Fotografie z roku 2007

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Dead Smart

Song evaluation: 25%
Song length: 3:05 min
Genre: hardcore
Added: 03.12.2007, 15:22

Interpreter: Brutal Truth
Album: Sounds of the Animal Kingdom
Album evaluation: 28%
Release Year: 1997

you cut me down
behind my back
turn back the facts
reaching your conclusions
your theories lack the facts
and that's a fact

you think you have the answers
with not a shit to say
rip apart my every thought
before it's ever said
fuck off - fucking little trendy
brats bored of spending
mommy's cash

blinding lies,
making blieve it's real
thinking you're something...
yeah, you're dead smart

you think you have the answers
with not a shit to say
before you start to answer, i've
got one thing to say
fuck off - fucking little trendy
brats bored of spending
mommy's cash

turn back facts
delusions, what you say
conclusions, what you said
