Fotografie z roku 2007

Song Lyrics

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Song evaluation: 91%
Song length: 10:16 min
Genre: world music
Added: 18.06.2021, 17:38

Interpreter: Wardruna
Album: Kvitravn
Album evaluation: 87%
Release Year: 2021

Vendum vendum
Or vordehaugen,
drog eg ordi
Leita songar
upp or jordi
Dreiv p? vindar,
vakre viser
baud meg vitje,
baud meg sj?,
min eigen tr?d,
i Nornesp?
Rend er veven
med ?rlogstr?dar
Ramme rim,
magnar banda
hapt i hugar
Liv og lagnad,
ordi avlar
S?g du din fyrste dag
Drog fyrste andedrag
Der omkring stod nornar ni
Vinda vevja, vind til liv
L?g du der i favn ?t mor
Knytta i ei navlesnor
Bytte den med ?ttarband
Liv og lagnad, i det spann
M?yer steig p? ?ttarhaug
Dansa yver alv og draug
Vinden leiker, i m?yer dreg
Vinden som vil fylgje deg
Nornar nie – steig fram
vov og bandt – lagnad
For min unge, eg g?ver baud
S? ingen vov med ilske; naud
Ved stokk ved stein ved trolletein
Spinn dei lagnad, utan mein
Nornar nie, h?yr meg!
vord min veg, f?r med
lindrande hender,
i l?kjande fotspor
Andar inn,
tankar svinn
Andar ut,
reidsle rinn
Kvart eit drag,
viljen veks
Hjarte sler
Vidt eg ser
Vind i h?tt
Vind i hugen
I mitt mot
I min vilje
Slepp det fri
Lar det fara
Eg vert heil
Eg er heil
Kom vind i hátt
Kom vind i hug
Vilje som veks
I temjande vers
Kveikjer ein storm
Den kveler sott og sorg
Du vert heil
Du er heil
Eg vert heil
Eg er heil
No hev Nornar
vevd si vise
Songen stillnar
vinden med
G?ver gjevne
til den som lytta
Her eg stende
i heilagt vé
Gamalt minne
lemnar meg

Song of the Spirit-weavers
Turn turn
From the mound of my kin,
I pulled up the words
Dug the songs
up from the earth
Wondrous tunes
rode the winds
Wardens of fate
bid me visit,
bid me view,
my own thread,
in the web of Norns
The loom is set
with threats of fate
Mighty rhymes,
strengthen bonds
bound into spirits
Life and fortune
bred by their words
As you saw your first day
As you drew your first breath
Gathered around, stood nine Norns
They wound and weaved wind to life
There you laid in your mother’s arms,
bonded by a navel-chord
They switched it with a kind-thread
And into it spun, life and fortune
The maidens went upon the family-mound
Danced over elves and dead
The wind is pulling them playfully
It‘s this wind that shall follow you
Nine Norns – rise up
wove and wound – fate
On behalf of my child, I offer gifts
So none are weaving with ill will
By stick, stone and sorcerous distaff
They spin your fate without ill intent
Nine Norns – hear me
guard my path
and lead with alleviating hands
and in healing footsteps
Breathe in,
thoughts vanish
Breathe out,
release the fear
In every breath,
the will grows
The heart pounds
I see wide and clear
Wind in memory
Wind in mind
In my courage
In my will
Let it free
Let it fly
I become whole/healed
I am whole/healed
Come wind in memory
Come wind in mind
Into the growing will
Into taming rhymes
It kindles a storm,
that strangles illness and sorrow
You become whole/healed
You are whole/healed
I become whole/healed
I am whole/healed
Now, the Norns
have weft their tune
Their song stills,
and with it, the wind
Gifts were given
to those who listened
Here I stand
on holy grounds
and this old memory
is leaving me
