Shortest Day
Song evaluation: 73%
Song length: 4:12 min
Genre: psychedelic rock
Added: 12.02.2007, 17:48
Interpreter: The Gathering
Album: Home
Album evaluation: 98%
Release Year: 2006
He's in a rush run
He has to hurry dash
He's in a rat race
Never at a slow pace
Forever dangerous
And never serious
Up on your energy
Expect no sympathy
Appreciation is overrated
Resting is for fools
He wants his blood boil
Always in turmoil
Blasting his every way
Throughout the shortest day
Forever dangerous
And never serious
Swimming against the stream
And steal all of your dreams
Aggravation is appreciated
He'll use you like a tool
Association is overrated
Friends are for fools
He's in a rush
Fever round his eyes
I do not dare and cross him
He'll smooch you with his lies
Ever so dangerous
He'll haunt you seriously
I wouldn't go within a mile radius of him