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Edge of Sanity  (SWE) 

WWW stránky 

       2006 - When All Is Said  (dosud nehodnoceno)
       2003 - Crimson II  (82%)
       1999 - Evolution  (dosud nehodnoceno)
       1997 - Cryptic  (dosud nehodnoceno)

Edge of Sanity was a Swedish death metal band whose work often delved into experimental, even progressive, territory. Edge of Sanity are regarded alongside Opeth as being the first to fuse extreme metal styles like death and black metal with progressive rock.

Edge of Sanity began as a death metal band with their debut release Nothing But Death Remains. Their second release Unorthodox, with tracks like "Enigma" and "When All Is Said", showed them branching out from some of the genre's conventions. The Spectral Sorrows, Until Eternity Ends, and Purgatory Afterglow continued the trend, so that by the release of 1996's Crimson they were a progressive metal band. Crimson was a 40-minute concept album consisting entirely of one track, concerning a post-apocalyptic future in which mankind had lost the ability to breed. After one more album, 1997's Infernal, guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Dan Swanö left the band, and his departure is generally associated with a decline in quality in the band's material. Swanö was replaced by Robert Karlsson, the vocalist of Pan.Thy.Monium (a side project in which Swanö was also involved), but after one more album, Cryptic, the band split up.

In 2003, Swanö revived the outfit as a one-man band (with several session musicians), and recorded a sequel to Crimson, Crimson II. Immediately after, he re-dissolved the project.


Last lineup:
Dan Swanö – vocals (1989–1997, 2003), piano (1992–1993, 1997), keyboards (1994–1996, 2003), guitar (1994–1997, 2003), bass (1997, 2003), drums (2003)

Previous members:
Andreas Axelsson − guitar (1989–1999), vocals (1997)
Sami Nerberg − guitar (1989–1999)
Anders Lindberg − bass (1989–1999)
Benny Larsson − drums (1989–1999)
Robert Karlsson − vocals (1997–1999)


Nothing But Death Remains (1991)
Unorthodox (1992)
The Spectral Sorrows (1993)
Purgatory Afterglow (1994)
Crimson (1996)
Infernal (1997)
Cryptic (1997)
Crimson II (2003)

Demos and EPs:
Euthanasia (demo) (1989)
Kur-Nu-Gi-A (demo) (1990)
The Dead (demo) (1990)
The Immortal Rehearsals (demo) (1990)
Dead but Dreaming (demo) (1992)
Darkday (promotional demo) (1993)
Lost (demo) (1993)
The Spectral Sorrows Demos (demo) (1993)
Until Eternity Ends (EP) (1994)
Infernal Demos (demo) (1996)

Evolution (1999)
When All Is Said (2006)

"Black Tears" (1994) from Purgatory Afterglow
"Uncontroll Me" (1997) from Cryptic
Live in Norkopping 1991


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90-100% GENIÁLNÍ!!!


70-79% DOBRÉ


40-49% SLABÉ

10-39% TRAPNÉ

0-9% HNŮJ!!!


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