
Údaje k vybranému interpretu


Godflesh  (GBR) 

WWW stránky 

       1999 - Us and Them  (52%)
       1997 - Love and Hate in Dub  (52%)
       1996 - Songs of Love and Hate  (52%)
       1994 - Selfless  (52%)

Birmingham, England was the birthplace of Godflesh. Created in 1988, founders Justin K. Broadrick (guitars and vocals) and G. C. Green (bass) probably had no idea how far Godflesh would be taken. Their full length album debut, Streetcleaner (1989), did wonders for their popularity in the underground scene and paved the way for much more.

Edge of Sanity spent the nineties releasing albums and EPs, touring, and getting a lot of international attention. Through the late parts of their run, Edge of Sanity experimented with a more electronic, drum and bass filled sound, dimming the spotlight on their guitars, specifically in 1999's Us and Them.

However, their next few albums went back to their roots, while also keeping a hint of their experiments with electronica. 2001 saw the departure of Green, and a year later in 2002, after suffering a nervous breakdown, Broadrick put an end to Godflesh, after a highly successful run, to pursue other projects.


Výběr alba:
Vyber interpreta:
Vyhledej album:


90-100% GENIÁLNÍ!!!


70-79% DOBRÉ


40-49% SLABÉ

10-39% TRAPNÉ

0-9% HNŮJ!!!


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