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Pulse of Life

Hodnocení: 62%
Délka skladby: 6:44 min
Žánr: psychedelic rock
Vloženo: 28.09.2022, 01:11

Interpret: The Gathering
Hudební album: Beautiful Distortion
Celkové hodnocení alba: 64%
Rok vydání: 2022

Time seems to never ever pass
Clocks ticking slower by the hour
Let's get the hell out of here

These people there and everywhere
They seem to never ever care
Oh man, I need to disappear

Obligation - responsibility
Disappointment - struggles and loyalty

My breaks are never long enough
Don't understand why life's so rough
And endless grind to make ends meet

My dearest ones are suffering
Beautiful birds no longer sing
Abandoning this dying spring

Disappointment - responsibility
Sorrow - anger -
My lessons have been learnt

Time seems to never ever pass
Clocks ticking slower by the hour

Tide is high - and rushing over my shore again
The morning breaks
I fear the pulse of life will fade
Can I heal - will I heal

My moon is gone - And I am left to heal alone
Morning breaks - I fear the pulse of life will fade
Can I heal - will I heal
Can I heal - will I heal


90-100% GENIÁLNÍ!!!


70-79% DOBRÉ


40-49% SLABÉ

10-39% TRAPNÉ

0-9% HNŮJ!!!