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Markýz de Sade
Julietta čili slasti neřesti

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 125
Size: 945 kB
Book genre: fiction
Language: Czech
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Added: 23.11.2005, 20:39

Patrik Ouředník
Hledání ztraceného jazyka

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 40
Size: 168 kB
Book genre: linguistics
Language: Czech
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Added: 23.11.2005, 20:32

Intellectuals and Society

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 831
Size: 825 kB
Book genre: sociology
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-465-03110-8
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Added: 23.11.2005, 20:28


This title offers a withering and clear-eyed critique about (but not for) intellectuals that explores their impact on public opinion, policy, and society at large. It has not been by shaping the opinions or directing the actions of the holders of power that modern intellectuals have most influenced the course of events, but by shaping public opinion in ways that affect the actions of power holders in democratic societies, whether or not those power holders accept the general vision or the particular policies favored by intellectuals. In "Intellectuals and Society", Thomas Sowell not only examines the track record of intellectuals in the things they have advocated but also analyzes the incentives and constraints under which their views and visions have emerged. Ultimately, he shows how often intellectuals have been proved not only wrong, but grossly and disastrously wrong in their prescriptions for the ills of society.

Karel Hynek Mácha
Deník z roku 1835

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 9
Size: 114 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: Czech
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Added: 23.11.2005, 20:21

Jan Karafiát

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 82
Size: 940 kB
Book genre: fairy tales
Language: Czech
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Added: 23.11.2005, 20:18


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 116
Size: 360 kB
Book genre: fiction
Language: Czech
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Added: 23.11.2005, 20:16

Ivan Olbracht
Žalář nejtemnější

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 86
Size: 287 kB
Book genre: fiction
Language: Czech
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Added: 23.11.2005, 20:15


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 20
Size: 113 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:54


The biography provides an account of Timoleon, a Corinthian statesman and military leader known for his pivotal role in reshaping the political landscape of ancient Sicily. Plutarch explores Timoleon's efforts to restore order and democracy in Syracuse, his campaigns against tyrants and foreign invaders, and his contributions to establishing stable governance. The biography delves into Timoleon's character, values, and leadership qualities, showcasing his commitment to the well-being of his city-state.

Tiberius Gracchus

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 11
Size: 67 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:54


The biography provides a portrayal of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, a Roman statesman and reformer who played a significant role in advocating for land redistribution and social reforms in the late Roman Republic. Plutarch delves into Tiberius Gracchus's background, motivations, and the social tensions that led to his proposed reforms.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 16
Size: 85 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:54


Written in the context of Plutarch's broader biographical project, the work delves into Theseus' mythical feats, such as the slaying of the Minotaur and his unification of Attica under Athenian rule. Plutarch masterfully intertwines historical accounts and mythological narratives, using Theseus' story as a means to discuss virtues, ethics, and the complexities of leadership. Through his analysis, Plutarch examines Theseus' character, highlighting his courage, wisdom, and commitment to justice, while also scrutinizing his moments of hubris and moral ambiguity. By blending history and mythology, Plutarch presents Theseus as a symbol of both the extraordinary and the relatable, inviting readers to reflect on the challenges and virtues of human existence.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 16
Size: 86 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:53


The biography offers a detailed account of Themistocles, an Athenian statesman and military leader who played a crucial role during the Greco-Persian Wars. Plutarch explores Themistocles's rise to prominence, his strategic brilliance in battles like the Battle of Salamis, and his efforts to fortify Athens's naval power. The biography delves into Themistocles's political maneuvers, his clashes with rival Athenian leaders, and his eventual exile.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 22
Size: 122 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:52


The biography offers a detailed account of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, a Roman general and politician who played a significant role in the late Roman Republic's political upheavals. Plutarch explores Sylla's military achievements, including his campaigns in the Social War and his eventual rise to power as a dictator. The biography delves into Sylla's conflicts with political rivals, his use of proscriptions, and his establishment of a dictatorship that reshaped Roman governance.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 15
Size: 79 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:52


The biography offers a comprehensive account of Solon, an Athenian statesman, poet, and lawmaker who lived during a critical period of the 6th century BC. Plutarch explores Solon's efforts to reform Athenian society, particularly his role in addressing issues of social inequality, economic strife, and political instability. The biography delves into Solon's creation of laws aimed at mitigating tensions between different socioeconomic classes and his establishment of a constitutional framework that paved the way for democratic developments in Athens.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Size: 81 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:51


The biography provides a detailed account of Quintus Sertorius, a Roman general and statesman who was involved in the political and military struggles of the late Roman Republic. Plutarch explores Sertorius's role in the Social War, his opposition to the dictator Sulla, and his leadership of a rebellion in Hispania. The biography delves into Sertorius's unconventional tactics, his alliances with local tribes, and his efforts to establish a parallel Roman government in Spain.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 16
Size: 89 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:51


he biography offers a detailed account of Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome and its first king. Plutarch delves into the stories and myths surrounding Romulus's birth, upbringing, and role in establishing the city of Rome.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 19
Size: 112 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:50


The biography offers a detailed account of Pyrrhus of Epirus, a Greek king and military commander known for his campaigns in various parts of the ancient Mediterranean world. Plutarch explores Pyrrhus's military exploits, including his battles against the Romans and his strategies against powerful opponents. The biography delves into Pyrrhus's complex alliances, his reputation as a skilled general, and his interactions with different cultures.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 10
Size: 65 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:50


Plutarch's Life of Publicola carries the torch of liberty from Ancient Rome to modern-day.
A brutal act sparked the overthrow of a monarchy and ushered in a new government dedicated to liberty and freedom. 


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 17
Size: 91 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:50


The biography provides a comprehensive account of Phocion, an Athenian statesman and military leader known for his pragmatic and conservative approach during a time of political tumult in ancient Athens. Plutarch explores Phocion's efforts to prioritize stability, fiscal responsibility, and the well-being of the Athenian state. The biography delves into Phocion's leadership during the Macedonian era, his resistance against radical democratic measures, and his eventual trial and execution.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 10
Size: 65 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:49


The biography provides a comprehensive account of Philopemen, a Greek statesman and military leader known for his prominent role in the Achaean League and his efforts to defend Greek city-states against external threats. Plutarch explores Philopemen's military campaigns, his strategies against Macedonian influence, and his dedication to promoting Greek unity.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 23
Size: 128 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:49


Plutarch's "Life of Pericles" is a biographical work that offers insight into the life and character of the influential Athenian statesman and military leader, Pericles. Written in the first century AD, Plutarch explores Pericles' leadership during the Golden Age of Athens, focusing on his political prowess, oratorical skills, and strategic vision.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 15
Size: 85 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:49


The biography vividly portrays the life of Pelopidas, a Theban statesman and military leader during the Theban hegemony in ancient Greece. Plutarch highlights Pelopidas's remarkable bravery, leadership, and his pivotal role in the liberation of Thebes from Spartan rule. The biography also delves into Pelopidas's close friendship with Epaminondas and their collaborative efforts to shape Theban history.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 8
Size: 56 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:48


Otho was a Roman emperor who ruled for a brief period in 69 AD, during the tumultuous Year of the Four Emperors. Plutarch's biography of Otho likely provides insights into his character, actions, and the historical context of his reign.

Numa Pompilius

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 14
Size: 80 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:48


The biography provides a comprehensive account of Numa Pompilius, a legendary figure in Roman history who is said to have been the second king of Rome. Plutarch explores Numa's reputation as a wise and pious ruler, known for his establishment of religious and legal institutions that played a crucial role in shaping early Roman society. The biography delves into Numa's interactions with the divine, his teachings on virtue and piety, and his emphasis on maintaining harmony within the state.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 18
Size: 92 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:47


The biography provides a detailed account of Nicias, an Athenian general and statesman known for his role in the Peloponnesian War. Plutarch explores Nicias's leadership during the war, his strategies, and his cautious approach to conflict. The biography delves into Nicias's efforts to negotiate peace and his skepticism about the effectiveness of military ventures.

Marcus Cato

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 15
Size: 85 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:47


The biography provides a comprehensive account of the life and character of Marcus Porcius Cato Uticensis, commonly known as Cato the Younger. Plutarch portrays Cato as a staunch defender of Roman republican virtues and a symbol of uncompromising integrity. The biography explores Cato's unwavering commitment to traditional values, his opposition to the rise of Julius Caesar, and his ultimate decision to take his own life rather than live under a tyrannical regime.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 15
Size: 86 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:46


The biography offers a detailed account of Marcus Claudius Marcellus, a Roman general and statesman known for his military prowess during the Second Punic War and his impact on Roman politics. Plutarch explores Marcellus's victories against the Carthaginians, his role in the capture of Syracuse, and his military innovations. The biography delves into Marcellus's interactions with other Roman leaders and his complex relationship with Archimedes, the renowned mathematician and engineer.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 15
Size: 84 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:45


The biography presents an in-depth account of Lysander, a Spartan naval commander and military strategist during the Peloponnesian War and the subsequent power struggles in ancient Greece. Plutarch explores Lysander's role in various key battles, including the Battle of Aegospotami, which led to the downfall of Athens. The biography also delves into Lysander's complex interactions with Spartan politics, his relationship with the Persian Empire, and his influence on Spartan hegemony.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 19
Size: 101 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:45


The biography provides a detailed account of Lycurgus, the legendary Spartan lawgiver and statesman who is said to have played a pivotal role in shaping the Spartan society and its institutions. Plutarch delves into the life of Lycurgus, his travels, and the reforms he introduced to Sparta, including the establishment of a unique system of governance, military training, and communal living. The biography examines Lycurgus's emphasis on austerity, discipline, and equality among the citizens.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 12
Size: 72 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:44


The biography provides a comprehensive account of Servius Sulpicius Galba, a Roman general and statesman who became Emperor for a brief period during the Year of the Four Emperors. Plutarch explores Galba's military career, his time as governor of Hispania, and his rise to power following Nero's death. The biography delves into Galba's efforts to restore discipline and fiscal responsibility to the Roman Empire, as well as his challenges in facing conspiracies and discontent among his supporters.


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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 13
Size: 74 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 21.11.2005, 20:44


The biography offers a detailed account of Gaius Flaminius, a Roman statesman and general who served during the Second Punic War. Plutarch explores Flaminius's role as a military leader, particularly in the context of the Battle of Lake Trasimene. The biography delves into Flaminius's actions, strategies, and decisions during this pivotal battle and his engagement with Hannibal, the Carthaginian general.

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