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Karel Kaplan
Nebezpečná bezpečnost
Historie působení StB jako mocenského nástroje KSČ 1948-1956

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 376
Size: 5,26 MB
Book genre: non-fiction
Language: Czech
ISBN: 978-80-7662-162-6
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Added: 15.10.2024, 23:52

Samuel Greenberg
Great Achivements of Ancient Civilizations that Get Through to the Present Day

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 115
Size: 3,74 MB
Book genre: history
Language: English
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Added: 15.10.2024, 23:48


Many great inventions, discoveries and technologies of ancient civilizations were created and developed by our ancestors. It is difficult to list all the areas in which people, who lived long before us, contributed. Ancient people invented the technology of building cities with houses, roads, bridges, water pipes and sewers. They invented mills, mirrors, compass, glass, porcelain, silk, wheels, carts, boats, ships, lighthouses, navigational instruments, nanotechnology, paper, books, odometer, plow, construction cranes, bricks, cement, concrete, seismograph, clocks, calendars, letters, numbers, money, gears, screws, nuts and much more. They also domesticated many wild animals such as dogs, cats, cows, pigs, goats, chickens, horses... and grew many agricultural products by selecting the best seeds and inventing various types of agricultural equipment that farmers use today. This book will reveal some of the greatest achievements of ancient civilizations.

The Anabasis of Alexander

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 363
Size: 435 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 26.09.2024, 00:40


Arrian was a Roman historian, public figure, military commander and well-acclaimed philosopher of the 2nd Century. As a youth, he studied under Epictetus, and later strove in his literary works to emulate the great soldier-historian, Xenophon. Considered by many to be the most important work on Alexander the Great, Arrian's "The Anabasis of Alexander" is an accurate and thorough account of the Macedonian conqueror's military exploits. Writing in the 2nd Century, nearly 400 years after the death of Alexander, Arrian had access to many important works which are now lost. He took information from the contemporary works of Callisthenes, Onesicritus, Nearchus, Aristobulus, and most significantly from the biography of Alexander by Ptolemy, one of Alexander's generals and possibly his half-brother. The text focuses mainly on Alexander's military history, and includes very little on his wider political views or personal life.

Sigmund Freud
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 340
Size: 640 kB
Book genre: psychology
Language: English
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Added: 26.09.2024, 00:38


Freud's timeless lectures on psychoanalytic thought, dream interpretation, and his theory of the neuroses are presented here in their authoritative translation to English by G. Stanley Hall.

First delivered and published between 1915 and 1917, these lectures see a mature Freud expound on his theories and practices which at the time were revolutionary. While generally outdated in the modern setting, the methods detailed were valuable as a benchmark upon which future psychologists and psychiatrists built in subsequent years.

Designed to introduce the enthusiastic layman to the psychoanalytic techniques Freud spent decades developing and refining, A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis ranges across several key tenets of Freudian thought. Several lectures concern the means by which dreams may be interpreted as an insight into the state of the patient's psyche, with symbols and distant memories particularly cited.

The latter lectures see Freud discuss aspects of his theories of neurosis; various manifestations of mental disorder, their causes and the means by which they are identified and treated, are detailed. Freud is careful to differentiate between the normal realms in which the mind operates - such as in everyday fears and anxieties - and the point at which mental illness and malady is considered to have surfaced.

In the context of dreams and neurosis, Freud relates the sexual impulses and his opinions that the drive for sex has a great bearing on the individual's state of mind. The notion of healthy human development, and the contrasts between it and the abnormal psyche, form a constant thread through all twenty-eight of these lectures.

The Enchiridion

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 35
Size: 77 kB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: English
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Added: 26.09.2024, 00:36


The Enchiridion, or "Handbook," is a summary of the teachings of the slave-turned-Stoic philosopher Epictetus (first century A.D.) posthumously compiled and published by one of Epictetus's students. Though brief, this work is universally considered to be the living spirit of Stoicism, wherein the principles of right conduct and true thinking are outlined.The Enchiridion has played a significant role in the development of modern philosophy and intellectual attitudes, showing secular thinkers how sound reasoning can free them from the shackles of absolutism and emotionalism and, in so doing, live a more tranquil and productive life.

The War of Wars
The Epic Struggle between Britain and France 1789-1815

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 1054
Size: 3,81 MB
Book genre: history
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-84901-260-7
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Added: 21.04.2024, 14:04


Robert Harvey brilliantly recreates the story of the greatest conflict that stretches from the first blaze of revolution in Paris in 1789 to final victory on the muddy fields of Waterloo. On land and at sea, throughout the four corners of the continent, from the frozen plains surrounding Moscow and terror on the Caribbean seas, to the muddy low lands of Flanders and the becalmed waters of Trafalgar, "The War of Wars" tells the powerful story of the greatest conflict of the age.

Jochen Hellbeck
The City that Defeated the Third Reich

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 513
Size: 8,54 MB
Book genre: history
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-61039-497-0
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Added: 21.04.2024, 14:01


The turning point of World War II came at Stalingrad. Hitler's soldiers stormed the city in September 1942 in a bid to complete the conquest of Europe. Yet Stalingrad never fell. After months of bitter fighting, 100,000 surviving Germans, huddled in the ruined city, surrendered to Soviet troops.

During the battle and shortly after its conclusion, scores of Red Army commanders and soldiers, party officials and workers spoke with a team of historians who visited from Moscow to record their conversations. The tapestry of their voices provides groundbreaking insights into the thoughts and feelings of Soviet citizens during wartime.

Legendary sniper Vasily Zaytsev recounted the horrors he witnessed at Stalingrad: "You see young girls, children hanging from trees in the park.[ . . .] That has a tremendous impact." Nurse Vera Gurova attended hundreds of wounded soldiers in a makeshift hospital every day, but she couldn't forget one young amputee who begged her to avenge his suffering. "Every soldier and officer in Stalingrad was itching to kill as many Germans as possible," said Major Nikolai Aksyonov.

Marian Kechlibar
Zapomenuté příběhy

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 155
Size: 811 kB
Book genre: non-fiction
Language: Czech
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Added: 25.09.2022, 23:26

The Man Who Was Thursday
A Nightmare

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 154
Size: 397 kB
Book genre: fiction
Language: English
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Added: 16.11.2021, 18:44


A WILD, MAD, HILARIOUS AND PROFOUNDLY MOVING TALE. It is very difficult to classify "The Man Who Was Thursday." It is possible to say that it is a gripping adventure story of murderous criminals and brilliant policemen; but it was to be expected that the author of the Father Brown stories should tell a detective story like no-one else. On this level, therefore, "The Man Who Was Thursday" succeeds superbly; if nothing else, it is a magnificent tour-de-force of suspense-writing. However, the reader will soon discover that it is much more than that. Carried along on the boisterous rush of the narrative by Chesterton's wonderful high-spirited style, he will soon see that he is being carried into much deeper waters than he had planned on; and the totally unforeseeable denouement will prove for the modern reader, as it has for thousands of others since 1908 when the book was first published, an inevitable and moving experience, as the investigators finally discover who Sunday is.

Edwin Benson
Life in a Mediaeval City
Illustrated by York in the XVth Century

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 74
Size: 1,19 MB
Book genre: history
Language: English
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Added: 11.08.2021, 15:24


A look at life in the Middle Ages.

Toleration and Other Essays

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 198
Size: 343 kB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: English
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Added: 15.06.2021, 17:07


This collection of Voltaire's famous philosophical essays, most calling for social reform, include On Superstition and On the Interpretation of the New Testament.

The Economic Consequences of the Peace

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 173
Size: 215 kB
Book genre: economy
Language: English
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Added: 19.11.2020, 18:43


John Maynard Keynes, wrote and published The Economic Consequences of the Peace after he was attached to the British Treasury during the war, deputy for the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the Supreme Economic Council and the official representative at the Paris Peace Conference. Leaving this positions his objections to the Versailles Treaty are made clear through this book. The success of The Economic Consequences of the Peace make Keynes a leading economist as most of the British public agreed with his assessment that Germany was being treated unfairly by the treaty.


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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 24
Size: 400 kB
Book genre: biography
Language: English
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Added: 19.09.2020, 19:55


Or the history of a most beautiful, most virtuous, most learned, and every-way accomplished Lady, who was torn to pieces by the Clergy of Alexandries, to gratify the pride, emulation, and cruelty of their Archbishop, commonly but undeservedly styled, St.Cyril.

Outlines of a Critical Theory of Ethics

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 162
Size: 199 kB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: English
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Added: 18.10.2019, 13:20


Early exploration of Dewey's pragmatic approach to ethics. In this work, Dewey challenges traditional moral theories by emphasizing the importance of experience, context, and human development in ethical reasoning. He argues that ethical principles should not be seen as fixed rules but as flexible guidelines that evolve with societal progress and individual growth.

Jan Šťastný, Jan Lepař, Josef Sokol
Čítanka pro školy obecné, díl I

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 51
Size: 1,05 MB
Book genre: pedagogy
Language: Czech
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Added: 09.08.2019, 19:13

Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty
Graphics from an Unseen World

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 426
Size: 34,89 MB
Book genre: natural sciences
Language: English
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Added: 12.05.2019, 18:49


Combining fractal theory with computer art, this book introduces a creative use of computers. It describes graphic methods for detecting patterns in complicated data and illustrates simple techniques for visualizing chaotic behavior. "Beautiful." — Martin Gardner, Scientific American. Over 275 illustrations, 29 in color.

Francis Bacon
Valerius Terminus
Of the Interpretation of Nature

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Format: EPUB
Number of pages: 44
Size: 47 kB
Book genre: philosophy
Language: English
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Added: 12.05.2019, 18:26


Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban, (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626) was an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author. He served both as Attorney General and as Lord Chancellor of England. After his death, he remained extremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocate and practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution. Bacon has been called the father of empiricism. His works argued for the possibility of scientific knowledge based only upon inductive and careful observation of events in nature. Most importantly, he argued this could be achieved by use of a skeptical and methodical approach whereby scientists aim to avoid misleading themselves. While his own practical ideas about such a method, the Baconian method, did not have a long lasting influence, the general idea of the importance and possibility of a skeptical methodology makes Bacon the father of scientific method. This marked a new turn in the rhetorical and theoretical framework for science, the practical details of which are still central in debates about science and methodology today. Bacon was generally neglected at court by Queen Elizabeth, but after the accession of King James I in 1603, Bacon was knighted. He was later created Baron Verulam in 1618 and Viscount St. Alban in 1621. Because he had no heirs, both titles became extinct upon his death in 1626, at 65 years of age. Bacon died of pneumonia, with one account by John Aubrey stating that he had contracted the condition while studying the effects of freezing on the preservation of meat.

Josef Pekař
Kniha o Kosti II

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 277
Size: 16,88 MB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 17:03

Josef Pekař
Kniha o Kosti I

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 273
Size: 16,31 MB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 17:02

Josef Pekař
Světová válka
Stati o jejím vzniku i jejích osudech

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 255
Size: 13,73 MB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 17:00

Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
Budoucí Čechy

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Number of pages: 23
Size: 797 kB
Book genre: politology
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 16:57

Jaroslav Goll
Vznik anglického parlamentu

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 31
Size: 1,52 MB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 16:54

Emil Ulrych
S Francií za svobodu světa
Čeští dobrovolníci ve francouzské armádě (cizinecká legie) 1914-1918

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 148
Size: 5,65 MB
Book genre: non-fiction
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 16:52

František Dvorský
Albrecht z Valdštejna
Až na konec roku 1621

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 221
Size: 8,07 MB
Book genre: biography
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 16:51

Jiří Wolker
Host do domu

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 61
Size: 617 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 16:07

Kosmůw letopis český

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 169
Size: 1,09 MB
Book genre: history
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 16:06

Josef Václav Sládek

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 97
Size: 664 kB
Book genre: poetry
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 16:05

N. O. Eversole
S československými vojáky do Prahy
Denník majora

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 62
Size: 3,74 MB
Book genre: non-fiction
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 15:49

Emil Holub
Sedm let v jižní Africe
Velké dobrodružství - Zemí Makalů a Matabelů zpět k domovině

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 247
Size: 11,23 MB
Book genre: travel books
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 15:48

Emil Holub
Sedm let v jižní Africe
Velké dobrodružství - Od diamantových polí do říše marucké

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Format: PDF
Number of pages: 298
Size: 17,82 MB
Book genre: travel books
Language: Czech
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Added: 05.01.2019, 15:46

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