Collapse of an Empire
Lessons for Modern Russia     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 372
Velikost: 1,63 MB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 23.09 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 17:14
| Anotace: The Soviet Union was an empire in many senses of the word—a vast mix of far-flung regions and accidental citizens by way of conquest or annexation. Typical of such empires, it was built on shaky foundations. That instability made its demise inevitable, asserts Yegor Gaidar, former prime minister of Russia and architect of the "shock therapy" economic reforms of the 1990s. Yet a growing desire to return to the glory days of empire is pushing today's Russia backward into many of the same traps that made the Soviet Union untenable. In this important new book, Gaidar clearly illustrates why Russian nostalgia for empire is dangerous and ill-fated: "Dreams of returning to another era are illusory. Attempts to do so will lead to defeat."
Gaidar uses world history, the Soviet experience, and economic analysis to demonstrate why swimming against this tide of history would be a huge mistake. The USSR sowed the seeds of its own economic destruction, and Gaidar worries that Russia is repeating some of those mistakes. Once again, for example, the nation is putting too many eggs into one basket, leaving the nation vulnerable to fluctuations in the energy market.
The Soviets had used revenues from energy sales to prop up struggling sectors such as agriculture, which was so thoroughly ravaged by hyperindustrialization that the Soviet Union became a net importer of food. When oil prices dropped in the 1980s, that revenue stream diminished, and dependent sectors suffered heavily. Although strategies requiring austerity or sacrifice can be politically difficult, Russia needs to prepare for such downturns and restrain spending during prosperous times. Collapse of an Empire shows why it is imperative to fix the roof before it starts to rain, and why sometimes the past should be left in the past.
aneb Důvody pro nesmrtelnost duše     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 130
Velikost: 385 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: čeština
Cena: 64.00 CZK Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 17:12
| Anotace: Kniha Athanasia oder Gründe für die Unsterblichkeit der Seele z roku 1827 je nadmíru aktuální právě dnes, kdy chybějí v celé společnosti vodítka k pochopení nejen sebe samých, ale i světa okolo. Žijeme v době, která je nejméně zmocněná k tomu, aby rozuměla sobě samé, protože, jak řekl někde politický filozof Leo Strauss, velká míra politické svobody má paradoxně za následek velkou bezmoc. Bolzanova Athanasia patří k žánru konzolační či útěšné literatury, jejímž hlavním představitelem je Boëthiova kniha Útěcha z filozofie. Jde ale i o filozofickou práci, v níž se velký vědec a filozof Bernard Bolzano vyrovnává s otázkou nesmrtelnosti, otázkou, jíž se zabýval mezi mnoha jinými Platón ve svém Faidónovi. Vedle Vlastního životu jde o jedno z nejintimnějších Bolzanových děl, protože právě v Athanasii rezonuje bolest Bolzanovy velké mecenášky Anny Hoffmannové nad ztrátou její šestnáctileté dcery Karolíny. Velkostatek Josefa a Anny Hoffmannových Těchobuz u Pacova poskytl Bernardu Bolzanovi potřebný azyl pro práci na Vědosloví a dalších (matematických) spisech. Jazyk Bolzanovy knihy Athanasia je šťastně dvojlomný, neboť vedle osobního, útěšného tónu zde zaznívá i jazyk objektivismu 19. století, respektive originálního objektivismu, který tvoří páteř Bolzanova díla.
Warlords of Republican Rome
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 328
Velikost: 3,03 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781783460922 Cena: 8.79 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 17:10
| Anotace: The fateful clash between two of history's greatest generals . . . The war between Caesar and Pompey was one of the defining moments in Roman history. The clash between these great generals gripped the attention of their contemporaries and it has fascinated historians ever since. These powerful men were among the dominant personalities of their age, and their struggle for supremacy divided Rome. In this original and perceptive study Nic Fields explores the complex, often brutal world of Roman politics and the lethal rivalry of Caesar and Pompey that grew out of it. He reconsiders them as individuals and politicians and, above all, as soldiers. His highly readable account of this contest for power gives a vivid insight into the rise and fall of two of the greatest warlords of the ancient world.
Dr Nic Fields is an ancient historian with special expertise in the history of Greek and Roman warfare. He has published many articles and several monographs on the subject. Before turning to ancient history, he served as an officer in the Royal Marines. He is a former assistant director at the British School at Athens, and he has worked as a lecturer and guide, in particular for the Smithsonian Institute. He has also taught American undergraduates on study-abroad programs at institutions such as Beaver College in Athens and The Athens Centre.
Immanuel Kant
The Critique of Pure Reason
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 412
Velikost: 409 kB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 17:08
| Anotace: This entirely new translation of Critique of Pure Reason is the most accurate and informative English translation ever produced of this epochal philosophical text. Though its simple, direct style will make it suitable for all new readers of Kant, the translation displays a philosophical and textual sophistication that will enlighten Kant scholars as well. This translation recreates as far as possible a text with the same interpretative nuances and richness as the original.
This translation of Kant's Critique is a superb volume that forms the heart of Cambridge's excellent series of translations of Kant's works. Because of the quality of the translation, but also because of the various supplementary materials which it will very likely replace Norman Kemp Smith's translation as the standard edition for scholars. It is difficult to imagine that anyone would be able to improve on this volume in the foreseeable future.
Mary G. Houston, Florence S. Hornblower
Ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, and Persian Costumes and Decorations
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 37
Velikost: 3,33 MB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 0.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 17:06
| Anotace: If this work is to be kept within its limitations, it is naturally impossible to give a complete survey of all the varieties of the various styles. To get this knowledge it will be necessary to consult the works of reference, of which lists are given in each section. On the other hand, the special aspect of the work is more fully treated than in any other accessible book upon the subject.Every illustration of costume given has been actually cut out and made up before being sketched, except in a few cases which are of the nature of duplicates, so that by following the directions given it will be easy for anyone to reproduce them in material. Where decoration is required, the exact drawing and colouring of the various styles of Historic Ornament, which are the work of F. S. Hornblower (who has also coloured the costumes where necessary), will enable such details to be appropriately applied.Throughout the book, the illustrations are given by means of facsimiles of drawings by artists of the various centuries, so that a historic survey of the History of Figure Drawing will be included. Where the drawings of primitive artists do not clearly express the ideas intended to be conveyed, a modern drawing of the garment on a dress-stand will be used for explanation of the measured drawings of the cut-out garments. The growing appreciation of the beauty and value of the earlier and more primitive systems of cutting shown in modern dress designing for the last decade, when the so-called Magyar blouse (really the simple tunic common to all primitive folk) began to be popular, will make the present volume a convenient form of inspiration for designers; also, where more exact reproduction is needed, as in theatrical work, pageantry, and so forth, the careful working out of the details of cut and decoration will expedite production and save hours of fruitless searching in reference libraries.To the Art Student, in addition to the always interesting history of costume, the development of the Art of Representation, as shown in the illustrations of these volumes, which is so strangely repeated in the personal history of every young person learning to draw, will be attractive and instructive. Finally, in connection with the history lesson in the ordinary school, teachers will find the illustrations clear and helpful, especially if dramatic representations are attempted.
Archibald Hurd
The Fleets at War
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 113
Velikost: 1,56 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 17:04
| Anotace: A comparison of the navies of Germany and Great Britain at the beginning of World War I.
Armoured Warfare and Hitler's Allies 1941-1945
Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 71
Velikost: 5,86 MB
Knižní žánr: literatura faktu
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 8.79 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 17:02
| Anotace: German, American and British tanks come to mind first whenever the military vehicles of the Second World War are considered – they get all the historical attention. The tanks, self-propelled guns and armored cars built and deployed by the secondary nations in the conflict, in particular by Hitler’s Axis allies, have been almost forgotten. The rarity of these armored fighting vehicles makes them especially interesting, and that is why Anthony Tucker-Jones’s photographic history is of such value.
His selection of previously unpublished wartime photographs provides a visual record of the armored forces thrown into action by Hitler’s allies on the Eastern Front from 1941 to 1945. Illustrated here are the panzers deployed by Bulgaria, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy and Romania on the Eastern Front and in the Balkans. Hungary’s homemade armor included the Toldi and Turán tanks and Zrínyi self-propelled guns. The Italians produced CV-33 tankettes, Semovente self-propelled guns, Autoblinda and Lancia armored cars and a series of tanks. Romanian and Czech tanks and assault guns were also deployed.
Anthony Tucker-Jones’s photographic survey of these little known and underrated military vehicles will be fascinating reading, and a useful source of reference, for everyone who is interested in the history of armored and mechanized warfare.
William Stearns Davis
A Day in Old Athens
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 209
Velikost: 213 kB
Knižní žánr: historie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 1.09 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:59
| Anotace: A hypothetical tour of the private and public features of Athens during its political and cultural apex circa 360 B.C.
When She Was Good
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 242
Velikost: 1,85 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-307-78860-3 Cena: 11.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:58
| Anotace: In this funny and chilling novel, the setting is a small town in the 1940s Midwest, and the subject is the heart of a wounded and ferociously moralistic young woman, one of those implacable American moralists whose "goodness" is a terrible disease.
When she was still a child, Lucy Nelson had her alcoholic failure of a father thrown in jail. Ever since then she has been trying to reform the men around her, even if that ultimately means destroying herself in the process. With his unerring portraits of Lucy and her hapless, childlike husband, Roy, Roth has created an uncompromising work of fictional realism, a vision of provincial American piety, yearning, and discontent that is at once pitiless and compassionate.
The Prague Orgy
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 50
Velikost: 371 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781466846739 Cena: 10.74 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:57
| Anotace: In quest of the unpublished manuscript of a martyred Yiddish writer, the American novelist Nathan Zuckerman travels to Soviet-occupied Prague in the mid-1970s. There, in a nation straightjacketed by totalitarian Communism, he discovers a literary predicament, marked by institutionalized oppression, that is rather different from his own. He also discovers, among the oppressed writers with whom he quickly becomes embroiled in a series of bizarre and poignant adventures, an appealingly perverse kind of heroism.
The Prague Orgy, consisting of entries from protagonist Nathan Zuckerman's notebooks recording his sojourn among these outcast artists, completes the trilogy and epilogue Zuckerman bound. It provides a startling ending to Roth's intricately designed magnum opus on the unforeseen consequences of art.
The Humbling
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 68
Velikost: 71 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-547-23969-9 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:55
| Anotace: Everything is over for Simon Axler, the protagonist of Philip Roth’s startling new book. One of the leading American stage actors of his generation, now in his sixties, he has lost his magic, his talent, and his assurance. His Falstaff and Peer Gynt and Vanya, all his great roles, "are melted into air, into thin air." When he goes onstage he feels like a lunatic and looks like an idiot. His confidence in his powers has drained away; he imagines people laughing at him; he can no longer pretend to be someone else. "Something fundamental has vanished." His wife has gone, his audience has left him, his agent can’t persuade him to make a comeback.
Into this shattering account of inexplicable and terrifying self-evacuation bursts a counterplot of unusual erotic desire, a consolation for a bereft life so risky and aberrant that it points not toward comfort and gratification but to a yet darker and more shocking end. In this long day’s journey into night, told with Roth’s inimitable urgency, bravura, and gravity, all the ways that we convince ourselves of our solidity, all our life’s performances—talent, love, sex, hope, energy, reputation—are stripped off.
The Humbling is Roth’s thirtieth book.
The Human Stain
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 305
Velikost: 462 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-375-72634-9 Cena: 9.39 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:55
| Anotace: It is 1998, the year in which America is whipped into a frenzy of prurience by the impeachment of a president, and in a small New England town an aging Classics professor, Coleman Silk, is forced to retire when his colleagues decree that he is a racist. The charge is a lie, but the real truth about Silk would astonish even his most virulent accuser.
Coleman Silk has a secret, one which has been kept for fifty years from his wife, his four children, his colleagues, and his friends, including the writer Nathan Zuckerman. It is Zuckerman who stumbles upon Silk's secret and sets out to reconstruct the unknown biography of this eminent, upright man, esteemed as an educator for nearly all his life, and to understand how this ingeniously contrived life came unraveled. And to understand also how Silk's astonishing private history is, in the words of the Wall Street Journal, "magnificently" interwoven with "the larger public history of modern America."
The Great American Novel
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 340
Velikost: 726 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781466846449 Cena: 13.97 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:52
| Anotace: In this ribald, richly imagined, and wickedly satiric novel, Roth turns baseball's status as national pastime and myth into an occasion for unfettered picaresque farce, replete with heroism and perfidy, ebullient wordplay and a cast of characters that includes the House Un-American Activities Committee.
"Roth invents baseball anew, as pure slapstick.... An awesome performance."-- "New Republic"
The Dying Animal
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 82
Velikost: 552 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-618-13587-1 Cena: 15.62 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:50
| Anotace: 'No matter how much you know, no matter how much you think, no matter how much you plot and you connive and you plan, you're not superior to sex'
With these words America's most unflaggingly energetic and morally serious novelist launches perhaps his fiercest book. The speaker is David Kepesh, white-haired and over sixty, an eminent TV culture critic and star lecturer at a New York college - as well as an articulate propagandist of the sexual revolution. For years he has made a practice of sleeping with adventurous female students while maintaining an aesthete's critical distance. But now that distance has been annihilated.
The agency of Kepesh's undoing is Consuela Castillo, the decorous, humblingly beautiful twenty-four-year-old daughter of Cuban exiles. When he becomes involved with her, Kepesh finds himself dragged helplessly into the quagmire of sexual jealousy and loss. In chronicling the themes of eros and mortality, licence and repression, freedom and sacrifice. The Dying Animal is a burning coal of a book, filled with intellectual heat and not a little danger.
The Anatomy Lesson
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 205
Velikost: 326 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 12.89 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:49
| Anotace: At forty, the writer Nathan Zuckerman comes down with a mysterious affliction—pure pain, beginning in his neck and shoulders, invading his torso, and taking possession of his spirit. Zuckerman, whose work was his life, is unable to write a line. Now his work is trekking from one doctor to another, but none can find a cause for the pain and nobody can assuage it. Zuckerman himself wonders if the pain can have been caused by his own books. And while he is wondering, his dependence on painkillers grows into an addiction to vodka, marijuana, and Percodan. The Anatomy Lesson is a great comedy of illness written in what the English critic Hermione Lee has described as "a manner at once...brash and thoughtful... lyrical and wry, which projects through comic expostulations and confessions...a knowing, humane authority." The third volume of the trilogy and epilogue Zuckerman Bound , The Anatomy Lesson provides some of the funniest scenes in all of Roth's fiction as well as some of the fiercest About The Author: Award-winning author Philip Roth has made a career of confronting the heartbreaking dissolution of relationships, the absurdity of sexual neuroses, and the downside of his own literary fame. Many of his readers believe that Roth has been merely writing his own story for nearly fifty years. However, the author refuses to offer such speculators any simple answers, saying of his characters, It's all me. Nothing is me."
Sabbath's Theater
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 395
Velikost: 566 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781407018638 Cena: 14.79 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:48
| Anotace: Sabbath's Theater is a comic creation of epic proportions, and Mickey Sabbath is its gargantuan hero. Once a scandalously inventive puppeteer, Sabbath at sixty-four is still defiantly antagonistic and exceedingly libidinous. But after the death of his long-time mistress—an erotic free spirit whose adulterous daring surpassed even his own—Sabbath embarks on a turbulent journey into his past. Bereft and grieving, besieged by the ghosts of those who loved and hated him most, he contrives a succession of farcical disasters that take him to the brink of madness and extinction.
Our Gang
Starring Tricky and his Friends     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 125
Velikost: 1,73 MB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-307-53948-9 Cena: 11.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:47
| Anotace: A ferocious political satire in the great tradition, Our Gang is Philip Roth’s brilliantly indignant response to the phenomenon of Richard M. Nixon.
In the character of Trick E. Dixon, Roth shows us a man who outdoes the severest cynic, a peace-loving Quaker and believer in the sanctity of human life who doesn’t have a problem with killing unarmed women and children in self-defense. A master politician with an honest sneer, he finds himself battling the Boy Scouts, declaring war on Pro-Pornography Denmark, all the time trusting in the basic indifference of the voting public.
Operation Shylock
A Confession     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 355
Velikost: 466 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781446400265 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:46
| Anotace: What if a lookalike stranger stole your name, usurped your biography, and went about the world pretending to be you?
In this tour de force of fact and fiction, Philip Roth meets a man who may or may not be Philip Roth. Because someone with that name has been touring the State of Israel, promoting a bizarre exodus in reverse of the Jews. Roth decides to stop him - even if that means impersonating his impersonator.
Suspenseful, hilarious, hugely impassioned, pulsing with intelligence and narrative energy, Operation Shylock is at once a spy story, a political thriller, a meditation on identity, and a confession.
My Life As A Man
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 307
Velikost: 379 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
Cena: 13.97 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:45
| Anotace: A fiction-within-a-fiction, a labyrinthine edifice of funny, mournful, and harrowing meditations on the fatal impasse between a man and a woman, My Life as a Man is Roth's most blistering novel.
At its heart lies the marriage of Peter and Maureen Tarnopol, a gifted young writer and the woman who wants to be his muse but who instead is his nemesis. Their union is based on fraud and shored up by moral blackmail, but it is so perversely durable that, long after Maureen's death, Peter is still trying—and failing—to write his way free of it. Out of desperate inventions and cauterizing truths, acts of weakness, tenderheartedness, and shocking cruelty, Philip Roth creates a work worthy of Strindberg—a fierce tragedy of sexual need and blindness.
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 125
Velikost: 219 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-14-317042-6 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:37
| Anotace: Against the backdrop of the Korean War, a young man faces life’s unimagined chances and terrifying consequences.
It is 1951 in America, the second year of the Korean War. A studious, law-abiding, intense youngster from Newark, New Jersey, Marcus Messner, is beginning his sophomore year on the pastoral, conservative campus of Ohio’s Winesburg College. And why is he there and not at the local college in Newark where he originally enrolled? Because his father, the sturdy, hard-working neighborhood butcher, seems to have gone mad -- mad with fear and apprehension of the dangers of adult life, the dangers of the world, the dangers he sees in every corner for his beloved boy.
As the long-suffering, desperately harassed mother tells her son, the father’s fear arises from love and pride. Perhaps, but it produces too much anger in Marcus for him to endure living with his parents any longer. He leaves them and, far from Newark, in the midwestern college, has to find his way amid the customs and constrictions of another American world.
Indignation, Philip Roth’s twenty-ninth book, is a story of inexperience, foolishness, intellectual resistance, sexual discovery, courage, and error. It is a story told with all the inventive energy and wit Roth has at his command, at once a startling departure from the haunted narratives of old age and experience in his recent books and a powerful addition to his investigations of the impact of American history on the life of the vulnerable individual.
I Married a Communist
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 288
Velikost: 300 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-395-93346-3 Cena: 15.39 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 22.04.2017, 16:36
| Anotace: I Married a Communist is the story of the rise and fall of Ira Ringold, a big American roughneck who begins life as a teenage ditch-digger in 1930s Newark, becomes a big-time 1940s radio star, and is destroyed, as both a performer and a man, in the McCarthy witchhunt of the 1950s.
In his heyday as a star—and as a zealous, bullying supporter of "progressive" political causes—Ira marries Hollywood's beloved silent-film star, Eve Frame. Their glamorous honeymoon in her Manhattan townhouse is shortlived, however, and it is the publication of Eve's scandalous bestselling exposé that identifies him as "an American taking his orders from Moscow."
In this story of cruelty, betrayal, and revenge spilling over into the public arena from their origins in Ira's turbulent personal life, Philip Roth—who Commonweal calls the "master chronicler of the American twentieth century—has written a brilliant fictional protrayal of that treacherous postwar epoch when the anti-Communist fever not only infected national politics but traumatized the intimate, innermost lives of friends and families, husbands and wives, parents and children.
Goodbye, Columbus
Five Short Stories     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 189
Velikost: 209 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0-395-51850-4 Cena: 12.89 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 21.04.2017, 01:15
| Anotace: Winner of the National Book Award. Roth's award-winning first book--about Neil Klugman, Brenda Patimkin, and their relationship which tests the boundaries of suspicion, social class, and love--instantly established its author's reputation as a writer of explosive wit, merciless insight, and a fierce compassion for even the most self-deluding of characters.
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 87
Velikost: 92 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-618-73516-7 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 21.04.2017, 01:14
| Anotace: Philip Roth's new novel is a candidly intimate yet universal story of loss, regret, and stoicism. The bestselling author of The Plot Against America now turns his attention from "one family's harrowing encounter with history" (New York Times) to one man's lifelong skirmish with mortality.
The fate of Roth's everyman is traced from his first shocking confrontation with death on the idyllic beaches of his childhood summers, through the family trials and professional achievements of his vigorous adulthood, and into his old age, when he is rended by observing the deterioration of his contemporaries and stalked by his own physical woes.
The terrain of this powerful novel is the human body. Its subject is the common experience that terrifies us all.
Mikulášovy prázdniny
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 135
Velikost: 188 kB
Knižní žánr: humor
Jazyk: čeština
Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.01.2017, 00:39
| Anotace: Mikuláš je malý nezbedný klučík s partou kamarádů, kupou bláznivých nápadů a úžasným dětským pohledem na svět. Už v 60. letech se stal ve Francii jedním ze symbolů dětské literatury a od té doby bavil čtenáře po celém světě. Jeho příběhy dostanou každého svým promyšleným a nevinným humorem, lehkostí stylu, a výjimečným literárním talentem autora – Réné Goscinyho.
Příhody Mikuláše a jeho legračních kamarádů tlustého Vendelína, vychloubavého Augustína, silného Albína, šprta Celestýna, Kryšpína,Viktorína či Fridolína jsou vlastně celkem obyčejné postřehy všedních dnů, nebýt Goscinyho geniálního stylu, talentu zachytit dětský způsob uvažování a dodat příběhům výborné a nečekané pointy či legrační kontrasty. Vynikající pointy dodávají někdy úsměvně filozofický podtón a skutečně nemusíte být dětmi, byste se zasmáli inteligentnímu a nadčasovému vtipu, který, mnohem víc než v ději, spočívá v jazyce a slovních hříčkách.
West and the Rest
Globalization and the Terrorist Threat     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 124
Velikost: 204 kB
Knižní žánr: politologie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-1-4976-4906-4 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.01.2017, 00:36
| Anotace: In this astonishing new book, Roger Scruton argues that to understand adequately the roots of Islamic terrorism, one must understand both the unique historical evolution of the state and the dynamic of globalization. With extraordinary perception, Scruton.
The Soul of the World
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 199
Velikost: 1,32 MB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-691-16157-0 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.01.2017, 00:35
| Anotace: In The Soul of the World, renowned philosopher Roger Scruton defends the experience of the sacred against today's fashionable forms of atheism. He argues that our personal relationships, moral intuitions, and aesthetic judgments hint at a transcendent dimension that cannot be understood through the lens of science alone. To be fully alive--and to understand what we are--is to acknowledge the reality of sacred things. Rather than an argument for the existence of God, or a defense of the truth of religion, the book is an extended reflection on why a sense of the sacred is essential to human life--and what the final loss of the sacred would mean. In short, the book addresses the most important question of modernity: what is left of our aspirations after science has delivered its verdict about what we are?
Drawing on art, architecture, music, and literature, Scruton suggests that the highest forms of human experience and expression tell the story of our religious need, and of our quest for the being who might answer it, and that this search for the sacred endows the world with a soul. Evolution cannot explain our conception of the sacred; neuroscience is irrelevant to our interpersonal relationships, which provide a model for our posture toward God; and scientific understanding has nothing to say about the experience of beauty, which provides a God's-eye perspective on reality.
Ultimately, a world without the sacred would be a completely different world--one in which we humans are not truly at home. Yet despite the shrinking place for the sacred in today's world, Scruton says, the paths to transcendence remain open.
The Ring of Truth
The Wisdom of Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 339
Velikost: 14,31 MB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-241-18856-9 Cena: 19.79 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.01.2017, 00:34
| Anotace: Richard Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung is one of the greatest works of art created in modern times, and has fascinated both critics and devotees for over a century and a half. No recent study has examined the meaning of Wagner's masterpiece with the attention to detail and intellectual power that Roger Scruton brings to it in this inspiring account. The Ring of Truth is an exploration of the drama, music, symbolism and philosophy of the Ring from a writer whose knowledge and understanding of the Western musical tradition are the equal of his capacities as a philosopher.
Scruton shows how, through musical connections and brilliant dramatic strokes, Wagner is able to express truths about the human condition which few other creative artists have been able to convey so convincingly. For Wagner, writes Scruton, the task of art is to 'show us freedom in its immediate, contingent, human form, reminding us of what it means to us. Even if we live in a world from which gods and heroes have disappeared we can, by imagining them, dramatize the deep truths of our condition and renew our faith in what we are.'
Love, death, sacrifice and the liberation that we win through sacrifice - these are the great themes of the Ring, as they are of this book. Scruton's passionate and moving interpretation allows us to understand more fully than ever how Wagner conveys his ideas about who we are, and why the Ring continues to be such a hypnotically absorbing work.
Notes from Underground
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 230
Velikost: 1016 kB
Knižní žánr: beletrie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 978-0-8253-0728-7 Cena: 5.49 USD Přečteno: ANO (16.03.2017) Vloženo: 25.01.2017, 00:23
| Anotace: Set in the twilight years of the Czechoslovak communist regime, recalled from the suburbs of Washington, this novel describes a doomed love affair between two young people trapped by the system. Roger Scruton evokes a world in which every word and gesture bears a double meaning, as people seek to find truth amid the lies and love in the midst of betrayal. The novel tells the story of Jan Reichl, condemned to a menial life by his father's alleged crime, and of Betka, the girl who offers him education, opportunity and love, but who mysteriously refuses to commit herself.
Komentář: Kniha nehodná filozofa, ač konzervativního. Rozporuplné čtení pro Čechy (Čechoslováky) a tuplem pro ty, kteří žili ve své vlasti v době, do které autor zasadil svůj příběh. V jednotlivostech se knize daří relativně zdařile vystihnout určité aspekty té doby, v zásadnějších otázkách je ovšem značně tendenční a povrchní (vyniká kupř. velmi emocionální a jednostranné vylíčení nespravedlností páchaných na sudetských Němcích, aniž by byly zasazeny do širších souvislostí složitých vztahů mezi Čechy a Němci; obzvláště pak v meziválečné éře).
Kniha neumožňuje jiný výklad autorova náhledu na Čechy (Čechoslováky) než ten, že má do úcty či snad dokonce obdivu na hony daleko a český disent (se kterým udržoval pravidelné styky) v něm vyvolával převážně shovívavý úsměv ("většina jejich děl měla menší hodnotu než papír, na kterém byla napsána"). Úvaha o "národu knihy", který vznikl skrze knihy a v podstatě mimo knihy neexistuje, mně osobně v hlavě utkvěla asi nejdéle.
Příběh samotný je archetypální a v různých obdobách ho patrně prožila velká část mužů.
Modern Philosophy
An Introduction and Survey     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 588
Velikost: 1,14 MB
Knižní žánr: filozofie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 9781448210510 Cena: 10.99 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.01.2017, 00:21
| Anotace: Philosopher Roger Scruton offers a wide-ranging perspective on philosophy, from logic to aesthetics, written in a lively and engaging way that is sure to stimulate debate. Rather than producing a survey of an academic discipline, Scruton reclaims philosophy for worldly concerns.
A Very Short Introduction     |
Formát: EPUB
Počet stran: 124
Velikost: 734 kB
Knižní žánr: biografie
Jazyk: angličtina
ISBN: 0–19–280199–6 Cena: 8.79 USD Přečteno: NE Vloženo: 25.01.2017, 00:19
| Anotace: Immanuel Kant is arguably the most influential modern philosopher, but is also one of the most difficult. In this illuminating Very Short Introduction, Roger Scruton--a well-known and controversial philosopher in his own right--tackles his exceptionally complex subject with a strong hand, exploring the background to Kant's work and showing why Critique of Pure Reason has proved so enduring.
