
Údaje k vybranému interpretu


Estatic Fear  (AUS) 

       1999 - A Sombre Dance  (92%)
       1996 - Somnium Obmutum  (91%)

A wooden cabin oversees a lush green meadow. Massive mountains on the background with clear white tops. Sheep grazing peacefully while the wind slowly picks up and the leaves in the few surrounding trees start to bristle; a gentle summer rain begins to fall from a somehow clear sky. In the distance a flash of thunder with accompanying roar. Then the rain hits the grass… Its releases a magical tingle and the entire field is lit up in wonderful display of colours. On the porch of the cabin sits a man in long robes smoking a long pipe observing this spectacle of lights. An amused smile on his face while somehow the rain averts from its downward course just in time to not hit him. When a little man, no more than the height of a child, with a large beard comes out of the cabin and asks him if he wants another cup of tea, he gives a friendly nod while he continues to enjoy the rest of his peaceful yet magical day.

That is perhaps the best description I can ever give of the music that Estatic Fear makes on this wonderful second album. The lush mixture of medieval music, doom-metal and classical arrangements make of this album one of the most tranquil, sorrow filled and intimate pieces of music in my entire collection. Forget bands like Haggard or Therion, this is far superior.

It must be said that the emphasis on this work is put on the classical arrangements, medieval music and metal elements. The doom element has become a lot less prominent. As such Estatic Fear does drift closer to aforementioned Haggard, creating a mix of classical music with metal. Still the pure melancholy found here can be truely overwhelming. Even the at times used blackish screams sound warm, intimate and filled with sorrow. This is simply a forgotten masterpiece. Anybody who claims to be into good music should own this, it really is that simple.


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90-100% GENIÁLNÍ!!!


70-79% DOBRÉ


40-49% SLABÉ

10-39% TRAPNÉ

0-9% HNŮJ!!!


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