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John Stuart Mill
Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy

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Number of pages: 118
Size: 246 kB
Book genre: sociology
Language: English
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Added: 01.12.2005, 20:20


Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy (1844) is a treatise on political economics by John Stuart Mill. Walras' law, a principle in general equilibrium theory named in honour of Léon Walras, was first expressed by Mill in this treatise.

John Stuart Mill

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Number of pages: 34
Size: 182 kB
Book genre: sociology
Language: English
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Added: 01.12.2005, 20:19


John Stuart Mill's essay "Bentham" is a biographical and critical examination of the life and philosophical contributions of Jeremy Bentham, a prominent utilitarian philosopher. In this essay, Mill offers insights into Bentham's utilitarian principles, his ethical framework, and his perspectives on social reform. Mill explores Bentham's influence on the development of utilitarianism and his efforts to create a systematic approach to ethics and legislation. The essay also discusses Bentham's advocacy for legal and social reforms based on the greatest happiness principle.

The Man versus the State

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Number of pages: 64
Size: 318 kB
Book genre: sociology
Language: English
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Added: 01.12.2005, 20:17


Henry Hazlitt says that this book is "One of the most powerful and influential arguments for limited government, laissez faire and individualism ever written."Spencer played a huge role in the history of ideas, one that contemporary sociologists have sadly neglected other than to dismiss him as "social Darwinist." In fact, his great contribution was precisely to untangle the study of society from all claims that it operated as a life form apart from the choices made by individuals.He was a laissez-faire radical in times when academia was becoming ever more illiberal. He was an opponent of militarism, economic regulation, infringement on personal liberty, and government centralization.

First Principles

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Book genre: sociology
Language: English
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Added: 20.09.2024, 01:06


Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) was an English philosopher, best known for his scientific writings. Together with Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley he was responsible for the acceptance of the theory of evolution. His well-known essay on Education: Intellectual, Moral and Physical was considered one of the most useful and profound books written on education.

He projected a vast 10-volume work, Synthetic Philosophy, in which all phenomena are interpreted according to the principle of evolutionary progress. Together with Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley he was responsible for the acceptance of the theory of evolution. In First Principles (originally published in 1862), the first of the projected volumes, Spencer distinguished phenomena from what he called the unknowable - an incomprehensible power or force from which everything derives. He limited knowledge to phenomena, i.e., the manifestations of the unknowable. He maintained that these manifestations proceed from their source according to a process of evolution.

Georg Simmel
A Chapter in the Philosophy of Value

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Number of pages: 19
Size: 113 kB
Book genre: sociology
Language: English
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Added: 01.12.2005, 20:14


A Chapter in the Philosophy of Value Georg Simmel American Journal of Sociology, vol. 5, 1900 "The fact of economic exchange confers upon the value of things something super-individual. It detaches them from dissolution in the mere subjectivity of the agents, and causes them to determine each other reciprocally, since each exerts its economic function in the other. The practically effective value is conferred upon the object, not merely by its own desirability, but by the desirability of another object. Not merely the relationship to the receptive subjects characterizes this value, but also the fact that it arrives at this relationship only at the price of a sacrifice; while from the opposite point of view this sacrifice appears as a good to be enjoyed, and the object in question, on the contrary, as a sacrifice. Hence the objects acquire a reciprocity of counterweight, which makes value appear in a quite special manner as an objective quality indwelling in themselves (...) "

The Use of Knowledge in Society

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Number of pages: 9
Size: 93 kB
Book genre: economy
Language: English
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Added: 01.12.2005, 20:13


If you want to learn as much as possible about economics from just one article, read Friedrich A. Hayek’s “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” published in the September 1945 issue of The American Economic Review. First, no other article explains the economic problem as clearly. Second, none provides a better understanding of the superiority of market economies. Third, it exposes one of the most deplorable fallacies in the standard approach to teaching economics. Finally, it throws a spotlight on the dangerous ignorance of economic planning.

Economics and Knowledge

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Number of pages: 15
Size: 135 kB
Book genre: economy
Language: English
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Added: 01.12.2005, 20:12


Main subject of this article is the role which assumptions and propositions about the knowledge possessed by the different members of society play in economic analysis.

The Theory of Moral Sentiments

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Number of pages: 322
Size: 1,32 MB
Book genre: sociology
Language: English
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Added: 29.11.2005, 21:08


 Today Adam Smith's reputation rests on his explanation of how rational self-interest in a free-market economy leads to economic well-being. It may surprise those who would discount Smith as an advocate of ruthless individualism that his first major work concentrates on ethics and charity. In fact, while chair at the University of Glasgow, Smith's lecture subjects, in order of preference, were natural theology, ethics, jurisprudence, and economics, according to John Millar, Smith's pupil at the time. In The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith wrote: "How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature which interest him in the fortune of others and render their happiness necessary to him though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it." The Theory of Moral Sentiments establishes the intellectual framework for all of Smith's later work, including the monumental Wealth of Nations.

Vilfredo Pareto
The New Theories of Economics

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Number of pages: 14
Size: 124 kB
Book genre: economy
Language: English
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:42


Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto 1848 1923), born Wilfried Fritz Pareto, was an Italian engineer, sociologist, economist, political scientist and philosopher. Paretos principles are spelled out in his short essay, The New Theories of Economics. 

Francois Villon

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Number of pages: 52
Size: 174 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:06

František Gellner
Teplo zhaslého plamene

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Number of pages: 52
Size: 465 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:05

Karel Havlíček Borovský
Tyrolské elegie

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Number of pages: 14
Size: 163 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:03

Karel Havlíček Borovský
Křest svatého Vladimíra

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Number of pages: 42
Size: 132 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:03

Karel Havlíček Borovský
Král Lávra

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Number of pages: 29
Size: 198 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:02

Karel Hynek Mácha

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Number of pages: 33
Size: 335 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: English
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:01


Karel Hynek Macha, who was destined to become the first Czech poet In the original Greek sense of the word, that is, a maker of "things of beauty" of an everlasting joyfulness, was born of poor parents on the 16th of November, 1810, in Prague. During his student years, both in the gymnasium and the university, Macha devoted much of his leisure to the reading of romantic poetry, especially that of German and Polish authors. Since 1831 he became one of the most zealous followers of Joseph Jungmann, at that time professor at the University of Prague. Jungmann was one of the acknowledged leaders who strived to bring about the rebirth of the Czech nation from the violently germanizing rule of Habsburgs. It is, therefore, not surprising at all that Macha, whose first attempts at poetry were composed in German as "Versuche des Ignaz Macha" (1829), henceforth chose his native Czech language as the vehicle for poetical expression. In 1836, the year when "May" was published, Macha was graduated from the law school of the University of Prague with great honors, and he entered the office of a justiciary in Litomerice. That year, at the peak of his creative abilities, Macha contracted pneumonia while helping to fight a fire and died November 5th, 1836, at the age of 26 years.

Karel Hynek Mácha

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Number of pages: 32
Size: 401 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:00

Karel Hynek Mácha

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Number of pages: 116
Size: 568 kB
Book genre: fiction
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 20:00

Stanislav Kostka Neumann
Kniha lesů, vod a strání

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Number of pages: 66
Size: 122 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:58

Victor Hugo
Jen ty nám zůstáváš, ó lásko

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Number of pages: 84
Size: 484 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:58

Vítězslav Nezval
70 básní z podsvětí

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Number of pages: 37
Size: 314 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:57

Dionýské dithyramby a jiné básně

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Number of pages: 34
Size: 361 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:56

Petr Bezruč
Slezské písně

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Number of pages: 155
Size: 241 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:52


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Number of pages: 58
Size: 375 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:51

Jiří Wolker
Těžká hodina

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Number of pages: 75
Size: 695 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:50

Vítězslav Hálek
Večerní písně

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Number of pages: 29
Size: 55 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:49

Aforismy k životní moudrosti

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Number of pages: 99
Size: 668 kB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:35

Jiří Fiala
Úvod k První čítance analytické filozofie

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Number of pages: 131
Size: 4,59 MB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: Czech
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:26

Thomas More

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Number of pages: 308
Size: 2,33 MB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: English
ISBN: 978–1–57027–245–5
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Added: 29.11.2005, 19:21


A utopia is a community or society possessing highly desirable or near perfect qualities. The word was coined by Sir Thomas More in Greek for his 1516 book Utopia (in Latin), describing a fictional island society in the Atlantic Ocean. The term has been used to describe both intentional communities that attempt to create an ideal society, and imagined societies portrayed in fiction. It has spawned other concepts, most prominently dystopia.

The Spirit of Laws

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Number of pages: 726
Size: 6,89 MB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: English
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Added: 28.11.2005, 22:20


The Spirit of Laws, principal work of the French political philosopher Montesquieu (in full Charles-Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu) first published in 1748 as De L’Esprit des loix; ou, du rapport que les loix doivent avoir avec la constitution de chaque gouvernement, les moeurs, le climat, la religion, le commerce, etc. (The Spirit of Laws, 1750). Montesquieu’s masterpiece is one of the most influential studies in the history of political theory and jurisprudence.

Montesquieu envisioned The Spirit of Laws as a major work of law and politics, and he applied himself accordingly to its composition.

The Six Enneads

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Number of pages: 583
Size: 1,55 MB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: English
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Added: 28.11.2005, 22:14


The Six Enneads, sometimes abbreviated to The Enneads or Enneads, is the collection of writings of Plotinus, edited and compiled by his student Porphyry (c. 270 AD). Plotinus was a student of Ammonius Saccas and they were founders of Neoplatonism. His work, through Augustine of Hippo, the Cappadocian Fathers, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and several subsequent Christian and Muslim thinkers, has greatly influenced Western and Near-Eastern thought. Porphyry edited the writings of Plotinus in fifty-four treatises, which vary greatly in length and number of chapters, mostly because he split original texts and joined others together to match this very number. Then, he proceeded to set the fifty-four treatises in groups of nine (Greek. ennea) or Enneads. He also collected The Enneads into three volumes. The first volume contained the first three Enneads (I, II, III), the second volume has the Fourth (IV) and the Fifth (V) Enneads, and the last volume was devoted to the remaining Enneads. After correcting and naming each treatise, Porphyry wrote a biography of his master, Life of Plotinus, intended to be an Introduction to the Enneads.

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