
Životopis autora


Robert Garland (USA)

(2025 let)

WWW stránky autora

Degree: BA Manchester University 1969; MA McMaster University 1973; PhD University College London 1981

Specialties: Ancient history and classics

Interests: Greek religion, Greek urban development, Greek society and social values, Athenian topography

Publications: Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks (Greenwood Press, 1998); The Eye of the Beholder (Cornell University Press, 1995), Religion and the Greeks (Bristol Classical Press, 1994), Introducing New Gods (Cornell University Press, 1992), The Greek Way of Life (Cornell University Press, 1990), The Piraeus (Duckworth, 1987), The Greek Way of Death (Cornell University Press, 1985); numerous articles on topics ranging from suicide to drinking to "Mother and Child in Ancient Greece" to sculpture and funerary reliefs to "Priests and Power in Classical Athens"; journals include History Today, Omnibus, Annual of the British School at Athens, Ancient Society, Arion, Gnomon, and Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies

Distinctions: Fulbright Scholar and Fellow of the Center for Hellenic Studies 1985-86, Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study Spring 1990; Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professor at Bristol University 1995


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