Michael A. Hogg, Graham M. Vaughan
Social Psychology
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 795
Velikost: 22,23 MB
Knižní žánr: psychologie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 16:16
| Anotace: Can we ever be genuinely unprejudiced? What can we learn about people from how they speak? How can a minority change the world? Why do people obey authority, even when ordered to do evil? Why do groups sometimes make bad decisions? Can we study love scientifically, or should we leave it to the poets? Do violent computer games make violent people?
Mapping the connection between social psychology and our everyday lives, the sixth edition of this market-leading textbook provides a lively and engaging introduction to the field.
The book is supported by a new, user-friendly website featuring an interactive recap of the main text, self-test materials, guided questions, and a large range of videos and podcasts from different researchers for students to consolidate and test their understanding.
The Pinguin History of Economics
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 348
Velikost: 1,91 MB
Knižní žánr: ekonomie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-14-193743-4 Cena: 12.09 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 11:52
| Anotace: A very clear, reliable and readable history of economic thought from the ancient world to the present day. From Homer to Marx to John Stuart Mill, Backhouse shows how to keep your Keynsians from your post-Keynsians and New Keynsians. A core book.
Monica L. Smith
The Social Construction of Ancient Cities
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 292
Velikost: 5,85 MB
Knižní žánr: sociologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-58834-344-4 Cena: 24.19 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 11:48
| Anotace: What made ancient cities successful? What are the similarities between modern cities and ancient ones? The Social Construction of Ancient Cities offers a fresh perspective on ancient cities and the social networks and relations that built and sustained them, marking a dramatic change in the way archaeologists approach them. Examining ancient cities from a “bottom up” perspective, the authors in this volume explore the ways in which cities were actually created by ordinary inhabitants. They track the development of urban space from the point of view of individuals and households, providing new insights into cities' roles as social centers as well as focal points of political and economic activities.
Analyzing various urban communities from residences and neighborhoods to marketplaces and ceremonial plazas, the authors examine urban centers in Africa, Mesoamerica, South America, Mesopotamia, the Indian subcontinent, and China. Collectively they demonstrate how complex networks of social relations and structures gave rise to the formation of ancient cities, contributed to their cohesion, and sustained their growth, much as they do in modern urban centers.
The authors' analyses draw from ancient texts as well as archaeological surveys and excavations of urban architecture and other material remains, including portable objects for daily use and comestibles. They show clearly how early urban dwellers consciously developed dense interdependent social networks to satisfy their needs for food, housing, and employment, forged their own urban identities, and generally managed to thrive in the crowded, bustling, and competitive environment that characterized ancient cities. Not least of all, they suggest how urban leaders and urban dwellers negotiated a consensus that enabled them to achieve both mundane and extraordinary goals, in the process establishing their unique ritual, legal, and social status.
The Jungle Book
Stáhnout e-knihu     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 110
Velikost: 112 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 11:44
| Anotace: This classic book by Rudyard Kipling is telling the story of the adventures of Mowgli who is raised by wolves in the jungles of India.
Anthony T. Simpson
The Crusades
A Historical Look at the Crusades Across the Ages and the Fierce Battle for the Holy Land     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 99
Velikost: 218 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 7.69 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 11:29
| Anotace: When you hear the word Crusades, what do you think of? Does the image of barbaric, murderous hordes of the religious fantastic violently attacking innocents in the name of religion come to mind? Do you perhaps think that the primary reason for the Crusades was to wage war against the infidel? Truth be told, there’s a lot of different perspectives on the Crusade, but there’s only one truth. With The Crusades: A Historical Look At The Crusades Across The Ages And The Fierce Battle For The Holy Land, we put to rest the many different myths and outright lies about the crusades will taking you on a tour of the Seven Major Crusades. Inside this book you’ll find the true tale of how Medieval Europe was forever changed due to a revolutionary call from the Pope, a call to retrieve the Holy Land. If you’ve always wanted to know what actually happened to the Crusades, have access to a quick and easy overview of Seven Crusades or are just looking for a bit of medieval history to read up on, this is your book.
Our goal is to provide you with an even, honest look at a brutal time period, not pulling any punches while also making sure that you are well informed about the reality of the Crusades and that ultimately you find that the modern attitude toward the Crusades grossly misunderstood just what went on in that era.
Jak to vidí Šichtařová
aneb co nám neřekli o imigraci, důchodech a naší budoucnosti     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 558
Velikost: 1001 kB
Knižní žánr: ekonomie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 171.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:56
| Anotace: Ty nejzásadnější texty posledních let o společnosti, politice i ekonomice v podání Markéty Šichtařové. Autorka několika bestsellerů, publicistka, nositelka ceny čtenářů Magnesia Litera, známá ekonomka a popularizátorka světa peněz s přispěním svého manžela Vladimíra Pikory ve své nové knize rozcupovává mýty, které se na nás valí z médií.
Kniha tematicky volně navazuje na bestsellery Všechno je jinak a Nahá pravda. Všechny texty jsou doplněny aktualizovanými komentáři umožňujícími čtenářovi posoudit téma s novou objektivitou danou odstupem času. Nečekejte žádný suchý, odborný text pro vědátory. Kniha je psána s takovým nadhledem, že ji zhltnete jedním dechem a možná se u toho ještě zasmějete. Je určena pro každého, kdo se zajímá o současné dění.
Autoři se nevyhýbají ani výbušným tématům poslední doby: Imigraci, zadlužení, krachu penzijní reformy, svobodě slova, kvótám na vše a tak dál. Podrobují zdrcující kritice naše politiky, kteří z nás záměrně dělají poslušné ovce. Tvrdí, že prožíváme plíživý nástup Velkého bratra tak, jak jej ve svém slavném románu 1984 popsal Orwell. Podle autorů však dosud není vše ztraceno: Svou svobodu si ještě můžeme zachránit, pokud si zachováme zdravý selský rozum…
Husitská epopej IV
1438-1449 Za časů bezvládí     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 655
Velikost: 1,16 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 299.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:54
| Anotace: Sedmidílná sága vypráví o událostech slavné i pohnuté doby 15. století v Českém království. Snad žádná jiná historická epocha našich dějin není v obecných představách tak kontroverzní jako právě husitství. Ta doba je pro dějepisné líčení o to složitější, že obě strany, katolická i kališnická, měly svým způsobem pravdu, ale obě současně páchaly bezpráví. Snad poprvé se v naší literatuře objevuje dílo, které se odehrává v obou znepřátelených táborech, aniž by jeden upřednostňovalo před druhým. Snaží se postihnout důvody, proč se chudí postavili proti bohatým, prostí proti vzdělaným, Češi proti Němcům, a jak dopadl střet rozumných s fanatiky. Historicky věrně popisované události tvoří kulisu čtivého a napínavého příběhu rozvětvené rodiny Prokopů, jejíž příslušníky postaví ne - úprosný osud proti sobě. Čtvrtý díl začíná těsně po smrti císaře Zikmunda. Na trůn nastoupí jeho zeť Albrecht Habsburský. Ten však záhy také umírá a v zemi se znovu rozhoří domácí válka, kterou proti sobě vede šlechta podporovaná městy. Již třetí generace rodu Prokopů prožívá své drobné soukromé starosti, ale podílí se také na dramatických zemských událostech. Vyprávění nás zanese do Prahy, Písku, Plzně, na Tábor i do dalších měst...
Ladislav Klimeš, Antonín Kuttman
Příliš divoká zem
1 část: Zimní válka     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 205
Velikost: 2,27 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 89.00 CZK Přečteno: ANO (24.10.2016) Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:49
| Anotace: Temná post apokalyptická vize alternativní České republiky, proti které se otočili její bývalí spojenci. Prázdná zničená země a jen několik málo přeživších se snaží zvrátit marný boj s mnohem silnějším a početnějším nepřítelem. Kniha sleduje příběh Študáka, člověka, co se do všeho zamotal náhodou, a příběh vojáka, který do války šel dobrovolně.
Komentář: Dva kluci si zahráli Fallout, líbila se jim atmosféra a tak je napadlo, že si vypůjčí děj, trošku jej poupraví, zasadí do českého prostředí a napíší o tom knihu. Kniha sama je nevyvážený slepenec různých fragmentů, které mají společného jmenovatele, a tím je zúžení obsahu knihy na přípravu a provedení 'misí', ve kterých zvláště komicky vystupuje opakované sáhodlouhé představování, jaké jednotlivé zbraně si aktéři knihy berou s sebou, přičemž vybraný druh zbraně nemá v dalším ději žádný (či naprosto marginální) dopad. Knize se dá vytknout milión a jedna věc (infantilní dialogy, rozkolísanost, neschopnost vytvořit atmosféru, přílišná popisnost v kontrastu s chybějícími podstatnými informacemi, které by pomohly dokreslit situaci), nicméně vášnivému čtenáři by se - zvláště v dnešní ultramoderní době - měla zdát sympatická snaha obyčejných mladých lidí o stvoření literárního díla; ať už je kvalita jakákoli. Hvězdička za entuziasmus a ne úplně nejhorší konec.
Stručně a krátce: Příliš divoká země je kniha pro 'pařany' akčních válečných her (ideálně Fallout, Battlefield apod.) ve věku 18-, bez dalších hlubokých zájmů či rozhledu.
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 142
Velikost: 1,2 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 149.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:42
| Anotace: Známý britský historik Paul Johnson svým nezaměnitelným způsobem, v němž se pojí odbornost s mistrovským vypravěčstvím, vtahuje čtenáře do barvité společnosti Athén pátého století před Kristem a na tomto historickém pozadí vykresluje výjimečné osudy myslitele, který je právem pokládán za „otce“ západní filozofie. Prvního opravdového filozofa, jenž byl ochoten za obhajobu svých názorů zaplatit nejvyšší cenu, tedy vlastním životem.
Sokrates je pro dějiny západního myšlení důležitý především tím, že se na rozdíl od svých předchůdců (tzv. předsokratiků) soustředil na záležitosti člověka a společnosti, v níž je mu dáno žít. Zajímal se nejen o otázky etiky, o lidskou duši, o ženy či homosexuály, ale také o každodenní život a správu obce, například vojenskou službu či občanská práva a povinnosti. Jak později prohlásil Cicero, právě Sokrates „snesl filozofii z nebe na zem“.
br>Přestože Sokrates sám nic nenapsal, prostřednictvím svých žáků položil základy dnešního evropského kritického myšlení. Nikoli náhodou bývá označován za člověka, jenž ani tak neusiloval o samotné vědění, jako spíše kladl otázky a otřásal tím, co jiní za vědění pokládají. Neboť právě zde začíná skutečná filozofie.
Austria-Hungary & The Successor States
A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 699
Velikost: 24,13 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-8160-4537-2 Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:40
| Anotace: Austria and the Successor States is one of three new volumes introducing Facts On File's new European History series. It provides readers with a greater understanding of the fascinating history of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the modern nations - Austria, Hungary, and Czech Republic - that emerged as a result of the empire's demise. Detailing the long history of the region, this comprehensive reference work utilizes a variety of formats, including a general narrative, a historical dictionary of A-to-Z entries, and a chronology. These fact-filled elements, each in its own way complementing the information contained in the other sections, provide an introduction to the historical events, people, politics, and culture of this important region of Europe. Written in an engaging style that is geared toward presenting information in the clearest manner possible, Austria and the Successor States enables the non-specialist, students and general readers, to understand the turbulent history and transformation of this region from a monarchy under the Hapsburg Empire into viable modern nations.
John R. Larsen
Get Programming with JavaScript
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 436
Velikost: 17,53 MB
Knižní žánr: počítačová literatura
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-61729-310-8 Cena: 39.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:36
| Anotace: Get Programming with JavaScript is a hands-on introduction to programming for readers who have never programmed. You'll be writing your own web apps, games, and programs in no time!
Martin Heidegger
Interpretation of Nietzsche's Second Untimely Meditation
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 270
Velikost: 1,1 MB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780253023155 Cena: 3.29 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:34
| Anotace: Martin Heidegger's Nietzsche's Second Untimely Meditation presents crucial elements for understanding Heidegger's thinking from 1936 to 1940. Heidegger offers a radically different reading of a text that he had read decades earlier, showing how his relationship with Nietzche's has changed, as well as how his understandings of the differences between animals and humans, temporality and history, and the Western philosophical tradition developed. With his new reading, Heidegger delineates three Nietzschean modes of history, which should be understood as grounded in the structure of temporality or historicity and also offers a metaphysical determination of life and the essence of humankind. Ullrich Hasse and Mark Sinclair offer a clear and accessible translation despite the fragmentary and disjointed quality of the original lecture notes that comprise this text.
Norman F. Cantor
From the Birth of Sumerian Civilization to the Fall of the Roman Empire     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 247
Velikost: 1,42 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780062444615 Cena: 11.25 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:31
| Anotace: Bestselling author Norman Cantor delivers this compact but magisterial survey of the ancient world -- from the birth of Sumerian civilization around 3500 B.C. in the Tigris-Euphrates valley (present-day Iraq) to the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476. In Antiquity, Cantor covers such subjects as Classical Greece, Judaism, the founding of Christianity, and the triumph and decline of Rome.
In this fascinating and comprehensive analysis, the author explores social and cultural history, as well as the political and economic aspects of his narrative. He explains leading themes in religion and philosophy and discusses the environment, population, and public health. With his signature authority and insight, Cantor highlights the great books and ideas of antiquity that continue to influence culture today.
Duncan Ryan
The Roman Republic
The Precursors of the Roman Empire     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 113
Velikost: 2,02 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:27
| Anotace: Among the great ancient civilizations that defined the world in antiquity, none stands out so much to the modern mind as that of the Roman Empire. Vast and mighty, this empire encompassed nearly the entire Mediterranean, much of Europe, northern Africa and large parts of western Asia, all governed from the great city that was ancient Rome. Before the Roman Empire and its great leaders, however, came another phase of Roman history, and one that was just as important to the development and expansion of ancient Rome. This stage of Rome's long history was the Roman Republic.
Emerging from the overthrow of Rome's early kings in or around 509 BCE, the Roman Republic began when Rome was little more than a powerful city-state within central Italy. As the nearly 500 years of history that the Roman Republic spanned passed, however, the city would emerge as the primary power in Italy, engage Carthage in the Punic Wars, take control of ancient Greece and ultimately become the dominating power of the Mediterranean basin. Meanwhile, Rome would also forge some of the most important political concepts in history, including the idea of the careful distribution of political power, through its republican form of government.
The Roman Republic: The Precursor of the Roman Empire traces the history of the Republic from its earliest roots through its gradual expansion into preeminence over the entire Mediterranean and the creation of Rome's empire. Finally, this short historical work explores the political, societal and military tensions that tore the Roman Republic apart, ushering in the Roman Empire after a long series of civil wars and the assumption of power by ambitious men such as Pompey, Julius Caesar and, eventually, Augustus.
In this short but detailed historical work, you will learn about:
- The origins of the Roman Republic
- Rome's wars of expansion on the Italian Peninsula
- The Punic Wars and the expansion into the western Mediterranean
- The wars of conquest in Greece that led ancient Rome to conquer the Greek city-states
- The lives and careers of Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus, and other men who eventually contributed to the end of the Roman Republic
- The civil wars and the establishment of the Roman Empire under Augustus
- And much more!
This short historical work, though detailed, is written with the average reader without specialized knowledge of historical studies in mind. It also seeks to provide a framework for future learning about the history of the Roman Republic and includes a brief bibliography of recommended further reading for those readers who wish to advance their knowledge of the subject.
From its earliest origins to its final days, the Roman Republic represents one of the most fascinating phases of Roman history, and one that no study of history of ancient civilizations can be complete without a knowledge of. Learn about this critical phase in the development of ancient Rome and of the western world as a whole in The Roman Republic: The Precursor of the Roman Empire.
Duncan Ryan
The Sumerians
History's First Recorded Civilization     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 61
Velikost: 782 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:23
| Anotace: In the study of history, it is common that we celebrate and attach importance to the great "firsts" that arise. The ancient Sumerians can be said to be the first true historical civilization, as it was they that invented the written language that would allow historians to look back at accounts of ancient events.
Arising from proto-historic roots in the southernmost region of Mesopotamia, the Sumerians would gradually rise to become the world's first true civilization, predating even ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilization. They would be among the first to organize their communities into larger cities, develop central administration, grow crops using complex methods of irrigation, and by the time their more than 1,000 year domination of Mesopotamia was over, would become the template and inspiration for the great civilizations of Assyria and Babylon that were to follow them.
The Sumerians: History's First Recorded Civilization is a historical book meant to be informative yet approachable, and requires no background in the study of Near Eastern languages or civilizations. This book conveys to the reader the remarkable history of this earliest of known human civilizations in an enjoyable and easy to comprehend manner. Containing several full-color illustrations, a historical summary of the periods of history that led to the Sumerian era and comprised it, descriptions of key archaeological sites, a section on the historical deciphrement of the Sumerian language, a selected bibliography of key works for those who wish to learn more about the Sumerians, and much, much more, this book endeavors to act as a key piece of groundwork for the history buff interested in learning about the first civilization in recorded history itself.
This work also contains detailed descriptions of the kings and events of the Akkadian empire, which briefly conquered the Sumerian city-states late in the 3rd millennium BCE and would have a massive impact of the history of Sumer. Covering the history of the Sumerians from the earliest days of the pre-dynastic periods to the invasions of the Amorites under Hammurabi, this book takes the reader through the entire history of Sumer and endeavors to give as much historical background and context as possible along the way.
Duncan Ryan
The Celts
The Enigmatic Peoples of Iron Age Europe     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 63
Velikost: 1,19 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:22
| Anotace: In the period of European history before Rome spread its influence over the entire continent and made itself master of the known world, a group of tribal societies with a unifying culture and language family dominated most of Europe and all of the British Isles. These people were the Celts, a series of tribes that spanned from the Balkans to Iberia and into even the northernmost reaches of Britain. For centuries before the Roman conquests, these tribes defined the history of Europe, and their legacy has affected all of European history ever since.
The Celts: The Enigmatic Peoples of Iron Age Europe is an exploration of Celtic history in the many regions of Europe that these fascinating peoples occupied. It is a historical work intended specifically for those without a specialized knowledge of ancient European history, and will serve as a thorough introduction to the wonders of ancient Celtic history. In this short history, you will learn about:
-Celtic history in many different parts of Europe
-The origins and spread of the Celtic culture and languages
-The affect of the Roman conquests on Celtic culture
-Celtic art, life, society and military traditions
-The perceptions of the Celts in both classical and modern eras
-And many other aspects of Celtic history and culture
Portrayed by the Romans as primitive barbarians, research into the Celtic tribes of Europe over the past several centuries has allowed a different picture of these remarkable peoples to emerge. The Celts, at long last, may finally be seen for the complex and advanced societies that they were.
If you are interested in European history, Roman history or ancient history in general, this short history will guide you through the basic aspects of Celtic life, history and culture, as well as serve as a framework for future learning about these ancient tribes of Europe. For those who do wish to delve more deeply into the history of the Celts, a complete bibliography of the best ancient and modern sources is also provided.
René Chartrand, Keith Durham, Mark Harrison, Ian Heath
The Vikings
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 125
Velikost: 9,65 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4728-1323-7 Cena: 13.09 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:17
| Anotace: The history of the Vikings is bloody and eventful, and Viking warriors continue to capture the popular imagination to this day. They made history, establishing the dukedom of Normandy, providing the Byzantine Emperors' bodyguard, and landing on the shores of America 500 years before Columbus.
Beautifully illustrated with color photographs and original Osprey artwork, this book presents a new window into their way of life including detailed studies of the Hersir, the raiding warrior of the Viking world, and the legendary Viking longship.
Barry Burd
Java Programming for Androind Developers for Dummies
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 264
Velikost: 7,7 MB
Knižní žánr: počítačová literatura
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-118-61212-5 Cena: 23.10 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 14.10.2016, 00:12
| Anotace: The demand for Android apps is not slowing down but many mobile developers who want to create Android apps lack the necessary Java background. This beginner guide gets you up and running with using Java to create Android apps with no prior knowledge or experienced necessary!
- Shows you the basic Java development concepts and techniques that are necessary to develop Android apps
- Explores what goes into creating an Android app to give you a better understanding of the various elements
- Addresses how to deal with standard programming challenges and debugging
Beginning Android Programming with Java For Dummies puts you well on your way toward creating Android apps quickly with Java.
Perez Zagorin
Francis Bacon
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 318
Velikost: 16,04 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-0691-00966-X Cena: 21.18 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:36
| Anotace: Francis Bacon (1561-1626), commonly regarded as one of the founders of the Scientific Revolution, exerted a powerful influence on the intellectual development of the modern world. He also led a remarkably varied and dramatic life as a philosopher, writer, lawyer, courtier, and statesman. Although there has been much recent scholarship on individual aspects of Bacon's career, Perez Zagorin's is the first work in many years to present a comprehensive account of the entire sweep of his thought and its enduring influence. Combining keen scholarly and psychological insights, Zagorin reveals Bacon as a man of genius, deep paradoxes, and pronounced flaws.
The book begins by sketching Bacon's complex personality and troubled public career. Zagorin shows that, despite his idealistic philosophy and rare intellectual gifts, Bacon's political life was marked by continual careerism in his efforts to achieve advancement. He follows Bacon's rise at court and describes his removal from his office as England's highest judge for taking bribes. Zagorin then examines Bacon's philosophy and theory of science in connection with his project for the promotion of scientific progress, which he called "The Great Instauration." He shows how Bacon's critical empiricism and attempt to develop a new method of discovery made a seminal contribution to the growth of science. He demonstrates Bacon's historic importance as a prophetic thinker, who, at the edge of the modern era, predicted that science would be used to prolong life, cure diseases, invent new materials, and create new weapons of destruction. Finally, the book examines Bacon's writings on such subjects as morals, politics, language, rhetoric, law, and history. Zagorin shows that Bacon was one of the great legal theorists of his day, an influential philosopher of language, and a penetrating historian.
Clearly and beautifully written, the book brings out the richness, scope, and greatness of Bacon's work and draws together the many, colorful threads of an extraordinarily brilliant and many-sided mind.
Philip de Souza
The Peloponnesian War 431-404 BC
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 94
Velikost: 4,52 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: I 84176 357 8 Cena: 13.58 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:35
| Anotace: It is a testament to the fascination of the subject that even today the events of the Peloponnesian War are studied for what they can teach about diplomacy, strategy and tactics. This book reveals the darker side of Classical Greek civilization. From the horrific effects of overcrowding and the plague on the population of Athens, to the vicious civil strife that often erupted in cities allied with Athens or Sparta, this volume offers vivid and at times disturbing insights into the impact of warfare on the people who are celebrated as the founders of Western civilization.
Douglas V Meed
The Mexican War 1846-1848
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 94
Velikost: 6,42 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 1 84176 472 8 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:34
| Anotace: The war with Mexico was the one of the most decisive conflicts in American history. After smashing Mexico's armies the young republic bestrode the North American continent like a colossus with one leg anchored on the Atlantic seaboard and the other on the Pacific. It was a bitter, hard fought war that raged across Mexico through the northern deserts, the fever-ridden Gulf cities and the balmy haciendas of California. This book covers the full course of the war, ending with General Winfield Scott's march from the captured port of Vera Cruz to Mexico City, fighting all the way.
Islamic Law in Past and Present
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 676
Velikost: 2,39 MB
Knižní žánr: právo
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-90-04-28180-6 Cena: 198.44 EUR Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:32
| Anotace: Islamic Law in Past and Present, written by the lawyer and Islamicist Mathias Rohe, is the first comprehensive study for decades on Islamic law, legal theory, reform mechanisms and the application of Islamic law in Islamic countries and the Muslim diaspora. It provides information based on an abundance of Oriental and Western sources regarding family and inheritance law, contract and economic law, penal law, constitutional, administrative and international law. The present situation and ‘law in action’ are highlighted particularly. This includes examples collected during field studies on the application of Islamic law in India, Canada and Germany.
Timothy E. Gregory
A History of Byzantium
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 486
Velikost: 3,72 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4051-8471-7 Cena: 34.17 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:29
| Anotace: This revised and expanded edition of the widely-praised A History of Byzantium covers the time of Constantine the Great in AD 306 to the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
- Expands treatment of the middle and later Byzantine periods, incorporating new archaeological evidence
- Includes additional maps and photographs, and a newly annotated, updated bibliography
- Incorporates a new section on web resources for Byzantium studies
- Demonstrates that Byzantium was important in its own right but also served as a bridge between East and West and ancient and modern society
- Situates Byzantium in its broader historical context with a new comparative timeline and textboxes
William Hickling Prescott
History of the Conquest of Peru
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 722
Velikost: 1,42 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9780486149844 Cena: 1.09 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:27
| Anotace: In a series of episodes as fantastic as any fiction, a powerful civilization crumbled at the hands of a small band of warriors. Written by one of America's great historians, this gripping chronicle draws upon the firsthand accounts of eminent sixteenth-century captains and statesmen to relate the overthrow of the Inca empire by the Spanish adventurers under Pizarro's command.
Author William H. Prescott's immensely readable narrative crackles with drama as he characterizes both conqueror and conquered. Rich in vivid anecdotes, it recaptures the glories of Inca society before European contact, and it paints fascinating portraits of the conquistadors and their courage, cruelty, and pride. Prescott's reconstructions of the attitudes and motivations behind the tumultuous events of the Spanish conquest offer memorable, insightful views of New World history that have made this book a popular classic.
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 300
Velikost: 3,85 MB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978–1–908968–081 Cena: 1.05 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:24
| Anotace: The Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan (1480–1521) is one of the most famous navigators in history – he was the first man to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and led the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe, although he was killed en route in a battle in the Philippines.
In this biography, Zweig brings to life the Age of Discovery by telling the tale of one of the era’s most daring adventurers. In typically flowing and elegant prose he takes us on a fascinating journey of discovery ourselves.
Brian P. Luskey, Wendy A. Woloson
Capitalism by Gaslight
Illuminating the Economy of Nineteenth-Century America     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 357
Velikost: 4,13 MB
Knižní žánr: ekonomie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 51.07 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 10:02
| Anotace: While elite merchants, financiers, shopkeepers, and customers were the most visible producers, consumers, and distributors of goods and capital in the nineteenth century, they were certainly not alone in shaping the economy. Lurking in the shadows of capitalism's past are those who made markets by navigating a range of new financial instruments, information systems, and modes of transactions: prostitutes, dealers in used goods, mock auctioneers, illegal slavers, traffickers in stolen horses, emigrant runners, pilfering dock workers, and other ordinary people who, through their transactions and lives, helped to make capitalism as much as it made them.
Capitalism by Gaslight illuminates American economic history by emphasizing the significance of these markets and the cultural debates they provoked. These essays reveal that the rules of economic engagement were still being established in the nineteenth century: delineations between legal and illegal, moral and immoral, acceptable and unsuitable were far from clear. The contributors examine the fluid mobility and unstable value of people and goods, the shifting geographies and structures of commercial institutions, the blurred boundaries between legitimate and illegitimate economic activity, and the daily lives of men and women who participated creatively—and often subversively—in American commerce.
With subjects ranging from women's studies and African American history to material and consumer culture, this compelling volume illustrates that when hidden forms of commerce are brought to light, they can become flashpoints revealing the tensions, fissures, and inequities inherent in capitalism itself.
Contributors: Paul Erickson, Robert J. Gamble, Ellen Gruber Garvey, Corey Goettsch, Joshua R. Greenberg, Katie M. Hemphill, Craig B. Hollander, Brian P. Luskey, Will B. Mackintosh, Adam Mendelsohn, Brendan P. O'Malley, Michael D. Thompson, Wendy A. Woloson.
The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 295
Velikost: 2,03 MB
Knižní žánr: ekonomie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-486-14791-8 Cena: 9.89 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 09:55
| Anotace: This landmark treatise of 1817 formulated the guiding principles behind the market economy. Author David Ricardo, with Adam Smith, founded the "classical" system of political economy, a school of thought that dominated economic policies throughout the nineteenth century and figured prominently in the theories of John Stuart Mill and Karl Marx.
A friend and colleague of James Mill, Thomas Malthus, and Jeremy Bentham — each of whom exercised a decided influence on his intellectual development — Ricardo elevated economic theory to hitherto unprecedented levels of sophistication. His clear and consistent definition of the classical system included the foundation of the tenets of diminishing returns and economic rent, which led to the doctrines known today as distribution theory and international trade theory, or comparative advantage. The Ricardian system continues to influence and inform modern economic thought, and The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation is essential reading for students of the social sciences.
Mother Teresa
The Untold Story     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 370
Velikost: 1000 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 6.59 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 30.09.2016, 09:50
| Anotace: The popular tendency is to deify myths, gurus, and personalities without investigating the claims thoroughly. Mother Teresa is one such name. Does Mother Teresa deserve her reputation as the most charitable person who ever lived? This book makes for a gripping but disconcerting read. REVIEWS: 'Necessary, well-documented' - The Times Higher Education Supplement, London; 'Painstakingly recorded, (exposes) the other side of Teresa' - Irish Independent, Dublin; 'Very serious and deserves wide dissemination . . . Truly shocking' - The Irish Times, Dublin; 'Explosive' - The Asian Age; 'Written with painstaking care' - The Telegraph, Kolkata; 'Dr. Chatterjee tackles the inaccuracies, misconceptions, and the elaborate propaganda machine enacted to portrait the albanian nun as relevant humanitarian . . .' - Hemley Gonzalez, founder of Responsible Charity Corp; 'Mother teresa at some point in her career lost connection with reality and ballooned out of all proportion, serving the cause of the ecclesiastical politics of the vatican rather than the cause of suffering humanity. Dr. Aroup Chatterjee does an excellent job in separating the reality from the layers of myth-making' - Dr. Ketaki Kushari Dyson, writer, translator, and researcher
Moral Combat
A History of World War II     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 657
Velikost: 40,16 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-00-719576-3 Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 09.09.2016, 23:33
| Anotace: A clear, chronological narrative exploring many of the ethical dilemmas posed for real people during and after the Second World War.
Literature on the Second World War is voluminous. In ‘Moral Combat’, however, Michael Burleigh achieves what few historians can claim to have done; by exploring the moral sentiment of entire societies and their leaders, and how this changed under the impact of total war, he presents readers with an entirely fresh perspective of this conflict.
Opening with the 'predators' - Mussolini, Hitler, Prince Hirohito of Japan - and moving onto appeasement (a popular policy or a 'wrong' policy?), the rape of Poland, Barbarossa, the role of Churchill, and the Holocaust, Burleigh analyses the moral dimension of the Second World War's most important moments. More than merely a history of 'great men', however, Burleigh also examines the moral reasoning of individuals who had to make choices under circumstances difficult to imagine. Stressing the maxim that the past is used to make sense of the present world we live in, he takes us right up to today's war on terror - a war of competing ideas. What, in the end, will constitute its victory? Burleigh's fascinating and deeply engaging exploration refuses to draw lessons from the past for the future, remaining instead firmly focused on the on-the-spot decisions that came to define the conflict.
Original, perceptive and remarkable in scope, this is an unforgettable and hugely important Second World War history.
Political Metaphor Analysis
Discourse and Scenarios     |
Formát: PDF
Počet stran: 209
Velikost: 9,97 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4411-9700-9 Cena: 42.52 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 09.09.2016, 23:24
| Anotace: Political metaphors and related figurative discourse tools are characterised by their variability and contentiousness. Using them, discourse participants try to gain competitive advantage over others by offering their audiences new meaning nuances, challenging each other and announcing political initiatives. It is here that metaphor as a means to change meanings – and thus, to change social and political reality – comes into its own.
Political Metaphor Analysis provides an innovative approach to the study of figurative language use in political discourse by presenting empirical analyses based on a large corpus of political metaphors and metonymies, linking these analyses to theoretical positions and assessing their limitations and perspectives for further exploration. The 'classic' model of conceptual metaphor analysis, pioneered by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) and expanded and amended over the past thirty-five years, is critically examined with regard to new findings about the variation, historicity, pragmatic exploitation, comprehension and interpretation of metaphors.
As a central new analytical category, the notion of “metaphor scenario” is proposed and tested against various sub-sets of data. It allows to link hypothesised conceptual metaphors to narrative, argumentative and evaluative patterns in actual discourse and understanding processes, so that their cognitive significance can be more reliably gauged and theoretically modelled.
