Fotografie z roku 2007

Song Lyrics

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Sweet, Sweet Song

Song evaluation: 58%
Song length: 3:26 min
Genre: folk
Added: 26.11.2023, 03:53

Interpreter: Eivør
Album: Eivør
Album evaluation: 62%
Release Year: 2004

I wanted to write you a sweet sweet song
To tell you what was on my mind
I was trying to see the color of your eyes
But sparkling light made me blind

I was trying to write you a sweet sweet song
But no melody crossed my mind
When I saw your eyes in the deep blue night
The right words I could not find

I was trying to write you a sweet sweet song
But I could not find words to describe
The color of your eyes in the sprarkling light
The right words would not come to my mind

I was trying to write you a sweet sweet song
But no melody crossed my mind
When I saw your eyes in the deep blue night
The right words I could not find

Your sparkling light made me blind
So right words I could not find
