.
Ideology and development: Sun Yat-sen and the economic history of Taiwan, with Maria Hsia Chang and Andrew B. Zimmerman, China research monographs, Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, Berkeley, no. 23, 1981.
"Essays on U.S.-Phiiippine Relations," Editor. Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 1983.
"The Iron Triangle: A U.S. Security Policy for Northeast Asia," Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1984.
"The Phiiippine Bases: U.S. Security at Risk", Washington D.C.: Ethics and Public Pollcy, 1987.
The China Connection: U.S. policy and the People's Republic of China, 1986
Arming the dragon: U.S. security ties with the People's Republic of China, 1987
In the shadow of giants: the major powers and the security of Southeast Asia, 1989
"Land of the Morning Calm: U.S. Interests and the Korean Peninsula", Washington, D.C.: Ethics and Public Policy, 1989
Marxism, China, & Development: Reflections on Theory and Reality, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publisher, 1995
Phoenix: Fascism in Our Time. New Brunswick: Transaction, 1999.
The Faces of Janus: Marxism and Fascism in the Twentieth Century. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000. Spanish edition, "Los Rostros de Jano: Marxismo y Fascismo en el siglo XX", Universitat de Valencia, 2002.
Giovanni Gentile : philosopher of fascism, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 2001; Italian edition, "Giovanni Gentile: Il filosofo del fascismo", Lecce: Pensa, 2014.
A Place in the Sun: Marxism and Fascism in China's Long Revolution, Westview Press, 2000
Translation from the Italian: Origins and Doctrine of Fascism: Giovanni Gentile, Transaction Publishers, 2nd ed. 2004
The Search for Neofascism, Cambridge University Press, 2006
Mussolini's Intellectuals: Fascist Social and Political Thought, Princeton University Press, new ed. 2006
Marxism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism: Chapters in the Intellectual History of Radicalism, Stanford University Press, 2008
Totalitarianism and Political Religion: An Intellectual History, Stanford University Press, 2012
"Marxism and the Making of China: A Doctrinal History", Palgrave-Macmillan, 2014
