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       2003 - The Mass  (58%)
       2000 - Era 2  (56%)
       1996 - Era  (62%)

Era is a music project by Eric Levi that is often based around chants in an imaginary language close to Latin. The music could be described as New Age and can be considered similar to artists such as Enigma and Deep Forest[1]. Their music mixes classical music, opera, and Gregorian chants with rock music and other contemporary styles. Their music was used in the soundtrack for the French film Les Visiteurs and in Sylvester Stallone's "Driven". The band has sold more than 3 million albums.

Era's live shows often feature vocalists dressed in Middle-age clothes and armor.

Eric Lévi (real name Eric Jacques Levisalles), born 1955 in Paris, France, is a musician best known for being the mastermind behind the group ERA and the ERA musical trilogy.

In 1977 Eric Lévi founded the hard rock band Shakin' Street with Fabienne Shine , which would release the two albums Vampire Rock and Solid As A Rock. Shakin' Street briefly toured with AC/DC and the Blue Öyster Cult before disbanding in 1981. Later on in his career, Eric Lévi wrote the musical score to several movies, including L'Opération Corned-beef and the comedy Les Visiteurs which was an international success and one of the highest grossing movies of all time in France.

Era's self-titled debut album in 1997 proved to be a hit, becoming the most exported French album with over 6 million copies sold. A sequel, Era 2 was released in 1999, followed by Era: The Mass in 2003. The trilogy is characterized by a mixture of rock, synth, and pseudo-Latin Gregorian chant.

Source: Wikipedia

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90-100% GENIÁLNÍ!!!


70-79% DOBRÉ


40-49% SLABÉ

10-39% TRAPNÉ

0-9% HNŮJ!!!


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