Filosofie logiky
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 363
Velikost: 981 kB
Knižní žánr: logika a matematika
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7007-518-0 Cena: 195.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 23.10.2022, 02:42
| Anotace: Kniha je soustavným pojednáním o problémech filosofie logiky a přístupech k jejich řešení; je ovšem napsána trochu jinak, než bývají knihy o filosofii logiky po světě obvykle psány. Na jedné straně se snaží ukazovat, že problémy, s nimiž logika a filosofie logiky zápasí, často vznikly mnohem dříve než v době, kdy se objevila moderní logika; na druhé straně se ale snaží ukázat, že je tu specifický druh filosofických problémů týkajících se logiky, který skutečně vznikl až se vznikem moderní logiky a kterému dosud není věnována patřičná pozornost. Kromě tradičních témat (například problematika logických paradoxů, vymezení logické formy, logické zachycení „obecnin“ aj.) se tudíž práce zabývá i ryze novodobými problémy logiky (spojenými například s axiomatizací logických kalkulů a vytvářením jejich množinových modelů, s otázkou jejich úplnosti a neúplnosti, či s bující pluralitou logických systémů). Kniha je psána tak, aby byla srozumitelná nejenom úzkému okruhu odborníků; je tedy vhodná pro studenty různých oborů, kteří přicházejí s logikou do styku, i pro zájemce o logiku z řad široké odborné veřejnosti.
Enriching the Earth
Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 359
Velikost: 2,43 MB
Knižní žánr: přírodní vědy
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 12.10.2022, 11:15
| Anotace: Dr. Smil is the world's authority on nitrogenous fertilizer.
The industrial synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen has been of greater fundamental importance to the modern world than the invention of the airplane, nuclear energy, space flight, or television. The expansion of the world's population from 1.6 billion people in 1900 to today's six billion would not have been possible without the synthesis of ammonia.
In Enriching the Earth, Vaclav Smil begins with a discussion of nitrogen's unique status in the biosphere, its role in crop production, and traditional means of supplying the nutrient. He then looks at various attempts to expand natural nitrogen flows through mineral and synthetic fertilizers. The core of the book is a detailed narrative of the discovery of ammonia synthesis by Fritz Haber—a discovery scientists had sought for over one hundred years—and its commercialization by Carl Bosch and the chemical company BASF. Smil also examines the emergence of the large-scale nitrogen fertilizer industry and analyzes the extent of global dependence on the Haber-Bosch process and its biospheric consequences. Finally, it looks at the role of nitrogen in civilization and, in a sad coda, describes the lives of Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch after the discovery of ammonia synthesis.
A Beginner's Guide     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 193
Velikost: 3,21 MB
Knižní žánr: přírodní vědy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978–1–78074–151–2 Cena: 6.71 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 12.10.2022, 10:53
| Anotace: With one famous equation, E=mc2, Einstein proved all matter can be described as energy. It is everywhere and it is everything.
In this newly updated and engaging introduction, renowned scientist Vaclav Smil explores energy in all its facets – from the inner workings of the human body to what we eat, the car we drive and the race for more efficient and eco-friendly fuels.
Energy: A Beginner's Guide highlights the importance of energy in both past and present societies, by shedding light on the science behind global warming and efforts to prevent it, and by revealing how our daily decisions affect energy consumption. Whether you're looking for dinner table conversation or to further your own understanding, this book will amaze and inform, uncovering the truths and exposing the myths behind one of the most important concepts in our universe.
Brian Stafford
The Great Windships
How Sailing Ships Made the Modern World     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 579
Velikost: 23,47 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-6698-8815-4 Cena: 4.39 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 12.10.2022, 10:36
| Anotace: The great merchant sailing ships were the original apparatus of globalisation. They brought the East and West together, carrying goods back and forth to the benefit of both, and turning world’s oceans into marine highways. Along them would travel all manner of goods in unheard of volumes – gold, silver, gems, spices coffee, tea and other foodstuffs – as well as ideas, attitudes, religion and disease.
Besides their superior armament, the ships’ masters felt they were racially and religiously superior. Their vessels became instruments of colonial conquest, aiding the rise of the West over the much more populous East. They also enabled the opium and slave trades. For better and for worse, they made the modern world.
The Great Windships tells an epic story that stretches from the fragile vessels of the Age of Exploration to the mighty windjammers of the late nineteenth century. It follows how the nations of the West participated in this great adventure – their triumphs and shortcomings and the contributions each made to the development of the sailing ship.
Full of drama, deceit, high-seas adventure and knowledge, this is a book for anyone who’s ever gazed in awe at a mighty tall ship; or been curious as to their ability and the vital role in the evolution of the modern world.
One-dimensional Man
Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 229
Velikost: 853 kB
Knižní žánr: sociologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-8070-9536-2 Cena: 19.79 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 11.10.2022, 18:52
| Anotace: Originally published in 1964, One-Dimensional Man quickly became one of the most important texts in the ensuing decade of radical political change. This second edition, newly introduced by Marcuse scholar Douglas Kellner, presents Marcuse's best-selling work to another generation of readers in the context of contemporary events.
Children of Dune
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 463
Velikost: 1,43 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781440630514 Cena: 9.39 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.10.2022, 13:26
| Anotace: Book Three in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time
The Children of Dune are twin siblings Leto and Ghanima Atreides, whose father, the Emperor Paul Muad’Dib, disappeared in the desert wastelands of Arrakis nine years ago. Like their father, the twins possess supernormal abilities—making them valuable to their manipulative aunt Alia, who rules the Empire in the name of House Atreides.
Facing treason and rebellion on two fronts, Alia’s rule is not absolute. The displaced House Corrino is plotting to regain the throne while the fanatical Fremen are being provoked into open revolt by the enigmatic figure known only as The Preacher. Alia believes that by obtaining the secrets of the twins’ prophetic visions, she can maintain control over her dynasty.
But Leto and Ghanima have their own plans for their visions—and their destinies....
Chapterhouse: Dune
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 441
Velikost: 1,41 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781440619236 Cena: 9.98 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.10.2022, 13:24
| Anotace: Frank Herbert's Final Novel in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time
The desert planet Arrakis, called Dune, has been destroyed. The remnants of the Old Empire have been consumed by the violent matriarchal cult known as the Honored Matres. Only one faction remains a viable threat to their total conquest—the Bene Gesserit, heirs to Dune’s power.
Under the leadership of Mother Superior Darwi Odrade, the Bene Gesserit have colonized a green world on the planet Chapterhouse and are turning it into a desert, mile by scorched mile. And once they’ve mastered breeding sandworms, the Sisterhood will control the production of the greatest commodity in the known galaxy—the spice melange. But their true weapon remains a man who has lived countless lifetimes—a man who served under the God Emperor Paul Muad’Dib....
Heretics of Dune
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 476
Velikost: 1,31 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781440619649 Cena: 3.87 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.10.2022, 13:22
| Anotace: Book Five in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time
Leto Atreides, the God Emperor of Dune, is dead. In the fifteen hundred years since his passing, the Empire has fallen into ruin. The great Scattering saw millions abandon the crumbling civilization and spread out beyond the reaches of known space. The planet Arrakis—now called Rakis—has reverted to its desert climate, and its great sandworms are dying.
Now the Lost Ones are returning home in pursuit of power. And as these factions vie for control over the remnants of the Empire, a girl named Sheeana rises to prominence in the wastelands of Rakis, sending religious fervor throughout the galaxy. For she possesses the abilities of the Fremen sandriders—fulfilling a prophecy foretold by the late God Emperor....
God Emperor of Dune
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 416
Velikost: 1,24 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781440631979 Cena: 9.39 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.10.2022, 13:20
| Anotace: Book Four in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time
Millennia have passed on Arrakis, and the once-desert planet is green with life. Leto Atreides, the son of the world’s savior, the Emperor Paul Muad’Dib, is still alive but far from human. To preserve humanity’s future, he sacrificed his own by merging with a sandworm, granting him near immortality as God Emperor of Dune for the past thirty-five hundred years.
Leto’s rule is not a benevolent one. His transformation has made not only his appearance but his morality inhuman. A rebellion, led by Siona, a member of the Atreides family, has risen to oppose the despot’s rule. But Siona is unaware that Leto’s vision of a Golden Path for humanity requires her to fulfill a destiny she never wanted—or could possibly conceive....
Dune Messiah
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 234
Velikost: 1,24 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781101157879 Cena: 9.39 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.10.2022, 13:17
| Anotace: Book Two in the Magnificent Dune Chronicles—the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time
Dune Messiah continues the story of Paul Atreides, better known—and feared—as the man christened Muad’Dib. As Emperor of the known universe, he possesses more power than a single man was ever meant to wield. Worshipped as a religious icon by the fanatical Fremen, Paul faces the enmity of the political houses he displaced when he assumed the throne—and a conspiracy conducted within his own sphere of influence.
And even as House Atreides begins to crumble around him from the machinations of his enemies, the true threat to Paul comes to his lover, Chani, and the unborn heir to his family’s dynasty...
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 606
Velikost: 2,84 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781101658055 Cena: 10.25 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 07.10.2022, 12:57
| Anotace: Frank Herbert’s classic masterpiece—a triumph of the imagination and one of the bestselling science fiction novels of all time.
Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where the only thing of value is the “spice” melange, a drug capable of extending life and enhancing consciousness. Coveted across the known universe, melange is a prize worth killing for....
When House Atreides is betrayed, the destruction of Paul’s family will set the boy on a journey toward a destiny greater than he could ever have imagined. And as he evolves into the mysterious man known as Muad’Dib, he will bring to fruition humankind’s most ancient and unattainable dream.
A stunning blend of adventure and mysticism, environmentalism and politics, Dune won the first Nebula Award, shared the Hugo Award, and formed the basis of what is undoubtedly the grandest epic in science fiction.
Zrození Evropanů
Skutečný příběh našich předků vyprávěný geny     |
Formát: EPUB Původní název: Die Reise unserer Gene: Eine Geschichte über uns und unsere Vorfahren
Počet stran: 206
Velikost: 18,49 MB
Knižní žánr: biologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7555-166-5 Cena: 279.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 27.09.2022, 23:38
| Anotace: Takovou knihu o historii ještě nikdo nenapsal. Nezmiňuje žádného krále, žádné náboženství a jen dvě revoluce – tu neolitickou a tu ve čtení DNA. Druhá z nich se odehrála v posledních deseti letech a díky stomilionkrát zrychlené sekvenci genomu konečně odpovídá na otázky, které nás vzrušovaly po staletí: Co z nás dělá lidi? Odkud pocházíme? A jak jsme se stali tím, čím jsme dnes?
Strhující vyprávění spojuje poznatky z mnoha jen zdánlivě nesouvisejících oborů. Autoři popisují přínos dávného křížení hominidů pro zdraví moderního člověka i vliv prehistorických migrací na to, jaké mléčné výrobky kde dnes dostanete k snídani. Objasňují tři genetické pilíře Evropanů a zároveň mimoděk ukazují, jak blízko k sobě lidé z celého světa mají.
- Jak vypadaly partnerské a sousedské vztahy lidí moderního typu s neandertálci a denisovany.
- Že velkou inovací bylo ochočení vlka a jak se psi společně s lidmi naučili trávit cukry.
- Evropští lovci a sběrači měli tmavou pleť a modré oči – světlou pokožku přinesli do Evropy až zemědělství migranti z Anatolie.
- Jak se zdokonalují bakterie moru, TBC a dalších chorob usilujících nám od pravěku o život a jak se kvůli nim měníme my.
- Že na Sardinii potkáte žijící lidské genetické fosilie.
Konec experimentu
Přestavba a pád komunismu v Československu     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 249
Velikost: 1,22 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-88013-56-3 Cena: 55.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 27.09.2022, 23:36
| Anotace: Studie se zabývá dynamikou přestavby v Československu 1985–1989. Představuje jednak první přehled dějin československé přestavby, jednak analyzuje předpoklady pozdějšího zhroucení diktatury. Podle ústředního argumentu se v přestavbě hroutil nikoliv systém útlaku, ale rozpadala se schopnost aktérů dosahovat na každodenní úrovni konsensu o základních otázkách existujícího uspořádání. Historickosémantická metoda je zde použita pro rozkrytí procesu, v němž se rozpadal hypernormalizovaný jazyk 80. let a v němž došlo ke specifické implozi státněsocialistického establishmentu.
Píseň o Rolandovi
Formát: PDF Původní název: La Chanson de Roland
Počet stran: 189
Velikost: 1018 kB
Knižní žánr: mytologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7474-397-9 Cena: 142.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 27.09.2022, 23:34
| Anotace: Nejslavnější epos francouzského rytířského středověku oslavuje hrdinství účastníků legendární bitvy v pyrenejském Ronceveaux roku 778 za tažení Karla Velikého proti Arabům.
Francouzský hrdinský epos, pocházející ze středověkého období, vypráví příběh udatného rytíře Rolanda z družiny franského krále a římského císaře Karla Velikého. Základ děje tohoto eposu tvoří tažení Karla Velikého proti Saracénům roku 778, které graduje vylíčením bitvy, kde Frankové v čele s Rolandem, jenž zde velí zadnímu armádnímu voji, podlehnou několikanásobné přesile. Při tomto střetnutí Roland, jenž je nejen statečným bojovníkem, ale i císařovým synovcem, po heroickém odporu zemře. Anonymní vypravěč položil v tomto díle důraz na především čest a odvahu, na vlastnosti, které ztělesňovaly rytířské ideály a ctnosti. Velice srozumitelným a poměrně jednoduchým jazykem pak dosáhl toho, že se píseň stala vzorem pro hrdinskou epiku a na dlouhá léta určovala další literární směřování.
The Lord of the Rings (Illustrated)
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 1285
Velikost: 21,14 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-00-850131-0 Cena: 24.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 26.09.2022, 18:57
| Anotace: For the first time ever, a very special edition of the J.R.R. Tolkien's classic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, gorgeously illustrated throughout in color by the author himself and with the complete text printed in two colors, plus sprayed edges and a ribbon bookmark.
Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivaled magic and otherworldliness, Tolkien's sweeping fantasy and epic adventure has touched the hearts of young and old alike. More than 150 million copies of its many editions have been sold around the world, and occasional collectors’ editions become prized and valuable items of publishing.
This one-volume, jacketed hardcover edition contains the complete text, fully corrected and reset, which is printed in red and black and features, for the very first time, thirty color illustrations, maps and sketches drawn by Tolkien himself as he composed this epic work. These include the pages from the Book of Mazarbul, marvelous facsimiles created by Tolkien to accompany the famous ‘Bridge of Khazad-dum’ chapter. Also appearing are two removable fold-out maps drawn by Christopher Tolkien revealing all the detail of Middle-earth.
Sympathetically packaged to reflect the classic look of the first edition, this new edition of the bestselling hardback will prove irresistible to collectors and new fans alike.
The Silmarillion (illustrated)
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 461
Velikost: 17,14 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-06-192763-8 Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 26.09.2022, 17:09
| Anotace: The story of the creation of the world and of the First Age, this is the ancient drama to which the characters in The Lord of the Rings look back and in whose events some of them, such as Elrond and Galadriel, took part.
The three Silmarils were jewels created by Fëanor, most gifted of the Elves. Within them was imprisoned the Light of the Two Trees of Valinor before the Trees themselves were destroyed by Morgoth, the first Dark Lord.
Thereafter, the unsullied Light of Valinor lived on only in the Silmarils, but they were seized by Morgoth and set in his crown, which was guarded in the impenetrable fortress of Angband in the north of Middle-earth.
The Silmarillion is the history of the rebellion of Fëanor and his kindred against the gods, their exile from Valinor and return to Middle-earth, and their war, hopeless despite all their heroism, against the great Enemy.
Aleksander Gieysztor
Mytologie Slovanů
Formát: PDF Původní název: Mitologia Słowian
Počet stran: 411
Velikost: 4,41 MB
Knižní žánr: mytologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-257-3388-2 Cena: 191.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:44
| Anotace: Kniha představuje jedinečný pokus o rekonstrukci slovanské mytologie a slovanského náboženství. Giesztor v ní zkoumá panteon slovanských bohů, rituály spojené s jejich uctíváním, včetně střetávání se slovanských náboženství s křesťanstvím, jež ve svém důsledku vedlo k přetransformování pohanské slovanské mytologie do její pokřesťanštěné podoby.
Vydání knihy podpořilo hlavní město Praha.
Vydání knihy podpořil Polský knižní institut.
Nick Lane
Molekula, která stvořila svět     |
Formát: PDF Původní název: Oxygen. The Molecule that Made the World
Počet stran: 358
Velikost: 2,36 MB
Knižní žánr: biologie
Jazyk: čeština
ISBN: 978-80-7363-166-6 Cena: 239.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:41
| Anotace: Kyslík je symbolem života. Má ovšem i druhou, mnohem temnější tvář. Vedle oživujícího elixíru se totiž stává i jedem, s nímž musí každý živý organismus bojovat nejrůznějšími prostředky, od antioxidantů až po důmyslné fyziologické adaptace. Kyslík je podle všeho zapleten do stárnutí našich těl, nemocí spjatých s vysokým věkem i se smrtí, která je, zdá se, nevyhnutelným důsledkem jeho celoživotní konzumace. Alespoň to ve své fascinující, přelomové a ohromným množstvím faktů nabité knize tvrdí britský biochemik a autor několika populárně-naučných knih Nick Lane, jenž v patnácti kapitolách odkrývá nezastupitelnou roli kyslíku v pozemské evoluci a v životě každého z nás.
Fire & Blood
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 610
Velikost: 6,9 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781524796297 Cena: 7.82 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:34
| Anotace:
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The history of the Targaryens comes to life in this masterly work, the inspiration for HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon
“The thrill of Fire & Blood is the thrill of all Martin’s fantasy work: familiar myths debunked, the whole trope table flipped.”—Entertainment Weekly
Centuries before the events of A Game of Thrones, House Targaryen—the only family of dragonlords to survive the Doom of Valyria—took up residence on Dragonstone. Fire & Blood begins their tale with the legendary Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold that iconic seat, all the way up to the civil war that nearly tore their dynasty apart.
What really happened during the Dance of the Dragons? Why was it so deadly to visit Valyria after the Doom? What were Maegor the Cruel’s worst crimes? What was it like in Westeros when dragons ruled the skies? These are but a few of the questions answered in this essential chronicle, as related by a learned maester of the Citadel and featuring more than eighty black-and-white illustrations by artist Doug Wheatley. Readers have glimpsed small parts of this narrative in such volumes as The World of Ice & Fire, but now, for the first time, the full tapestry of Targaryen history is revealed.
With all the scope and grandeur of Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Fire & Blood is the first volume of the definitive two-part history of the Targaryens, giving readers a whole new appreciation for the dynamic, often bloody, and always fascinating history of Westeros.
Praise for Fire & Blood
“A masterpiece of popular historical fiction.” —The Sunday Times
“The saga is a rich and dark one, full of both the title’s promised elements. . . . It’s hard not to thrill to the descriptions of dragons engaging in airborne combat, or the dilemma of whether defeated rulers should ‘bend the knee,’ ‘take the black’ and join the Night’s Watch, or simply meet an inventive and horrible end.”—The Guardian
Zapomenuté příběhy
Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 155
Velikost: 811 kB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:26
| Anotace: Historie, to nejsou jenom data událostí a šipky na mapě. Historie se skládá z příběhů lidí a příběhů celých národů. Ve spoustě okamžiků stáli lidé jako my před složitými rozhodnutími. Někdy se rozhodli dobře, jindy špatně. Někdy měla jejich rozhodnutí dlouhodobé nebo neočekávané následky. Z jejich zapomenutých příběhů se můžeme poučit i dnes. Kniha úspěšného bloggera, který rád píše o historii.
Patnáct let od obnovení kapitalismu v naší zemi
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 180
Velikost: 1,55 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 50.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:22
| Poznámky: Autoři: Václav Klaus, Vladimír Dlouhý, Karel Dyba, Dušan Tříska, Marián Čalfa, Ivan Kočárník, Jana Fürstová, Emanuel Šíp, Jiří Weigl, Stanislava Janáčkov&aa
Anotace: Publikace obsahuje texty ze semináře Centra pro ekonomiku a politiku z 10. ledna 2006 a řadu dalších doplňkových textů. Jsou zde také přetištěny historické dokumenty: Usnesení Federálního shromáždění o vyslovení důvěry vládě z července 1990, kompletní Scénář ekonomické reformy z 30. srpna 1990 a Usnesení Federálního shromáždění ke scénáři ekonomické reformy ze dne 17. září 1990.
The War of the Ring
The History of Middle-earth, Volume 8     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 537
Velikost: 6,53 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780007348251 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:12
| Anotace: The third part of The History of The Lord of the Rings, an enthralling account of the writing of the Book of the Century which contains many additional scenes and includes the unpublished Epilogue in its entirety.
The War of the Ring takes up the story of The Lord of the Rings with the Battle of Helm’s Deep and the drowning of Isengard by the Ents, continues with the journey of Frodo, Sam and Gollum to the Pass of Cirith Ungol, describes the war in Gondor, and ends with the parley between Gandalf and the ambassador of the Dark Lord before the Black Gate of Mordor.
The book is illustrated with plans and drawings of the changing conceptions of Orthanc, Dunharrow, Minas Tirith and the tunnels of Shelob’s Lair.
The Story of Kullervo
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 127
Velikost: 6,62 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780008131371 Cena: 11.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:06
| Anotace: “Shows how Finnish mythology and folk tales were instrumental to how Tolkien created his own legendarium.”—Boston Globe
Kullervo, son of Kalervo, is perhaps the darkest and most tragic of all J.R.R. Tolkien’s characters. “Hapless Kullervo,” as Tolkien called him, is a luckless orphan boy with supernatural powers and a tragic destiny.
Brought up in the homestead of the dark magician Untamo, who killed his father, kidnapped his mother, and tried three times to kill him when he was still a boy, Kullervo is alone save for the love of his twin sister, Wanona, and the magical powers of the black dog Musti, who guards him. When Kullervo is sold into slavery he swears revenge on the magician, but he will learn that even at the point of vengeance there is no escape from the cruelest of fates.
Tolkien himself said that The Story of Kullervo was “the germ of my attempt to write legends of my own,” and was “a major matter in the legends of the First Age.” Tolkien’s Kullervo is the clear ancestor of Túrin Turambar, the tragic incestuous hero of The Silmarillion. Published with the author’s drafts, notes, and lecture essays on its source work, the Kalevala, The Story of Kullervo is a foundation stone in the structure of Tolkien’s invented world.
The Return of the Shadow
The History of Middle-earth, Volume 6     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 491
Velikost: 3,47 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 13.19 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 23:01
| Anotace: The first part of The History of The Lord of the Rings, The Return Of The Shadow is J.R.R. Tolkien's enthralling account of the writing of the Book of the Century which contains many additional scenes and includes the unpublished Epilogue in its entirety.
The Return of the Shadow is the story of the first part of the history of the creation of The Lord of the Rings, a fascinating study of Tolkien’s great masterpiece, from its inception to the end of the first volume, The Fellowship of the Ring.
In The Return of the Shadow (the abandoned title of the first volume of The Lord of the Rings) we see how Bilbo’s magic ring evolved into the supremely dangerous Ruling Ring of the Dark Lord; and the precise, and astonishingly unforeseen, moment when a Black Rider first rode in to the Shire. The character of the hobbit called Trotter (afterwards Strider or Aragorn) is developed, and Frodo’s companions undergo many changes of name and personality.
The book comes complete with reproductions of the first maps and facsimile pages from the earliest manuscripts.
The Nature of Middle Earth
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 495
Velikost: 5,61 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780008387938 Cena: 16.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 22:36
| Anotace: The first ever publication of J.R.R. Tolkien’s final writings on Middle-earth, covering a wide range of subjects and perfect for those who have read and enjoyed The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, Unfinished Tales, and The History of Middle-earth, and want to learn more about Tolkien’s magnificent world.
It is well known that J.R.R. Tolkien published The Hobbit in 1937 and The Lord of the Rings in 1954–5. What may be less known is that he continued to write about Middle-earth in the decades that followed, right up until the years before his death in 1973.
For him, Middle-earth was part of an entire world to be explored, and the writings in The Nature of Middle-earth reveal the journeys that he took as he sought to better understand his unique creation. From sweeping themes as profound as Elvish immortality and reincarnation, and the Powers of the Valar, to the more earth-bound subjects of the lands and beasts of Númenor, the geography of the Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor, and even who had beards!
This new collection, which has been edited by Carl F. Hostetter, one of the world’s leading Tolkien experts, is a veritable treasure-trove offering readers a chance to peer over Professor Tolkien’s shoulder at the very moment of discovery: and on every page, Middle-earth is once again brought to extraordinary life.
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 188
Velikost: 1,11 MB
Knižní žánr: mytologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-007-32307-4 Cena: 11.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 22:31
| Anotace: Many years ago, J.R.R. Tolkien composed his own version of the great legend of Northern antiquity, recounted here in The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún. In the Lay of the Völsungs is told the ancestry of the great hero Sigurd, the slayer of Fáfnir, most celebrated of dragons; of his awakening of the Valkyrie Brynhild, who slept surrounded by a wall of fire, and of their betrothal; and of his coming to the court of the great princes who were named the Niflungs (or Nibelungs), with whom he entered into blood-brotherhood. In scenes of dramatic intensity, of confusion of identity, thwarted passion, jealousy, and bitter strife, the tragedy of Sigurd and Brynhild, of Gunnar the Niflung and Gudrún his sister, mounts to its end in the murder of Sigurd, the suicide of Brynhild, and the despair of Gudrún. The Lay of Gudrún recounts her fate after the death of Sigurd, her marriage against her will to the mighty Atli, ruler of the Huns (the Attila of history), his murder of her brothers, and her hideous revenge.
The Fall of Arthur
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 154
Velikost: 1,45 MB
Knižní žánr: mytologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780007489954 Cena: 12.64 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 19:19
| Anotace: New York Times bestseller “An incomplete but highly compelling retelling . . . An action-packed, doom-haunted saga, full of vivid natural description.”—New York Times Book Review
The Fall of Arthur recounts in verse the last campaign of King Arthur, who, even as he stands at the threshold of Mirkwood, is summoned back to Britain by news of the treachery of Mordred. Already weakened in spirit by Guinevere’s infidelity with the now-exiled Lancelot, Arthur must rouse his knights to battle one last time against Mordred’s rebels and foreign mercenaries. Powerful, passionate, and filled with vivid imagery, this unfinished poem reveals Tolkien’s gift for storytelling at its brilliant best. Christopher Tolkien, editor, contributes three illuminating essays that explore the literary world of King Arthur, reveal the deeper meaning of the verses and the painstaking work his father applied to bring the poem to a finished form, and investigate the intriguing links between The Fall of Arthur and Tolkien’s Middle-earth.
The Book of Lost Tales, Part 2
The History of Middle-earth, Volume 2     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 468
Velikost: 849 kB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-06-210600-1 Cena: 11.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 15:11
| Anotace: The Book of Lost Tales: Part Two is the second of a two-volume set that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic tale of war, The Silmarillion.
The Book of Lost Tales was the first major work of imagination by J.R.R. Tolkien, begun in 1916, when he was twenty-five years old, and left incomplete several years later. It stands at the beginning of the entire conception of Middle-earth and Valinor, for the Lost Tales were the first form of the myths and legends that came to be called The Silmarillion.
Embedded in English legend and association, they are set in the narrative frame of the great westward voyage of a mariner named Eriel (or AElfwine). His destination is Tol Eressea, the Lonely Isle where Elves dwell; from them he learns their true history, the Lost Tales of Elfinesse. The Tales include the earliest accounts of Gods and Elves, Dwarves, Balrogs, and Orcs; of the Silmarils and the Two Trees of Valinor; of Nargothrond and Gondolin; of the geography and cosmography of their invented world.
The Book of Lost Tales is published in two volumes. The first contains the Tales of Valinor; and this second part includes Beren and Lúthien, Turin and the Dragon, and the only full narratives of the Necklace of the Dwarves and the Fall of Gondolin. Each tale is followed by a commentary, together with associated poems, and each volume contains extensive information on names and vocabulary of the earliest Elvish languages. Additional books in this series will extend the history of Middle-earth as it was refined and enlarged in later years and will include the long Lays of Beleriand, the Ambarkanta or Shape of the World, the Lhammas or Account of Tongues, annals, maps, and many other previously unpublished writings of Tolkien.
The Book of Lost Tales, Part 1
The History of Middle-earth, Volume 1     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 407
Velikost: 837 kB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-06-210599-8 Cena: 11.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 14:59
| Anotace: The Book of Lost Tales: Part One is the first of a two-volume set that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic tale of war, The Silmarillion.
The Book of Lost Tales was the first major work of imagination by J.R.R. Tolkien, begun in 1916-17 when he was twenty-five years old and left incomplete several years later. It stands at the beginning of the entire conception of Middle-earth and Valinor, for these tales were the first form of the myths and legends that came to be called The Silmarillion. Embedded in English legend, they are set in the narrative frame of a great westward voyage over the Ocean by a mariner named Eriol (or Ælfwine) to Tol Eressea, the Lonely Isle, where elves dwelt; from him they learned their true history, the Lost Tales of Elfinesse.
In these Tales are found the earliest accounts and original ideas of Gods and Elves, Dwarves, Balrogs, and Orcs; of the Silmarils and the Two Trees of Valinor; of Nargothrond and Gondolin; of the geography and cosmology of Middle-earth.
Part One contains the tales of The Music of the Ainur, The Building of Valinor, The Chaining of Melko, The Coming of the Elves, and The Flight of the Noldoli, among others. Each tale is followed by a short essay by Christopher Tolkien, the author's son and literary executor.
Morgoth's Ring
The History of Middle-earth, Volume 10     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 381
Velikost: 1,91 MB
Knižní žánr: sci-fi a fantasy
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780008363697 Cena: 6.99 GPB Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.09.2022, 11:56
| Anotace: The first of two companion volumes which documents the later writing of The Silmarillion, Tolkien´s epic tale of war.
After The Lord of the Rings was at last achieved, J R R Tolkien turned his attention once again to ‘the Matter of the Elder Days’. The text of the Annals of Aman, the ‘Blessed Land’ in the far West, is given in full; while in writings hitherto unknown is seen the nature of the problems that Tolkien explored in his later years, as new and radical ideas, portending upheaval in the old narratives, emerged at the heart of the mythology, and as the destinies of Men and Elves, mortals and immortals became of central significance, together with a vastly enlarged perception of the evil of Melkor, the Shadow upon Arda.
The second part of this history of the later The Silmarillion is concerned with developments in the legends of Beleriand after the completion of The Lord of the Rings.
