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THERION - Beloved Antichrist

Album evaluation: 45%
Release Year: 2018
Genre: symphony metal
Total Time: 182:50

01. Turn From Heaven   (not evaluated yet,  3:07 min,  Lyrics not available)
02. Where Will You Go?   (not evaluated yet,  2:15 min,  Lyrics not available)
03. Through Dust, Through Rain   (not evaluated yet,  5:01 min,  Lyrics not available)
04. Signs Are Here   (not evaluated yet,  4:21 min,  Lyrics not available)
05. Never Again   (not evaluated yet,  2:20 min,  Lyrics not available)
06. Bring Her Home   (not evaluated yet,  3:59 min,  Lyrics not available)
07. The Solid Black Beyond   (not evaluated yet,  3:47 min,  Lyrics not available)
08. The Crowning of Splendour   (not evaluated yet,  3:34 min,  Lyrics not available)
09. Morning Has Broken   (not evaluated yet,  6:39 min,  Lyrics not available)
10. Garden of Peace   (not evaluated yet,  3:25 min,  Lyrics not available)
11. Our Destiny   (not evaluated yet,  2:41 min,  Lyrics not available)
12. Anthem   (not evaluated yet,  4:18 min,  Lyrics not available)
13. The Palace Ball   (not evaluated yet,  5:20 min,  Lyrics not available)
14. Jewels From Afar   (not evaluated yet,  4:22 min,  Lyrics not available)
15. Hail Caesar!   (not evaluated yet,  5:10 min,  Lyrics not available)
16. What Is Wrong?   (not evaluated yet,  2:07 min,  Lyrics not available)
17. Nothing But My Name   (not evaluated yet,  3:02 min,  Lyrics not available)
18. The Arrival of Apollonius   (not evaluated yet,  5:07 min,  Lyrics not available)
19. Pledging Loyalty   (not evaluated yet,  2:56 min,  Lyrics not available)
20. Night Reborn   (not evaluated yet,  3:57 min,  Lyrics)
21. Dagger of God   (not evaluated yet,  3:32 min,  Lyrics not available)
22. Temple of New Jerusalem   (not evaluated yet,  4:23 min,  Lyrics)
23. The Lions Roar   (not evaluated yet,  3:43 min,  Lyrics not available)
24. Bringing the Gospel   (not evaluated yet,  4:44 min,  Lyrics not available)
25. Laudate Dominum   (not evaluated yet,  5:00 min,  Lyrics not available)
26. Remaining Silent   (not evaluated yet,  2:56 min,  Lyrics not available)
27. Behold Antichrist   (not evaluated yet,  4:40 min,  Lyrics not available)
28. Cursed By the Fallen   (not evaluated yet,  2:00 min,  Lyrics not available)
29. Resurrection   (not evaluated yet,  3:41 min,  Lyrics not available)
30. To Where I Weep   (not evaluated yet,  5:57 min,  Lyrics not available)
31. Astral Sophia   (not evaluated yet,  5:42 min,  Lyrics not available)
32. Thy Will Be Done!   (not evaluated yet,  4:37 min,  Lyrics not available)
33. Shoot Them Down!   (not evaluated yet,  3:49 min,  Lyrics not available)
34. Beneath the Starry Skies   (not evaluated yet,  4:26 min,  Lyrics not available)
35. Forgive Me   (not evaluated yet,  9:41 min,  Lyrics not available)
36. The Wasteland of My Heart   (not evaluated yet,  3:24 min,  Lyrics not available)
37. Burning The Palace   (not evaluated yet,  8:22 min,  Lyrics not available)
38. Prelude to War   (not evaluated yet,  0:38 min,  Lyrics not available)
39. Day of Wrath   (not evaluated yet,  4:13 min,  Lyrics not available)
40. Rise to War   (not evaluated yet,  3:47 min,  Lyrics not available)
41. Time Has Come / Final Battle   (not evaluated yet,  2:56 min,  Lyrics not available)
42. My Voyage Carries On   (not evaluated yet,  3:52 min,  Lyrics not available)
43. Striking Darkness   (not evaluated yet,  2:04 min,  Lyrics not available)
44. Seeds of Time   (not evaluated yet,  1:38 min,  Lyrics not available)
45. To Shine Forever   (not evaluated yet,  2:06 min,  Lyrics not available)
46. Theme of Antichrist   (not evaluated yet,  3:31 min,  Lyrics not available)



90-100% ASTONISHING!!!


70-79% GOOD


40-49% WEAK


0-9% RUBBISH!!!