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Benediction  (GBR) 

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       2008 - Killing Music  (dosud nehodnoceno)
       2001 - Organized Chaos  (55%)
       1995 - The Dreams You Dread  (dosud nehodnoceno)
       1993 - Transcend the Rubicon  (56%)
       1991 - The Grand Leveller  (84%)
       1990 - Subconscious Terror  (dosud nehodnoceno)

Benediction is a British death metal band from Birmingham. They were formed in February 1989.

The Birmingham-based death metal band Benediction were formed back in February 1989 around the line-up of Paul Adams (bass), Peter Rew (guitars), Darren Brookes (guitars) and Mark "Barney" Greenway (vocals). With the demo The Dreams You Dread, released in the same year, they drew the interest of Nuclear Blast Records resulting in a record deal. Their first album, Subconscious Terror was released in 1990, followed by the departure of Barney, who joined Napalm Death. The debut was received well and a new vocalist, Dave Ingram was found soon. An extensive touring schedule 1991 saw the band back out with Bolt Thrower and Nocturnus.

After which they completed work on their second album, The Grand Leveller and the difference in the writing was a revelation, attracting international acclaim. Having already completed one European tour with Massacra during the year between the recording and the mixing of the album, the band now took to the road again with Dismember. After that tour Paul Adams departed, fed up with the road, work, the band. The band was back in studio in December 1991 with Darren playing bass and guitar on a new EP, titled Dark is the Season, which included a cover of the old Anvil stalwart "Forged In Fire", and January 1992 saw the band back in Europe again with Asphyx and Bolt Thrower.

Later that year they found their new bassist, Frank Healy, at that time the guitarist of Cerebral Fix and formerly of Napalm Death. Healy joined as a full time member just as they whisked off to Israel and a heaving Tel Aviv was his initiation.

In 1993, Benediction released their third opus, Transcend the Rubicon. The album's release was followed by the extensive "World Violation" tour with Cemetery and Atheist throughout Europe, USA, Canada and again Israel. After that tour, Ian Treacy left the band because of personal differences. After The Grotesque / Ashen Epitaph EP, which featured two brand new songs and three live tracks Neil Hutton, an 18-year-old drummer, replaced him on a permanent basis. He had his initiation on the eleven dates of the Nuclear Blast New Year Festivals, which took place in January 1995 and saw Benediction's live performances on German, Dutch, Austrian, Swiss and Czech stages. Meanwhile the band has already put the finishing touches to their fourth full length album titled The Dreams You Dread.

Benediction formed a close relationship with Death, touring extensively with them at Chuck Schuldiner's request, the sadly missed Death legend being just one of many musicians who have infinite respect for Benediction's 'no-shit' approach and dedication to their genre.

Their next album Grind Bastard was launched with a raging tour seeing the band break new territories in the former Eastern Block countries. They were taken on board by TCI agency in New York who now books all of their live work and touring.

This led to yet more touring, including another European tour with Death, which was sadly to be Schuldiner's last. This tour coincided with the departure of vocalist Dave Ingram and the introduction of new vocalist Dave Hunt. Dave Hunt is also the vocalist in Mistress and Anaal Nathrakh. What could have been a difficult period for the band was settled in Benediction's usual "not a problem" style and within a couple of shows, the band were getting to know one another and building back up to full Benediciton power. Having settled in with Dave on the road with Death, the band went on to play a heap of shows including touring with the black metal band Immortal.

Their most recent album was as before released through Nuclear Blast in October 2001. Titled Organised Chaos, it was again produced by Andy Sneap, and saw a welcome return to recording for them and of course, was launched with more live appearances throughout Europe. The highlights must include 2002's devastating and often sold out tour with Bolt Thrower and an appearance in front of literally thousands of chanting metallers at the Gods of Metal festival in Milan, Italy - sharing a bill with the likes of Motörhead, W.A.S.P.., Megadeth and Judas Priest.

Benediction have currently finished writing songs for their forthcoming album, tentatively titled Killing Music. However, due to an ankle injury of drummer Nicholas Barker, recordings have been delayed until he has recovered.

Darren Brookes - Guitars (since 1988)
Peter Rewinsky - Guitars (since 1988)
Dave Hunt - Vocals (since 1998)
Frank Healy - Bass (since 1992)
Nicholas Barker - Drums (since 2005)
Dave Ingram - Vocals (1991-1998)
Mark 'Barney' Greenway - Vocals (1988-1991)
Ian Treacy - Drums (1988-1994)
Paul Adams - Bass (1988-1991)
Neil Hutton - Drums (1994-2005)

The Dreams You Dread – (Demo, 1989)
Subconscious Terror – (1990)
The Grand Leveller – (1991)
Dark Is the Season – (EP, 1992)
Transcend the Rubicon – (1993)
The Grotesque / Ashen Epitaph – (EP, 1994)
The Dreams You Dread – (1995)
Grind Bastard – (1998)
Organised Chaos – (2001)
Killing Music – (2007)

Source: Wikipedia

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90-100% GENIÁLNÍ!!!


70-79% DOBRÉ


40-49% SLABÉ

10-39% TRAPNÉ

0-9% HNŮJ!!!


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