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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Size: 80 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:43


The biography provides an in-depth account of Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, a Roman general and statesman known for his strategic patience and cautious approach during the Second Punic War against Hannibal. Plutarch depicts Fabius as a skilled military commander who recognized the importance of avoiding direct confrontation with Hannibal's forces, instead employing tactics of delay and attrition. The biography delves into Fabius's nickname "Cunctator" (the Delayer) and explores his contributions to the eventual Roman victory over Carthage.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 10
Size: 64 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:43


The biography provides an intricate account of Eumenes of Cardia, a Greek general and secretary who served under Alexander the Great and later navigated the tumultuous events of the Wars of the Diadochi, the power struggles following Alexander's death. Plutarch explores Eumenes's loyalty to Alexander, his diplomatic skills, and his leadership during times of conflict. The biography delves into Eumenes's alliances and rivalries, his role in battles against other Diadochi, and his eventual fate. Plutarch's portrayal of Eumenes engages with themes of loyalty, honor, and the challenges of maintaining principles in a world of shifting loyalties.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Size: 79 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:42


The biography offers an in-depth portrayal of Demosthenes, the Athenian statesman and orator known for his powerful speeches and opposition to the rising power of Philip II of Macedon. Plutarch presents Demosthenes as a dedicated patriot who fought to preserve Athenian democracy and autonomy against external threats. The biography delves into Demosthenes's struggles, his efforts to rally Athens against the Macedonian threat, and his remarkable oratorical skills.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 18
Size: 101 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:42


Plutarch's biography of Crassus, a prominent figure in ancient Rome, provides an insightful account of his life and political career. Crassus was known for his immense wealth, military exploits, and role in the triumvirate alongside Julius Caesar and Pompey. Plutarch's biography offers a comprehensive examination of Crassus' character, ambitions, and his infamous pursuit of wealth through various means, including his involvement in real estate and slave trading. The biography explores Crassus' military campaigns against Spartacus and the Parthian Empire, shedding light on his strategies, successes, and ultimate downfall. Plutarch's narrative delves into Crassus' complex relationships with other Roman leaders, shedding light on the intricate power dynamics of the time. Overall, Plutarch's biography of Crassus provides valuable insights into the life of a key historical figure and the political landscape of ancient Rome.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 21
Size: 116 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:42


The biography offers a detailed account of Gaius Marcius Coriolanus, a Roman general and statesman known for his military prowess and complex relationship with the Roman Republic. Plutarch explores Coriolanus's early life, his military achievements, and his conflicts with the plebeians in Rome. The biography delves into Coriolanus's exile, his alliance with Volscian forces against Rome, and his ultimate fate. Plutarch's portrayal of Coriolanus delves into themes of political ambition, honor, and the tension between individual loyalty and civic responsibility.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 16
Size: 88 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:41


The biography provides an in-depth account of Cleomenes III, a Spartan king known for his ambitious efforts to reform Sparta's society and political structure. Plutarch explores Cleomenes's attempts to revitalize Spartan institutions, redistribute land, and challenge the oligarchic power of the ephors. The biography delves into Cleomenes's military campaigns and his clashes with other Greek city-states.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 12
Size: 70 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:41


The biography provides a detailed account of Cimon, an Athenian statesman and military leader known for his contributions during the Greco-Persian Wars and his efforts to strengthen Athens's influence in the ancient world. Plutarch explores Cimon's military campaigns, his strategic alliances, and his role in promoting Athenian imperialism. The biography delves into Cimon's rivalry with Pericles, another prominent Athenian leader, and his eventual ostracism from Athens.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 22
Size: 126 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:40


The biography offers a detailed portrayal of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a Roman statesman, orator, and philosopher during the late Roman Republic. Plutarch delves into Cicero's exceptional eloquence and his significant contributions to Roman politics, law, and rhetoric. The biography also examines Cicero's complex relationship with power, his efforts to uphold the Republic's values, and his clashes with figures like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 20
Size: 115 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:40


The biography offers a comprehensive account of Marcus Furius Camillus, a Roman general and statesman known for his military leadership during a critical period of Roman history. Plutarch explores Camillus's pivotal role in defending Rome against external threats, including the Gauls, and his contributions to Roman victories.

Caius Gracchus

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 9
Size: 60 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:39


Plutarch's biography of Caius Gracchus offers a glimpse into the life and legacy of the Roman politician known for his reformist zeal during the late Republic era. Written in the first century AD, the biography explores Gracchus' fervent efforts to address issues of land redistribution, social inequality, and political corruption through legislation. Plutarch delves into Gracchus' family background, his charismatic oratory skills, and his ultimately tragic confrontation with the Roman Senate, which resulted in his untimely demise.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Size: 81 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:37


Plutarch's biography of Artaxerxes II, also known as Artaxerxes Mnemon. Artaxerxes II was a notable Persian king who ruled from 404 to 358 BC. The biography discusses his lineage, character, and the political and military events during his reign.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 15
Size: 83 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:37


The biography offers a comprehensive account of the life and character of Aristides, a prominent Athenian statesman and military leader during the Greco-Persian Wars. Plutarch paints Aristides as a paragon of virtue, highlighting his unyielding sense of justice, integrity, and fairness, which earned him the epithet "Aristides the Just." The biography explores Aristides's role in various pivotal moments of Athenian history, including his leadership in the Battle of Marathon and his contributions to Athenian politics.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 22
Size: 125 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:36


The biography provides an in-depth account of Aratus, a Greek statesman and military leader from Sicyon known for his efforts to liberate Greek cities from tyrannical rule. Plutarch explores Aratus's involvement in the Achaean League, his campaigns against tyrants, and his attempts to unite Greek city-states against external threats. The biography delves into Aratus's diplomacy, his strategies to overcome challenges, and his complex relationship with powerful neighboring states.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 40
Size: 318 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:36


The biography offers an in-depth account of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian king and military conqueror who reshaped the ancient world through his extraordinary campaigns and achievements. Plutarch explores Alexander's upbringing, his education under Aristotle, and his rapid rise to power as a military commander. The biography delves into Alexander's campaigns of conquest, including his conquest of Persia and his expansion into India.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 30
Size: 169 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:35


Alcibiades fought and strategized for Athens, Sparta, Persia, Athens (again), and Thrace, proving that he fought the entire time only for himself. Was it vanity or pride? Enjoy the first truly negative portrayal Plutarch tries to give, though Plutarch in all his humanity can still defend Alcibiades from his most malicious detractors.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 17
Size: 188 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:34


The biography provides an in-depth account of Agis IV, a Spartan king known for his attempts to reform Spartan society and redistribute land in the face of widespread inequality. Plutarch explores Agis's initiatives to revive traditional Spartan values, including the restoration of the agoge and the redistribution of land. The biography delves into Agis's challenges in confronting resistance from powerful elites and his ultimate fate.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 36
Size: 294 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
Read: YES (02.06.2024)
Added: 21.11.2005, 20:32


The biography provides a comprehensive account of Agesilaus II, a Spartan king and military leader known for his campaigns and influence during the Peloponnesian War and its aftermath. Plutarch explores Agesilaus's military exploits, his leadership of the Spartan army, and his rivalry with Thebes. The biography delves into Agesilaus's efforts to defend Spartan interests, maintain Spartan hegemony, and his influence on Spartan society.

Aemilius Paulus

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 39
Size: 254 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
Read: YES (04.02.2015)
Added: 21.11.2005, 20:32


Lucius Aemilius Paulus Macedonicus was usually called Aemilius or Aemilius Paulus. He was a Roman statesman, consul, and general during the Third Macedonian War, which lasted from 171 to 168 B.C., and which makes up a large part of the story. However, Aemilius had a long career in Roman government before his election as consul and his accompanying duties as military general. The first few lessons follow him through his positions as aedile, praetor (with special honours), and consul (twice). He had a second, separate position as an augur, an omen-reading priest. Plutarch says that Aemilius took the job of being an augur so seriously that he raised it to an art form.

He also took his role as military commander very seriously. Plutarch finds it noteworthy that he personally taught (instructed, coached) the soldiers under his command. We get a picture already of an extra-ordinary man; perhaps one who made an art form of "being a Roman."

Karel IV.
Vita Caroli
Vlastní životopis Karla IV

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 60
Size: 136 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: Czech
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:31

The Deeds of the Divine Augustus

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Number of pages: 6
Size: 47 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:30


The Deeds of the Divine Augustus) is a monumental inscription composed by the first Roman emperor, Augustus, giving a first-person record of his life and accomplishments. The Res Gestae is especially significant because it gives an insight into the image Augustus offered to the Roman people.

Jan Amos Komenský
Stručná historie církve slovanské

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 33
Size: 349 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:29

Řád církevní Jednoty bratří českých

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Number of pages: 45
Size: 601 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:27

Věra Hrochová, Miroslav Hroch
Křižáci ve svaté zemi

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 6
Size: 172 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 04.12.2005, 17:06

Kronika velmi pěkná o Janu Žižkovi čeledínu krále Vácslava

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Size: 42 kB
Book genre: chronicles
Language: Czech
Read: YES (02.08.2024)
Added: 21.11.2005, 20:23

František Palacký
Idea státu rakouského

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 42
Size: 419 kB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:23

The Annals

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 696
Size: 3,89 MB
Book genre: history
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1790424214
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Added: 15.08.2023, 23:56


The Annals (Latin: Annales) by Roman historian and senator Tacitus is a history of the Roman Empire from the reign of Tiberius to that of Nero, the years AD 14–68. The Annals are an important source for modern understanding of the history of the Roman Empire during the 1st century AD; it is Tacitus' final work, and modern historians generally consider it his greatest writing. Historian Ronald Mellor calls it "Tacitus's crowning achievement", which represents the "pinnacle of Roman historical writing".

Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
Životopisy dvanácti císařů

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 10
Size: 228 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: Czech
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Added: 04.12.2005, 17:05

Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
O význačných literátech

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 5
Size: 164 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: Czech
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Added: 04.12.2005, 16:16

Titus Livius
The History of Rome
Book 37-END

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 258
Size: 687 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
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Added: 20.11.2005, 19:48

Titus Livius
The History of Rome
Book 27-36

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 536
Size: 563 kB
Book genre: history
Language: English
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Added: 20.11.2005, 19:46

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