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The Deeds of the Divine Augustus

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Number of pages: 6
Size: 47 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
Read: NO
Added: 21.11.2005, 20:30


The Deeds of the Divine Augustus) is a monumental inscription composed by the first Roman emperor, Augustus, giving a first-person record of his life and accomplishments. The Res Gestae is especially significant because it gives an insight into the image Augustus offered to the Roman people.

Jan Amos Komenský
Stručná historie církve slovanské

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 33
Size: 349 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
Read: NO
Added: 21.11.2005, 20:29

Řád církevní Jednoty bratří českých

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 45
Size: 601 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
Read: NO
Added: 21.11.2005, 20:27

Věra Hrochová, Miroslav Hroch
Křižáci ve svaté zemi

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 6
Size: 172 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
Read: NO
Added: 04.12.2005, 17:06

Kronika velmi pěkná o Janu Žižkovi čeledínu krále Vácslava

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Size: 42 kB
Book genre: chronicles
Language: Czech
Read: YES (02.08.2024)
Added: 21.11.2005, 20:23

František Palacký
Idea státu rakouského

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 42
Size: 419 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:23

The Annals

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 696
Size: 3,89 MB
Book genre: history
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1790424214
Read: NO
Added: 15.08.2023, 23:56


The Annals (Latin: Annales) by Roman historian and senator Tacitus is a history of the Roman Empire from the reign of Tiberius to that of Nero, the years AD 14–68. The Annals are an important source for modern understanding of the history of the Roman Empire during the 1st century AD; it is Tacitus' final work, and modern historians generally consider it his greatest writing. Historian Ronald Mellor calls it "Tacitus's crowning achievement", which represents the "pinnacle of Roman historical writing".

Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
Životopisy dvanácti císařů

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 10
Size: 228 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: Czech
Read: NO
Added: 04.12.2005, 17:05

Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
O význačných literátech

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 5
Size: 164 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: Czech
Read: NO
Added: 04.12.2005, 16:16

Titus Livius
The History of Rome
Book 37-END

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 258
Size: 687 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
Read: NO
Added: 20.11.2005, 19:48

Titus Livius
The History of Rome
Book 27-36

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 536
Size: 563 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
Read: NO
Added: 20.11.2005, 19:46

Titus Livius
The History of Rome
Books 9-26

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 496
Size: 528 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
Read: NO
Added: 20.11.2005, 19:45


An epic endeavor by a man genuinely enamored of his native Rome, Livy's "The History of Rome" was originally written in 142 books spanning the entire history of the Roman people up to Livy's day in the time of Augustus in the first century BC. While this Roman historian's monumental undertaking took most of his life, only 35 books still survive today. Livy begins with Aeneas' landing on Italy and the myth of Romulus and Remus' founding of Rome. He also thoroughly covers numerous wars, such as the Samnite Wars, the Punic Wars, and the Social War, as well as all of the rulers of Rome, including Julius Caesar, Nero, and Augustus. Though the work is a bit biased, its countless references to other sources are a testament of Livy's attempt to create an accurate, understandable history of the Roman Kingdom, and, later, the Republic. Simultaneously a glorification of Rome and a passionate warning to future Romans, "Ab Urbe Condita" reflects the magnificence and ignominy, the opinions and interests, and the myths and political realities of one of history's most remarkable civilizations. In this volume you will find books IX-XXVI of Livy's "Histories".

Titus Livius
The History of Rome
Book 1-8

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 551
Size: 588 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
Read: NO
Added: 20.11.2005, 19:43


An epic endeavor by a man genuinely enamored of his native Rome, Livy's "The History of Rome" was originally written in 142 books spanning the entire history of the Roman people up to Livy's day in the time of Augustus in the first century BC. While this Roman historian's monumental undertaking took most of his life, only 35 books still survive today. Livy begins with Aeneas' landing on Italy and the myth of Romulus and Remus' founding of Rome. He also thoroughly covers numerous wars, such as the Samnite Wars, the Punic Wars, and the Social War, as well as all of the rulers of Rome, including Julius Caesar, Nero, and Augustus. Though the work is a bit biased, its countless references to other sources are a testament of Livy's attempt to create an accurate, understandable history of the Roman Kingdom, and, later, the Republic. Simultaneously a glorification of Rome and a passionate warning to future Romans, "Ab Urbe Condita" reflects the magnificence and ignominy, the opinions and interests, and the myths and political realities of one of history's most remarkable civilizations. In this volume you will find books I-VIII of Livy's "Histories".

Flavius Iosephus
O starobylosti Židů

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 87
Size: 330 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
ISBN: 80-207-0563-5
Read: YES (29.09.2023)
Added: 20.11.2005, 19:40

Edward Gibbon
Úpadek a pád Římské říše

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 9
Size: 158 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
Read: NO
Added: 04.12.2005, 16:16

Gaius Iulius Caesar
The Gallic War

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 488
Size: 1,54 MB
Book genre: history
Language: English
ISBN: 798-0-19-283582-6
Read: NO
Added: 06.07.2023, 01:10


The Gallic War, published on the eve of the civil war which led to the end of the Roman Republic, is an autobiographical account written by one of the most famous figures of European history. This new translation reflects the purity of Caesar's Latin while preserving the pace and flow of his momentous narrative of the conquest of Gaul and the first Roman invasions of Britain and Germany. Detailed notes, maps, a table of dates, and glossary make this the most useful edition available.

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