
Životopis autora


Kevin J. Madigan (USA)

(2025 let)

Kevin Madigan is a historian of medieval Christian religious practice and thought. He began teaching at Harvard Divinity School in 2000 and in October 2009 was named Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History. He was associate dean for faculty and academic affairs from July 2012 to June 2014. He specializes in medieval Christianity. His book Olivi and the Interpretation of Matthew in the High Middle Ages (University of Notre Dame Press) was published in 2003, and his study The Passions of Christ in High-Medieval Thought: An Essay on Christological Development was brought out by Oxford University Press in 2007. With Carolyn Osiek, Madigan co-authored Ordained Women in the Early Church: A Documentary History (Johns Hopkins, 2005; translated into Spanish 2008). In 2008, Madigan and Jon Levenson of HDS published Resurrection: The Power of God for Christians and Jews (Yale University Press), a project partly written during 2006–07 when Madigan was winner of a Luce Theological Fellowship; the book is now being translated into Chinese. Most recently, Madigan completed a new textbook on the medieval church, entitled Medieval Christianity: A New History (Yale University Press, forthcoming). He also regularly teaches courses on the Holocaust and has published several articles on the Roman Catholic Church during the Nazi period.


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