| Original title: Zrób sobie raj Translator: Helena Stachová Number of pages: 221
Publisher: Dokořán, Jaroslava Jiskrová - Máj
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2011 Publication: 1.
Book genre: non-fiction ISBN: 978-80-7363-343-1 Price: 265 CZK Added: 06.08.2012, 01:20 Read: YES (28.10.2012)
Mariusz Szczygieł's follow-up to Gottland takes the colourful exploration of Czech culture and people deeper, examining the civilisation of the present day and their approach to circumstance - both the good and the bad
Zrób sobie raj / Make Your Own Paradise tells the story of all the things that the author finds fascinating about Czech culture. In the culture of joy and of sadness, where laughter is shown as a mask of a tragic helplessness. Szczygieł is most fascinated by Czechs who don't believe in God. "What is life without God?" is a question sometimes expressed directly, sometimes indirectly, which appears to make up the main theme of the book. The result is a work that merges a personal diary with an essay and reportage. The writer himself has admitted in various commentaries that the book is not objective, that it is basically a book on a country that fascinates him.
Szczygieł's previous book Gottland also treated the topic of Czech culture, focusing on the years between 1882 and 2003. The follow-up is a book that focuses mainly on the contemporary Czech population. It is a story about a nation that created culture as a way of fighting depression. If - as claims Michel Houellebecq - our times are best described by the word "gloominess" then Czechs, interpreted by Szczygieł, are a society that knows how to deal with the gloom and do away with it.
Source: http://www.culture.pl/web/english/resources-literature-full-page/-/eo_event_asset_publisher/eAN5/content/mariusz-szczygiel-make-your-own-paradise
Mariusz Szczygiel continues in similar style as in Gottland. This time he focused on the present Czechs. By emphasizing certain mould in selected representatives of the modern Czech intelligentsia and culture (Egon Bondy, Jan Saudek, Halina Pawlowska, David Cerny) and by collecting selected stories and his own observation, he tries to draw up the picture of the national character. What is the result for us? Atheists, slightly promiscuous, eager for easy life without much excitement, avoiding pain, grief and everything what could stir up unpleasant feeling, without national pride, with humour as philosophy of live, more or less cowards, pragmatist with the good skills in adaptation.
Interesting addendum is the (not yet published) last will of father of Czech surrealism - Karel Teige.
   | Original title: Gottland Translator: Helena Stachová Number of pages: 222
Publisher: Dokořán, Jaroslava Jiskrová - Máj
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2007 Publication: 1.
Book genre: non-fiction ISBN: 978-80-7363-142-0 Price: 225 CZK Added: 06.08.2012, 00:26 Read: YES (08.10.2012)
A collection of reportages about Czechoslovakia and the Czech land - Gottland, a country of horror, sadness, and absurdity. It presents a vision of the nation beyond its stereotypes and looks into the uniqueness of the Czech character.
Actress Lída Baarova - the woman who made Goebbels cry, sculptor Otokar Švec - author of the largest statue of Stalin on the planet, who decided to kill himself before he had completed his creation, a genuine niece of Franz Kafka's who lives in Prague to this day, singer Marta Kubišová, whom the communist regime forbade to sing for 20 years and erased her recordings from radio archives; legendary footwear manufacturer Tomáš Bata, who founded a town he fully controlled 10 years before Orwell came up with his ideas, writer Eduard Kirchberger, who re-created himself and became Karel Fabián, and many others - these are the heroes of the book.
Most interestingly, Szczygiel writes about the hopefulness and optimism of the Czechs, a point of view that doesn't conflict with the popularity of atheist views on religion. The book was nominated for the 2007 Nike Literary Award. It has been translated into more than ten languages, including Bulgarian, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italy, Russian, Spanish and Ukranian. It has won Prix l’Amphi for the French edition, Europe Book Prize – Le prix du livre europeen 2009 and the Gratias Agit Czech State Award.
This is a collection of stories about the Czechs' most recent history - from the late 19th century until today, recorded by a reporter. He uses a reporter's methods - persistently seeking heroes of the past or their families, listening to witnesses, rummaging in the archives, but in the end, having collected all his material, behaving like a writer, writing a documentary story rather than a classic press reportage. In this individualized style and form, he allows himself to go much further than any newspaper would have allowed him to. Apart from several long texts, the volume also includes miniatures, sort of interludes between the long chapters - some are just a few paragraphs long. They are no more than sketches, separate images, outlines, preliminary ideas that for various reasons never turned into finished stories.
Source: http://www.culture.pl/web/english/resources-literature-full-page/-/eo_event_asset_publisher/eAN5/content/mariusz-szczygiel-gottland
5. dotisk z roku 2009
Fundamental moments in Czech national history in last 100 years through the fates of selected representatives of the Czech nation. If the author intended to describe rather unseized Czech national charackter, key expression might be the one about the philosophy of survival, the other one about the heroism for which there is no much place in life because no one lives in vaccum and the final one about the Schweik and his foxy subordination. This is the way how the friend of Czechs, Pole living in the Czech Republic, sees us.
Geoffrey Hindley  - | Saladin a počátky džihádu |    | Original title: Saladin Hero of Islam Translator: Václav Lohr Number of pages: 256
Publisher: Baronet
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2009 Publication: 1.
Book genre: biography ISBN: 978-80-7384-203-1 Price: 289 CZK Added: 03.08.2012, 02:56 Read: YES (26.03.2024)
Annotation: Saladin is best known in the west for his conquest of Jerusalem and his clash with Richard the Lionheart, but his life and career was much more complex than that. Saladin was something of an outsider - a Kurd operating within the largely Turkish leadership of Syria, but he became the most powerful figure in the Islamic world and the ruler of a sizable empire held together almost entirely by his own abilities.
Hindley's biography begins with Saladin's moment of glory, the fall or liberation of Jerusalem in 1187, before moving back to look at the world that Saladin was born into, the rise of his family and his own early career. He then moves on to examine Saladin's rise to power, first as Vizir of Egypt and then as a major ruler in his own right. This was the section of the book that I found most valuable, presenting us with an inside view of a world that is so often seen from the other side, simply as the enemy of the crusaders.
The climactic clash between Saladin and the Crusaders is dealt with in some detail. The campaign that saw Saladin win his most famous victory, at Hattin, effectively destroying the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the campaign against Richard the Lionheart, are both dealt with in some detail, but so are the campaigns that filled the years between the fall of Jerusalem and the arrival of Richard.
This is a valuable biography of one of the most attractive figures in Medieval history, a rare example of a leader who was respected on both sides of the religious divide in the Holy Land, and one whose reputation has deservedly survived intact across the intervening centuries.
   | Original title: Collapse. How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed Translator: Zdeněk Urban Number of pages: 751
Publisher: Academia
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2008 Publication: 1.
Book genre: sociology ISBN: 978-80-200-1589-1 Price: 595 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:30 Read: NO
In his million-copy bestseller Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond examined how and why Western civilizations developed the technologies and immunities that allowed them to dominate much of the world. Now in this brilliant companion volume, Diamond probes the other side of the equation: What caused some of the great civilizations of the past to collapse into ruin, and what can we learn from their fates?
As in Guns, Germs, and Steel, Diamond weaves an all-encompassing global thesis through a series of fascinating historical-cultural narratives. Moving from the Polynesian cultures on Easter Island to the flourishing American civilizations of the Anasazi and the Maya and finally to the doomed Viking colony on Greenland, Diamond traces the fundamental pattern of catastrophe. Environmental damage, climate change, rapid population growth, and unwise political choices were all factors in the demise of these societies, but other societies found solutions and persisted. Similar problems face us today and have already brought disaster to Rwanda and Haiti, even as China and Australia are trying to cope in innovative ways. Despite our own society’s apparently inexhaustible wealth and unrivaled political power, ominous warning signs have begun to emerge even in ecologically robust areas like Montana.
Brilliant, illuminating, and immensely absorbing, Collapse is destined to take its place as one of the essential books of our time, raising the urgent question: How can our world best avoid committing ecological suicide?
   | Original title: Der Einzige und sein Eigentum Translator: Vlastimil Zátka Number of pages: 367
Publisher: Academia Edition: Europa
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2010 Publication: 1.
Book genre: philosophy ISBN: 978-80-200-1790-1 Price: 395 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:28 Read: NO Digital version: ebook(EN)
Credited with influencing the philosophies of Nietzsche and Ayn Rand and the development of libertarianism and existentialism, this prophetic 1844 work challenges the very notion of a common good as the driving force of civilization. Stirner chronicles the battle of the individual against the collective to show how the latter invariably leads to oppression.
   | Original title: Galileo Antichrist. A Biography Translator: Helena Synková, Lubomír Synek Number of pages: 342
Publisher: Academia Edition: Galileo
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2011 Publication: 1.
Book genre: biography ISBN: 978-80-200-1899-1 Price: 355 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:25 Read: NO
A giant of science, Galileo's achievements allow him to be bracketed alongside Newton, Einstein and Darwin. A devout Roman Catholic, his genius threw him into conflict with his Church and his refusal to back down turned him into a martyr for many. Here, bestselling author Michael White gets to grips with the man and the world he challenged.
Both biography and exploration of a time when religious and scientific understanding had become deeply and dangerously intertwined, GALILEO ANTICHRIST traces the path that led to its subject's denunciation as a heretic. And here the story is tainted with the suggestion of conspiracy and cover up. For while it is perfectly possible to view Galileo's collision with the Catholic Church as near inevitable, White draws on evidence recently discovered in the Vatican archives to question the accepted reasons for his trial. In doing so he shows why Galileo became such a contentious figure, so contentious in fact that, centuries later, the Pope, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger felt driven to declare the process against the father of science as 'reasonable and just'.
Marc van de Mieroop  - | Dějiny starověkého Blízkého východu okolo 3000 - 323 př. Kr. |    | Original title: A History of the Ancient Near East, ca. 3000-323 BC Translator: Jiří Prosecký Number of pages: 327
Publisher: Academia Edition: Orient
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2010 Publication: 1.
Book genre: history ISBN: 978-80-200-1832-8 Price: 420 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:22 Read: NO
This book presents a clear, concise history of the extraordinarily multicultural civilizations of the Ancient Near East. Beginning with the emergence of writing around 3000 BC, the narrative ranges from the origins of the first cities in Mesopotamia, through the growth of the Babylonian and Hittite kingdoms, to the Assyrian and Persian empires. It ends with the transformation of the Ancient Near East by the conquests of Alexander the Great.
Lukáš Zádrapa, Michaela Pejčochová  - | Čínské písmo |    | Number of pages: 297
Publisher: Academia Edition: Orient
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2009 Publication: 1.
Book genre: linguistics ISBN: 978-80-200-1755-0 Price: 395 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:20 Read: NO
Annotation: Populárně-naučná příručka uvádějící čtenáře do problematiky čínského znakového písma. Spíše než na praktické návody je zaměřena na povahu této písemné soustavy a především na širší společenský kontext, v němž se vyvinula a byla a je užívána. Obsahuje tři díly. První se zabývá čínskými znaky samotnými, jejich stavbou a funkcí, nicméně také stručně připomíná dějiny jejich poznávání v evropském vzdělaneckém prostředí. Druhý představuje dějiny čínského písma od počátků do přelomu letopočtu a jeho reformy ve 20. století. Třetí pojednává o kaligrafii coby o svébytném druhu umění, který má v čínské kultuře významné postavení, a navazuje časově na díl předcházející. Do jednotlivých kapitol jsou začleněny krátké historické exkurzy, zasazující výklad do příslušných kulturního a politických podmínek. Kniha je opatřena jmenným a věcným rejstříkem a výběrovou bibliografií k tématu. Jejím cílem je nabídnout nikoli učebnici čínských znaků, nýbrž má představovat "knížku o znacích" pro zájemce o východní kulturu obecně.
Michael William Eysenck, Mark Keane  - | Kognitivní psychologie |    | Original title: Cognitive Psychology. A Student's Handbook Translator: Miroslav Filip, Daniel Heller, Tomáš Kohoutek, Jiří Lukavský, Jiří Smolík, Radovan Šikl, Jiří Smolík Number of pages: 748
Publisher: Academia
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2008 Publication: 1.
Book genre: psychology ISBN: 978-80-200-1559-4 Price: 495 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:18 Read: NO
Best-selling student handbook of cognitive psychology because of its academic rigour and its accessibility. Traditional approaches are combined with the cutting-edge cognitive neuroscience approach to create a comprehensive, coherent and totally up-to-date overview of all the main fields in cognitive psychology. The major topics covered include perception, attention, memory, concepts, language, problem solving, and reasoning, as well as some applied topics such as everyday memory.
William Russell Easterly  - | Břímě bílého muže Proč pomoc Západu třetímu světu selhává? |    | Original title: The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good Translator: Jaroslav Veis Number of pages: 454
Publisher: Academia Edition: XXI. století
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2010 Publication: 1.
Book genre: economy ISBN: 978-80-200-1776-5 Price: 495 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:15 Read: NO
An informed and excoriating attack on the tragic waste, futility, and hubris of the West's efforts to date to improve the lot of the so-called developing world, with constructive suggestions on how to move forward. William Easterly's The White Man's Burden is about what its author calls the twin tragedies of global poverty. The first, of course, is that so many are seemingly fated to live horribly stunted, miserable lives and die such early deaths. The second is that after fifty years and more than $2.3 trillion in aid from the West to address the first tragedy, it has shockingly little to show for it. We'll never solve the first tragedy, Easterly argues, unless we figure out the second. The ironies are many: We preach a gospel of freedom and individual accountability, yet we intrude in the inner workings of other countries through bloated aid bureaucracies like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank that are accountable to no one for the effects of their prescriptions. We take credit for the economic success stories of the last fifty years, like South Korea and Taiwan, when in fact we deserve very little. However, we reject all accountability for pouring more than half a trillion dollars into Africa and other regions and trying one "big new idea" after another, to no avail. Most of the places in which we've meddled are in fact no better off or are even worse off than they were before. Could it be that we don't know as much as we think we do about the magic spells that will open the door to the road to wealth? Absolutely, William Easterly thunders in this angry, irreverent, and important book. He contrasts two approaches: (1) the ineffective planners' approach to development-never able to marshal enough knowledge or motivation to get the overambitious plans implemented to attain the plan's arbitrary targets and (2) a more constructive searchers' approach-always on the lookout for piecemeal improvements to poor peoples' well-being, with a system to get more aid resources to those who find things that work. Once we shift power and money from planners to searchers, there's much we can do that's focused and pragmatic to improve the lot of millions, such as public health, sanitation, education, roads, and nutrition initiatives. We need to face our own history of ineptitude and learn our lessons, especially at a time when the question of our ability to "build democracy," to transplant the institutions of our civil society into foreign soil so that they take root, has become one of the most pressing we face.
Eric John Ernest Hobsbawm  - | Globalizace, demokracie a terorismus |    | Original title: Globalisation, Democracy and Terrorism Translator: Pavel Pšeja Number of pages: 134
Publisher: Academia Edition: XXI. století
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2009 First Publication: 2001
Book genre: history ISBN: 978-80-200-1725-3 Price: 225 CZK Added: 08.07.2012, 00:12 Read: NO
In this collection of illuminating, incisive and thought-provoking essays, Eric Hobsbawm examines every aspect of the issues that have inspired the greatest debate - not only among politicians, academics and commentators but among all of us - in recent years: that is, the effects of globalisation, the plight of democracy and the threat of terrorism. As we are only too aware, all of these have the power to affect our daily lives, from the state of our economies to the fear of murderous bomb attacks in our cities. Hobsbawm discusses war and peace in our lifetime, problems of public order, anarchy and terrorism, nationalism and the changing nature of the nation-state, and the future prospects for democracy, setting out the historical background and the lessons it can offer us. Above all, he turns his piercing gaze to the Middle East and Western imperialism. Engaging, erudite and demonstrating his characteristically firm grasp of the facts and statistics, Hobsbawm's essays are indispensable to our understanding of the world we live in.
Jaromír Vochala  - | Konfucius v zrcadle Sebraných výroků |    | Number of pages: 534
Publisher: Academia Edition: Orient
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2009 Publication: 1.
Book genre: religion and theology ISBN: 978-80-200-1695-9 Price: 395 CZK Added: 05.07.2012, 00:44 Read: NO
Annotation: Kniha nabízí pohled na Konfucia, starověkého čínského myslitele doby 500 př. n. l., a jeho dílo prostřednictvím nového překladu Sebraných výroků (Lun Yu), základního kánonu konfuciánského učení, doplněného o první český překlad dalších dvou ze čtyř konfuciánských kánonů – Velikého učení (Da Xue) a Střední míry (Zhoní Yong). Konfuciovo učení bylo postaveno zejména na výkladu etických norem a jejich uplatnění v životě společnosti. Rozborem a popisem klíčových pojmů tohoto učení na základě kontrastivních postupů hledá autor překladu jejich optimální ekvivalentní vyjádření v češtině, jako nezbytného předpokladu věrohodné obsahové interpretace základních myšlenkových východisek konfucianismu ve zcela odlišném historickém a kulturním prostředí.
Publikace představuje čtenáři Konfuciovu osobnost a některé jeho učedníky především na základě jejich autentických výroků. Ukazuje přitom na kulturně historické pozadí formování Konfuciových filozofických názorů a v poznámkovém aparátu uvádí i další informace týkající se různých reálií starověké Číny.
František Kuřina, kolektiv  - | Matematika a porozumění světu Setkání s matematikou po základní škole |    | Number of pages: 332
Publisher: Academia
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2009 Publication: 1.
Book genre: logic and mathematics ISBN: 978-80-200-1743-7 Price: 360 CZK Added: 05.07.2012, 00:39 Read: NO
Annotation: Publikace je určena pro širokou laickou veřejnost. Autoři chtějí čtenáře přesvědčit, že matematika může přispívat porozumění světu, že je užitečným nástrojem orientace člověka v realitě a že tato disciplína může být i zajímavá. Čtenář má příležitost osvěžit si matematiku základní školy a měl by se přesvědčit, že žáci základní školy se neučí matematiku zbytečně: měli by ji umět na příslušné úrovni používat. Nejen to: rodiče by měli poznat, že studium matematiky přispívá růstu duševního potenciálu dětí.
Kniha je členěna do 2 částí. První obsahuje 7 pohledů na matematiku: O souborech, O číslech, O závislostech, O geometrii, O vyjadřování, O strukturách, O matematice a myšlení. Druhá část přináší ukázky několika setkání s matematikou: Jak dítě poznává čísla, Dětská kresba jako prostředek neverbálního vyjadřování, Celek a část, Jak počítáme, Pravděpodobnostní pohled na svět, Matematika a finance a další. Notes: kolektiv: Jana Cachová, Alena Hošpesová, Marie Kupčáková, Vladimíra Petrášková, Ivan Saxl, Marie Tichá
kolektiv  - | Jan Amos Komenský Odkaz kultuře vzdělávání |    | Original title: Johannes Amos Comenius. The Legacy to the Culture of Education Number of pages: 827
Publisher: Academia Edition: Historie
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2009 Publication: 1.
Book genre: pedagogy ISBN: 978-80-200-1700-0 Price: 555 CZK Added: 05.07.2012, 00:33 Read: NO
The book is a summary of contributions from an international scientific conference held in autumn 2007 in Prague and organized on the occasion of anniversary of Opera Didactica Magna publication. The conference focused on the relationship between Comenius’ work and education in a broad historical context – from his times to ours. The book is divided into several units, the authors (almost half of them are foreign authors) are experts in various fields – philosophy, history of philosophy, Comeniology and pedagogy.
Gerhard Paul, Klaus-Michael Mallmann  - | Gestapo za druhé světové války 'Domácí fronta' a okupovaná Evropa |    | Original title: Die Gestapo im Zweiten Weltkrieg. 'Heimatfront' und besetzes Europa Translator: Petr Dvořáček Number of pages: 724
Publisher: Academia Edition: Historie
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2010 Publication: 1.
Book genre: history ISBN: 978-80-200-1856-4 Price: 655 CZK Added: 05.07.2012, 00:24 Read: NO
Annotation: Tajná státní policie (Geheime Staatspolizei, Gestapo) je považována za represivní orgán par excellence a zkratkové slovo Gestapo se po celém světě dávno stalo synonymem teroristických tajných policií vůbec; přesto však trvalo téměř padesát let, než se tato instituce stala předmětem širokého historicko-empirického výzkumu. Ústředním tématem této knihy je působení Gestapa za války. V centru pozornosti všech celkem 27 příspěvků stojí teror Bezpečnostní policie jak na „domácí frontě“, tak v okupované Evropě. Jde přitom na jedné straně o otázku diskutovanou také ve výzkumu stalinismu, jaký je poměr mezi periferií a centrem a jak teror na periferii zpětně působil směrem do nitra Německa, na druhé straně o reciproční, v žádném případě jednosměrný poměr teroru nařízeného „shora“ a teroru praktikovaného „dole“. Tyto otázky jsou zkoumány ve čtyřech tematických blocích. Práci uzavírá velmi fundovaný příspěvek obou vydavatelů tohoto díla, bilancující stav současného výzkumu Gestapa.
Victor Drapela  - | Přehled teorií osobnosti |    | Original title: A review of personality teories Translator: Karel Balcar Number of pages: 175
Publisher: Portál
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2011 Publication: 6.
Book genre: psychology ISBN: 978-80-262-0040-6 Price: 239 CZK Added: 05.07.2012, 00:16 Read: NO
Personality theories are frameworks devised by professionals to interpret the interaction of dynamic forcesoperating in every person's life. This text explains in basic terms the following major theories: PsychoanalyticTheory, Analytic Theory, Individual Psychology, Interpersonal Theories, Psychosocial Theories, Learning Theory,Trait and Factor Theory, Field Theory, Phenomenology and Existentialism, Self-Theory, Holistic Theory, Logo-therapy,and Systemic Eclecticism. It is organized as a study guide to help the reader gain basic insights into variousinterpretations of the role that personality dynamics assume in human behavior. The author makes a conscious effortto keep the language clear and simple, avoiding unneeded technical terms. However, full recognition is given tothe distinctive terminology developed by certain theorists. To lend a degree of concreteness to abstract ideas,explanatory drawings have been included wherever appropriate. This book will prove useful to students in counseloreducation and other applied psychology programs, particularly when reviewing personality theories for comprehensiveor qualifying examinations. It is also a useful resource to practitioners preparing for certification or licensuretests. Additionally, the book may be of interest to persons of many walks of life who want to better understandthe many and diverse interpretations of human behavior and of the dynamic forces within personality.
Georg Simmel  - | Filosofie peněz |    | Original title: Philosophie des Geldes Translator: Milan Váňa Number of pages: 626
Publisher: Academia Edition: Europa
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2011 Publication: 1.
Book genre: philosophy ISBN: 978-80-200-1920-2 Price: 675 CZK Added: 11.04.2012, 03:05 Read: NO Digital version: ebook(CZ)
Annotation: In The Philosophy of Money, Simmel provides us with a remarkably wide-ranging discussion of the social, psychological and philosophical aspects of the money economy, full of brilliant insights into the forms that social relationships take. He analyzes the relationships of money to exchange, the human personality, the position of women, individual freedom and many other areas of human existence. Later he provides us with an account of the consequences of the modern money economy and the division of labour, which examines the processes of alienation and reification in work, urban life and elsewhere. Perhaps, more than any of his other sociological works, The Philosophy of Money gives us an example of his comprehensive analysis of the interrelationships between the most diverse and seemingly connected social phenomena.
Georg Simmel  - | Peníze v moderní kultuře a jiné eseje |    | Translator: Otakar Vochoč Number of pages: 206
Publisher: Slovo Edition: KLAS (Klasická sociologická tradice)
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2006 Publication: 2.
Book genre: sociology ISBN: 80-86429-59-8 Price: 225 CZK Added: 11.04.2012, 03:03 Read: NO
Annotation: Esejistickou formou psané úvahy o módě, cizinci, nepřátelství, studu, diskrétnosti, o roli peněz a konfliktu v moderní kultuře poskytují prostřednictvím neobvyklého pohledu na jevy každodenního života osobitý obraz moderní společnosti.
Johann Wolfgang Brügel  - | Češi a Němci 1939-1946 |    | Original title: Tschechen und Deutsche 1939-1946 Translator: Petr Dvořáček Number of pages: 415
Publisher: Academia
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2008 Publication: 1.
Book genre: history ISBN: 978-80-200-1637-9 Price: 395 CZK Added: 11.04.2012, 02:57 Read: NO
Annotation: V druhém díle své obsáhlé publikace o vztazích a soužití mezi Čechy a Němci za první republiky a protektorátu v letech 1918–1946 (první díl Češi a Němci 1918–1938 vyšel v Academii 2006) se autor – publicista, historik a politik narozený v moravských Sudetech, bytostný demokrat a antinacionalista sympatizující s Čechy, soustřeďuje především na otázku vyhnání Němců z Československa, vůči oběma stranám zachovávaje stejnou míru kritičnosti. Kriticky hodnotí roli Benešovu, stejně tak jako roli svých spolustraníků v exilu (sociálních demokratů, zejména Wenzela Jaksche).
David Lewis-Williams, David Pearce  - | Uvnitř neolitické mysli Vědomí, vesmír a říše bohů |    | Original title: Inside the Neolithic Mind: Consciousness, Cosmos, and the Realm of the Gods Translator: Alena Faltýsková Number of pages: 398
Publisher: Academia Edition: Galileo
Place of publishing: Praha
Year: 2008 Publication: 1.
Book genre: anthropology ISBN: 978-80-200-1644-7 Price: 435 CZK Added: 11.04.2012, 02:50 Read: NO
Annotation: Autor knihy Mysl v jeskyni se svým kolegou zkoumají složitou pavučinu víry, mýtů a společnosti v neolitickém období, kdy se zrodilo zemědělství a třídně rozdělená společnost, jak ji známe dnes. Autoři se zaměřují na dvě odlišná místa a období: Blízký východ s jeho kultovními stavbami a ukládáním lebek a západní Evropu s jejími kamennými monumenty staršími než egyptské pyramidy. Autoři, kteří čerpají z moderních výzkumů a objevů, spojují tyto poznatky s lidským vědomím, fantazií a vírou, aby vytvořili provokativní nové teorie o příčinách pradávné revoluce v kosmologii a původu složitosti lidské společnosti.
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