Fotografie z roku 2007

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Street in time

Song evaluation: 62%
Song length: 3:35 min
Genre: psychedelic
Added: 12.02.2007, 16:01

Interpreter: Colorfactory
Album: Colorfactory
Album evaluation: 65%
Release Year: 1995

somewhere down a street in time
an old man lies there
drunk on wine
rising proudly to his feet
the old man falls in tragic heap

but he remembers being twenty-seven
lying in her bed was heaven
and now everything has a cost
and the memories of passion lost
made an old man weep in his sleep

nobody even knows
nobody even cares
nobody even sees
the old man dies alone

somewhere down a street in time
an old man lies there
drunk on wine
rising proudly to his feet
the old man falls in tragic heap

but he once led his men to war
helping stop the nazi roar
and it seeems like yesterday
that marty´s packers they ruled green bay
makes an old man weep in his sleep

nobody knows a thing
nobody even cares
nobody sees a thing
the old man dies alone

somewhere down a street in time
an old man lies there
and he dies
