Fotografie z roku 2007

Song Lyrics

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Song evaluation: 68%
Song length: 10:45 min
Genre: folk
Added: 24.07.2020, 21:01

Interpreter: Heilung
Album: Ofnir
Album evaluation: 80%
Release Year: 2015

Feoh by? frofur fira gehwylcum;
Sceal ?eah manna gehwylc miclun hyt d?lan
Gif he wile for drihtne domes hleotan

Ur by? anmod ond oferhyrned
Felafrecne deor, feohte? mid hornum
M?re morstapa; ??t is modig wuht

?orn by? ?earle scearp; ?egna gehwylcum
Anfeng ys yfyl, ungemetum re?e
Manna gehwelcum, ?e him mid reste?

Os by? ordfruma ?lere spr?ce
Wisdomes wra?u ond witena frofur
And eorla gehwam eadnys ond tohiht

Rad by? on recyde rinca gehwylcum
Sefte ond swi?hw?t, ?am?e sitte? on ufan
Meare m?genheardum ofer milpa?as

Cen by? cwicera gehwam, cu? on fyre
Blac ond beorhtlic, byrne? oftust
??r hi ??elingas inne resta?

Gyfu gumena by? gleng and herenys
Wra?u and wyr?scype and wr?cna gehwam
Ar and ?twist, ?e by? o?ra leas

Wenne bruce?, ?e can weana lyt
Sares and sorge and him sylfa h?f?
Bl?d and blysse and eac byrga geniht

H?gl by? hwitust corna; hwyrft hit of heofones lyfte
Wealca? hit windes scura; weor?e? hit to w?tere sy??an

Nyd by? nearu on breostan; weor?e? hi ?eah oft ni?a bearnum
To helpe and to h?le gehw??re, gif hi his hlysta? ?ror

Is by? ofereald, ungemetum slidor
Glisna? gl?shluttur gimmum gelicust
Flor forste geworuht, f?ger ansyne

Ger by? gumena hiht, ?onne God l?te?
Halig heofones cyning, hrusan syllan
Beorhte bleda beornum ond ?earfum

Eoh by? utan unsme?e treow
Heard hrusan f?st, hyrde fyres
Wyrtrumun underwre?yd, wyn on e?le

Peor? by? symble plega and hlehter
Wlancum [on middum], ?ar wigan sitta?
On beorsele bli?e ?tsomne

Eolh-secg eard h?f? oftust on fenne
Wexe? on wature, wunda? grimme
Blode brene? beorna gehwylcne
?e him ?nigne onfeng gede?

Sigel semannum symble bi? on hihte
?onne hi hine feria? ofer fisces be?
O? hi brimhengest bringe? to lande

Tir bi? tacna sum, healde? trywa wel
Wi? ??elingas; a bi? on f?rylde
Ofer nihta genipu, n?fre swice?

Beorc by? bleda leas, bere? efne swa ?eah
Tanas butan tudder, bi? on telgum wlitig
Heah on helme hrysted f?gere
Geloden leafum, lyfte getenge

Eh by? for eorlum ??elinga wyn
Hors hofum wlanc, ??r him h?le? ymb[e]
Welege on wicgum wrixla? spr?ce
And bi? unstyllum ?fre frofur

Man by? on myrg?e his magan leof:
Sceal ?eah anra gehwylc o?rum swican
For?um drihten wyle dome sine
??t earme fl?sc eor?an bet?can

Lagu by? leodum langsum ge?uht
Gif hi sculun ne?an on nacan tealtum
And hi s?y?a swy?e brega?
And se brimhengest bridles ne gym[e?]

Ing w?s ?rest mid East-Denum
Gesewen secgun, o? he si??an est
Ofer w?g gewat; w?n ?fter ran;
?us Heardingas ?one h?le nemdun

E?el by? oferleof ?ghwylcum men
Gif he mot ??r rihtes and gerysena on
Brucan on bolde bleadum oftast

D?g by? drihtnes sond, deore mannum
M?re metodes leoht, myrg? and tohiht
Eadgum and earmum, eallum brice

Ac by? on eor?an elda bearnum
Fl?sces fodor, fere? gelome
Ofer ganotes b??; garsecg fanda?
Hw??er ac h?bbe ??ele treowe

?sc bi? oferheah, eldum dyre
Sti? on sta?ule, stede rihte hylt
?eah him feohtan on firas monige

Yr by? ??elinga and eorla gehw?s
Wyn and wyr?mynd, by? on wicge f?ger
F?stlic on f?relde, fyrdgeatewa sum

Iar by? eafix and ?eah a bruce?
Fodres on foldan, hafa? f?gerne eard
W?tre beworpen, ??r he wynnum leofa?

Ear by? egle eorla gehwylcun
?onn[e] f?stlice fl?sc onginne?
Hraw colian, hrusan ceosan
Blac to gebeddan; bleda gedreosa?
Wynna gewita?, wera geswica?
