Fotografie z roku 2007

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Genetic Reconstruction

Song evaluation: 85%
Song length: 4:52 min
Genre: death metal
Added: 12.02.2007, 17:48

Interpreter: Death
Album: Spiritual Healing
Album evaluation: 94%
Release Year: 1990

Extending a life with total resistance
To fatal disease, future methods of science

Replacing what is real by using technology
Population control, selecting those who will breed
A specific type of form chosen for the unborn
A mind without emotion
Progressive anatomy

Genetic reconstruction
Evolution in production

Producing a race of human machines
A new age of existence the world will see

Replacing what is real by using technology
Population control, selecting those who will breed
A specific type of form chosen for the unborn
A mind without emotion
Progressive anatomy

Genetic reconstruction
Evolution in production
