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Cemetary  (SWE) 

WWW stránky 

       2005 - Phantasma  (74%)

Cemetary was a Swedish death metal band around frontman Mathias Lodmalm. Cemetary was formed in 1989. A few years later they signed a contract with Black Mark Productions and started recording their debut album An Evil Shade Of Grey which was released in 1992. They released four more albums before the singer and songwriter Mathias Lodmalm felt that he wanted to do something new. Cemetary was therefore laid to rest in 1997 with their last album. They did however reunite in 2004 and the following year a new album called Phantasma surfaced. In late May 2005 Mathias Lodmalm posted a message at their website, announcing that he was leaving the scene for good because of dissatisfaction with the people he did business with.

In 1997 and 1999 Mathias Lodmalm also released albums similar in style under the moniker Sundown.

Incarnation Of Morbidity (demo) (1990)
In Articulus Mortis (demo) (1991)
An Evil Shade of Grey (1992)
Godless Beauty (1993)
Black Vanity (1994)
Sundown (1996)
Last Confessions (1997)
Sweetest Tragedies (1999)
The Beast Divine (2000)
Phantasma (2005)

All Cemetary albums were released by Black Mark, except The Beast Divine which was released under the moniker Cemetary 1213 by Century Media.

Mathias Lodmalm
Juha Sievers
Zriuko Culjak
Christian Saarinen
Anton Hedberg
Markus Nordberg
Thomas Josefsson
Anders Iwers
Christian Silver
Vesa Kenttakumpu
Manne Engstrom

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90-100% GENIÁLNÍ!!!


70-79% DOBRÉ


40-49% SLABÉ

10-39% TRAPNÉ

0-9% HNŮJ!!!


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