Fotografie z roku 2007

Song Lyrics

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Song evaluation: 57%
Song length: 4:50 min
Genre: metal
Added: 12.02.2007, 17:48

Interpreter: Fear Factory
Album: Transgression
Album evaluation: 80%
Release Year: 2005

One nation, One nation of gods
Divided by faith.
A nation is divided by faith

Witness, Deliberate, War, Of attrition
Witness, Deliberate, War, Of attrition

Judge me not, judge me less you be judged
Eyes are blind, blinded by violation.

I hate your contention
I hate your violation
I hate your corruption
I hate your life destruction

I am your ENEMY!

Witness, Deliberate, War, Of attrition
Kill my mind, my mind is the weapon
Words are banned, these words meant to enlighten

I hate your contention
I hate your violation
I hate your corruption
I hate your life Destruction

I am your, ENEMY!
I will resist, ENDLESSLY!
