Fotografie z roku 2007

Song Lyrics

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Song evaluation: 55%
Song length: 6:41 min
Genre: death metal
Added: 12.02.2007, 16:01

Interpreter: Bolt Thrower
Album: Honour - Valour - Pride
Album evaluation: 55%
Release Year: 2001

Epitomizing horror
Echoes it's bleakest past
With willimg replication
Let perspective last
Breaking deadlocks
World bleeding inside
Now the tide is turning
In ever present pride

Strategies executed
All now beyond defeat
Analysis, no rise to flaws
See failure as retreat

Rearguard advantage
Third battle forges close
Forceful and evasive
So proud, yet morose
Seeds of future discord
Suspicion, fear and hate
Never lying dormant
One by one negate

No last offensive
All resistance ceased
Forced down the final path
Forwards into peace
