Fotografie z roku 2007

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Templars Arise!

Song evaluation: 50%
Song length: 13:38 min
Genre: doom metal
Added: 12.02.2007, 16:01

Interpreter: Cathedral
Album: Endtyme
Album evaluation: 63%
Release Year: 2001

Our 13th Century ceremony - a vile & wicked rite
A virgin child we took that night, her blood for eternal life
Local peasants tortured us - another daughter sacrificed
With flaming torches in our eyes - our bodies they burned alive
500 years of darkness - entombed devoid of sight
The crowds came out to mock us on this carnival night
Clowns & dolls of Templars ridicule our sacred cult
The Blind Dead have arisen - so now your blood be spilt
Rise! Rise! Blind Dead Arise! Rise!
As fireworks light up your sky - your jolly music plays
Beside our monastery ruins, we're rising from the grave
Decomposed monk warriors with swords enter your town
Riding spectral horses - in Crimson seas you drown
Rise! Rise! Templars Arise! Rise!
