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Against Widows

Song evaluation: 50%
Song length: 4:06 min
Genre: metal
Added: 12.02.2007, 14:11

Interpreter: Amorphis
Album: Elegy
Album evaluation: 75%
Release Year: 1996

The Devils weds a widow
Death another's leftovers
Better to lie on a willows
Rest on alder boughs
Then upon a widow's bed
On a used woman's pillow
Sweeter the side of a fence
Then a widow's flank

Softer the side of a grove
Than a widow's beside is

The Devil weds a widow
The grave one twice wed
A widow's hand is rougher
Than a dry spruce bough
With which she strikes the playful
Grabs the one who laughs
A widow has had her games
And spent a merry evening
